I am a Raja Yoga Teacher, but I get many fitness Yoga students in my classes. How can I explain the concept of union to my students?

Since you understand Raja Yoga of Maharishi Patanjali, there is an easy way to explain union to students of fitness Yoga. The Eight Limbs of Yoga are eight steps, or progressive disciplines, which purify the mind, body, and spirit, to ultimately allow the Yogi to attain union. Most of the limbs are not physical, but [...]

2017-04-26T15:30:52-04:00Categories: YOGA TEACHER FAQs|Comments Off on I am a Raja Yoga Teacher, but I get many fitness Yoga students in my classes. How can I explain the concept of union to my students?

I want to teach Hot and/or Power Yoga, will this course help me?

Yes, this Hatha Yoga teacher certification course will help you learn more about Hot Yoga or Power Yoga since these Yoga styles are branches of the “Hatha Yoga tree.” However this course was not specifically designed for those particular Yoga styles. Graduates of this Yoga teacher training program are able to teach Yoga to the [...]

2015-09-15T15:31:57-04:00Categories: YOGA TEACHER FAQs|Comments Off on I want to teach Hot and/or Power Yoga, will this course help me?

This Yoga certification course has a lot of material, is there an easy way to concentrate on each stage?

Yes, each section of your Yoga instructor training course has a different emphasis. Included with every Camp-in-a-Box is a set of step-by-step instructions to help you concentrate on your teacher training, without being diverted by all the “toys” in the kit.

2010-06-17T08:04:24-04:00Categories: Yoga Courses FAQs, YOGA TEACHER FAQs|Tags: |Comments Off on This Yoga certification course has a lot of material, is there an easy way to concentrate on each stage?

Why do I have to send a video or DVD for my practical exam? Couldn’t I just send a few photos or do an extra essay instead?

The practical exam (Video / DVD) portion or, taken in person, is an integral part of the Yoga certification process. In order to evaluate you, we must be able to see how you would teach a typical Yoga class. We are looking for the following teaching skills:

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