Monthly Archives: April 2011

What Makes the Best Yoga Teachers Exceptional?

This teacher may be able to demonstrate difficult asanas easily and correctly, which is most likely gratifying to the teacher's ego, but the asanas may be completely unapproachable for the students in the class. A much better way to teach a Yoga class is to tailor the asana sequences and other Yogic techniques to the students' physical, mental, or emotional needs and abilities. This is one of many keys to becoming an exceptional teacher.

Best Yoga Pranayama Techniques for Stress

During a Yoga teacher training intensive many pranayama techniques are addressed, but many teachers only teach what they like. One point to consider is our Yoga students need to understand the therapeutic applications of each pranayama technique.

Expectations of a 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification Course

There are two sets of expectations for a 500-hour Yoga teacher training course. There are the expectations of the teachers who are guiding interns enrolled in the course. There are also a set of expectations on the part of the student, who is choosing a particular instructor training course. Of course, a student must choose a training program wisely and make sure the curriculum and goals of the teacher training course matches his or her professional and personal aspirations.

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