What is the difference between and CYT and RYT? Do you offer both or just the CYT?

CYT is a Certified Yoga Teacher RYT is a Registered Yoga Teacher

The first step in teaching Yoga would be to become a Certified Yoga Teacher. Think of this step as earning your Bachelor’s Degree.

Optional steps, after becoming a CYT, are to become a Registered Yoga Teacher or to go for level 2 certification. This is a more enhanced aspect of being a CYT. Think of this achievement as earning your Master’s Degree.

AURA has onsite classes, and also offers “The Original Camp- in-a-Box”, which is a Yoga Teacher Training Correspondence Course, for those individuals who aspire to become a Certified Yoga Teacher.

With respect to becoming an RYT: Yoga Teacher Training schools certify, but don’t register Yoga teachers. Yoga Teacher Registration is done by a third party registrar like the Yoga Alliance.

You can also be registered through the Yoga Alliance, if you have the contact hours to meet their requirements. For their 200-hour RYT credential you will need at least 180 contact hour plus an additional 20 hours of onsite Yoga training or independent study.

For the latest information about Yoga Alliance Standards please visit:
