opportunities are around youBy Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500

People hear about opportunities, but many people need to train the mind to be aware of them. Additionally, many people feel that there is a limited amount of abundance, wealth, or chances to succeed in life. Further more, there is a solid belief that, if one person succeeds, another must fail. This limits one’s perception of opportunities that could be right in front of us.

This might sometimes be true in a small company or school, where opportunity is limited, by management. However, the world is a big place and there are opportunities created from ideas, that help people, and no one gets hurt in the process.

Below are two examples of success that have not taken anything away from anyone.

Danny Thomas: With his promise, prayers, and vision, for St. Jude’s Hospital, he received the help of friends in the Arab-American community, to build a fantastic charity. Some of us also believe he received divine help – I know, I do.

There is much more to this story, but what did this hospital or charity take away from anyone. Are the children who recover from cancer living proof that this idea and prosperity is for the pure benefit of mankind? There is no one who is hurt by this and Marlo Thomas has picked up where her father left off.

Yoga teachers: Many unfulfilled members of the work force have left their jobs to teach the benefits of Yoga to the masses. They teach their students to enjoy life, deal with stress, breathe properly, improve their posture, become aware of their bodies, and many more benefits.

Most Yoga teachers believe, that all of the great Yoga jobs are in health clubs, ashrams, and Yoga studios. Not so, in my book “How to Grow Your Own Successful Yoga Business,” I mention 16 ways to start up with little or no overhead.

Within the first chapter, there are Yoga teaching opportunities that currently exist with little or no competition. Yoga teachers who have taken this advice have become successful and prosperous.

Do these jobs take food away from anyone? When someone starts a business do they take food away from another competitor? If you believe your competition is your problem, it will be. This is limited thinking and you have to learn to think “outside the box,” to be successful in life.

This is why you need to take a mandatory vacation and get fresh ideas. This is why you should take a notebook with you. I still prefer the “old fashioned,” spiral bound notebook, with a pen in hand.

Getting back to your competitors: Don’t waste time on bad thoughts. You can easily co-exist in harmony with them, become friends, and learn from them. There is enough opportunity for everyone. This should be your mantra: Observe your competition, learn from their mistakes, and when possible, copy their success.

Everyone has a niche, make sure you cultivate yours, and develop your own identity, in life. Always remember, the sky is the limit and you are only restrained, by your own thoughts. Some of us just need to take a fresh approach to something that looked like an obstacle.


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