Yoga OutsideBy Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500

Some situations are ironic. Yoga teachers often help their students with stress management techniques. Can you imagine a Yoga teacher intern stressed out over his or her exams? It happens more frequently than you think, but here is a way to finish your studies, without stress, and become a Yoga teacher, within a reasonable time frame.

Mark Twain said: “If you eat a frog, first thing in the morning, the rest of your day will be wonderful.” What in the world was he referring to? In a nutshell, he is referring to procrastination. Do the tasks you avoid the most, first. When you study, know what you want to avoid and do it now.

A Yoga teacher must be a self-starter. Every Yoga teaching position requires an independent-minded person, who can take hold of responsibility. Otherwise, we can work for a supervisor, who is responsible and makes decisions for us. It takes discipline, and practice, but you can complete your assignments by scheduling them.

As a result of creating good study habits, you might even have some “spare time.” If you do, complete your work early; you can always double check your assignments and improve your grades. You could also partner with another intern. This allows you to challenge each other, and reach peak performance, as a result.

Always take notes: Whether you are attending an intensive, or watching a DVD, the act of writing notes is good for memory retention. This method helps preserve concepts for your long term memory.

When you are at your limit with studying your books, working off the PC, or reviewing lectures and techniques, stop and practice asana, pranayama, or go for a walk. This is a great way to give your mind a break, and you still will be able to review techniques in a relaxed manner.

If you decide to go for a walk, you could practice walking meditation. In fact, while you are taking that break, you could make a point of practicing positive visualization. For example: Picture yourself as a Yoga teacher, after you have successfully completed all of your exams.

This may seem obvious, but make sure your diet is clean while you are studying. The Sattvic diet is full of whole and natural foods, which may contain slow burning sugars, but will not cause you to be distracted by a “sugar high.”

Finally, the company you keep can make or break you. It is impossible to study in the presence of friends who are stressed out, or people who have no objectives. If you have friends, or associates, who fit this description, schedule them in, but do not let them take you away from your studies.

Your objective is to complete your Yoga teacher training course. If you know someone who has spent a lifetime without goals, you might be able to help them, but you would be wise to finish your assignments first.

© Copyright 2008 – Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

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