Teaching Yoga Asanas to Beginners

No matter how many years you teach, or how many yoga teacher certifications you have, beginners will have fresh viewpoints about this practice he value so deeply. Listen to them patiently and you will learn more about yourself as you master patience from within.

Teaching Yoga Asana Modification

Sometimes, a Yoga instructor is like the conductor of an orchestra. The many minds of our students are multi-tasking, but we want to bring them into the moment and into their practice. As you may have learned during yoga teacher training: Good minds do not always think alike.

Teaching Yoga: Assisting Asanas

Teaching a Yoga class is a unique experience, and every class is different. The range of students, along with their comfort and ability levels will obviously vary. As Yoga teachers, we learn to make Yogic methodology an accessible activity for people, no matter what his or her fitness levels are.

A Mudra for States of Happiness

Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 (Director of Yoga Teacher Training at Aura Wellness Center, guides you through a Mudra for Happiness. Demonstration given by Yong Yang. Yoga Techniques to Enhance States of Happiness  There are myriad yoga techniques to enhance states of happiness. Some of these techniques range from the physical postures to breathing exercises, [...]

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