yoga class

The Yogi’s Journey

I have experienced in the 11 years that yoga has been a part of my life Yoga as Unity and also a pathway to Unity Consciousness. It has been a personal journey, one of many discoveries and profound insights; the mat has brought me to Spirit. In a world filled with negativity, stress, environmental toxins, and other energy sapping temptations, Yoga brings a lifestyle and practice that reconnects mind, body and Spirit.

Torah Yoga

The Torah (loosely translated as the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) contains an entire detailed guidebook for life. In her book “Torah Yoga Experiencing Jewish Wisdom Through Classic Postures”, Diane Bloomfield has created a unique book, which is “both a Torah book and a yoga book, presenting classic yoga instruction in the light of traditional and mystical Jewish wisdom.”

Teaching Yoga and Using Notes

Dr. Paul Jerard E-RYT 500 (Director of Yoga Teacher Training at Aura Wellness Center) Speaks to you in this short lecture about the disadvantages of using notes while teaching your Yoga class.

Teaching Hatha Yoga – Set an Intention for Your Lesson Plan

Where do we start, when considering how our lesson plans should be created and the evolution of a student’s practice? If we have a Guru, we may spend time with him or her. We may also consider an online Yoga teacher training course or an onsite intensive.

Teaching Yoga – Helping Others Cope with Stress

For many of us, this attitude adjustment may require years of training or specialized training at a Yogic stress management class. One method is to teach each student special coping skills for situations that occur during a typical day. Once students have learned to master pranayama, asana, meditation, and relaxation techniques, they can try to simulate stressful situations and apply what they have learned.

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