teaching hatha yoga

Teaching Hatha Yoga – Balance Ajna Chakra and Intuition

If one is able to balance the Ajna chakra, this will promote intuition, awareness, and self-mastery. The Ajna chakra (third eye) is the sixth main chakra within the seven chakra system. One way to activate this chakra is to practice Udgeeth pranayama.

Teaching Hatha Yoga – Belief in the Therapeutic Application of Yoga

With regard to Yoga - The therapeutic application of Yogic techniques is holistic. For example: Bhakti (devotion) has a medicinal benefit for one’s mental, emotional, and spiritual states of well being, even though it can be classified as a non-physical form of Yoga. How is this possible?

Teaching Yoga and Using Notes

Dr. Paul Jerard E-RYT 500 (Director of Yoga Teacher Training at Aura Wellness Center) Speaks to you in this short lecture about the disadvantages of using notes while teaching your Yoga class.

Teaching Hatha Yoga – The Value of Asana

What is the purpose or value of asana? Many Yoga teachers do not read or understand the writings of Maharishi Patanjali. This leads to the erroneous assumption that asana is just a physical exercise to improve circulation, increase bone density, and develop good muscle tone.

Teaching Hatha Yoga – Set an Intention for Your Lesson Plan

Where do we start, when considering how our lesson plans should be created and the evolution of a student’s practice? If we have a Guru, we may spend time with him or her. We may also consider an online Yoga teacher training course or an onsite intensive.

Teaching Hatha Yoga – Two Asanas for Stress Relief and Mobility

Your students have not been to 1001 Yoga teacher training and certification courses. Try to remember your first taste of your favorite food. It was new and very pleasant at the time. This is how beautiful we should make every Yoga class we teach.

Teaching Hatha Yoga – Implementing Change

Imagine the following scenario. You have spent weeks, or months, studying another online Yoga teacher training course or attending a teacher intensive. Each day you intensely learned new methods for improving your classes. Now, you want to implement the knowledge you absorbed.

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