emotional benefits of yoga teacher trainingBy Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500

Are there any emotional benefits from a vigorous asana practice. Power Yoga is known for its physical benefits, which include increased flexibility, more stamina, and stronger muscles. Since this style is designed to provide the practitioner with a dynamic workout, there is less emphasis on aspects, such as: Meditation, mantra, mudras, and chanting, during a typical practice session. Due to the emphasis on physical conditioning, the emotional benefits provided by this form of Yoga are often overlooked. Practitioners of dynamic physical types of Yoga, can benefit emotionally from this practice, because they are able to release stress and tension from their lives.  Additionally, practitioners learn to focus their minds and think with more clarity.

The powerful physical workout that this practice provides is a combination of a series of asanas and breathing exercises (pranayama). It also includes meditation, usually in the form of five minutes at the end of the session. This combination is perfect to help the practitioner relax the mind as the body stretches and strengthens. As the practitioner relaxes, he or she releases the tension and stress during and after a session.

Anxiety and stress are created by every day events, which creates excess energy in the body.  Dynamic styles of Yoga release energy and tension within the body and mind.  A calm mind is the end  result of a Power Yoga session.  In turn, this helps the practitioner live life with a state of clarity that is not always easy to obtain. Clarity of mind leads to better decisions, overall health, and emotional stability.

Power Yoga also helps improve mental awareness. The successful practice of dynamic Yoga depends on the practitioner’s ability to focus as each posture flows and fluidly moves into the next one. The practitioner learns to let go of any other concerns and focuses solely on the moment. This benefit then extends into other aspects of one’s life, allowing the practitioner to become more aware of life’s details and to concentrate on any activity within the moment. As with other types of Yogic methodology, the practitioner learns to be present for practice, which helps him or her to enjoy daily life.

Another goal of Power Yoga is balance. When the practitioner moves into a pose, he or she must be able to hold each pose in optimum balance. This search for balance also affects the mind. A calm mind is an emotionally balanced mind, which allows a person to deal with stressful and emotional situations, without losing control.

Practicing physical forms of Yoga exercise results in both a strong, flexible, and balanced body, while it opens the gateway to a balanced mind, which also gives us emotional benefits.

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