about yoga teacher trainingBy Gopi Rao

Yoga teacher training is open to anyone interested in the practices and principles of yoga. While experience certainly helps, it is not necessary, as the training starts with building foundation skills. Beyond a reasonable level of fitness, prior knowledge and experience is not necessary.

Be Inspired to Aspire

The most important qualification for a student is proper attitude — specifically a passion for enhancing and deepening the spiritual journey by practicing a healthy lifestyle. This attitude should reflect a deep respect for a tradition that arose centuries ago to refine mind, body, and spirit. Someone who enrolls in a yoga-teaching course should be inspired to aspire for deeper spiritual understanding about the nature of life.

Short Courses, Long Results

On average, a course will last from one month to three months. During this time, a trainee will step into the life of yoga, often led by instructors who have had a passion for yoga since their childhood years.

Expect Transformation

When somebody signs up for teacher training, they are, in fact, signing up for a revolutionary change in their lives on many levels. During the training, they will change on the physical level, improving health and fitness by stretching, toning, and strengthening their bodies. This physical transformation will affect their mental, emotional, and spiritual development. Through meditation, practice, and acquiring new knowledge, they will experience a shift in their moral, ethical, and existential view of the world. In fact, the change can be so profound that it even affects them on the karmic level.

Beyond Career Goals

While those who are pursuing teacher training will learn practical skills like teaching methodology and how to set up a studio, they will learn much more than making a living from doing deeply meaningful work. They can also expect the following changes:

• A transformation of their lives as their entire worldview shifts from regular habits and routines to incorporating ideas practiced by people who have studied the human condition for hundreds of years.

• A shift in their mood levels, cultivating an optimistic attitude and a positive approach to life.

• Enhanced understanding of yoga philosophy and practice.

• The ability to help others learn how to transform their own lives.

• The adoption of healthy habits, which will lead to a much more fulfilling lifestyle.


Someone who has experienced a yoga teacher training will exhibit a noticeable level of change. This is not only because of a change in anatomy and alignment that results in improved wellness, but also because of an understanding of yoga history and philosophy. Ultimately, learning yoga at a deep level is a spiritual quest. It changes a person from the inside out. It deepens their being in the world. It brings more of their latent potentiality to the surface. While becoming a yoga teacher will require effort, discipline, and focus, there is nothing else as rewarding for someone who seeks profound self-improvement. What’s more, they learn the ideas and skills necessary to empower others in their community.

© Copyright 2014 – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

See our testimonials to find out what our graduates have to say about teaching therapeutic yoga sessions and our selection of online yoga teacher training intensive courses.

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