yoga class

The Direction of Yoga Teacher Training in the 21st Century – Part 2

When teachers are researching for studies about health benefits, there are so many Yoga sites that still preach "no pain - no gain" messages. How can Yoga teachers differentiate between popular and safe methods?

Teaching Students about Yoga Relaxation

Experienced Yoga students have great difficulty learning to train the mind through meditation, if they have not learned to relax their minds. There are many forms of relaxation in Yoga classes. At the Aura Yoga teacher training, interns learn stage-by-stage, body scanning, and visualization.

Teaching Hatha Yoga with a Lesson Plan in Mind

Do you always design a lesson plan before teaching Yoga classes, or do you mentally group segments, of your next class, before teaching them? Regardless of which method you choose, it seems that every Yoga teacher wishes that he or she could have inserted five more techniques in the class.

The Importance of Assisting in Hatha Yoga

Do your students practice asanas? If you are a hatha yoga teacher who sits on your mat in every class, your students are missing a fundamental part of the learning process. Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 explains how important it is to observe, assist, and adjust yoga students during classes.

Two Questions Yoga Teachers Do Not Want to Answer

Like everyone else, Yoga teachers get to hear plenty of questions, but some questions come up often enough to develop a standard response. Some teachers do not want to answer them at all. In this case, read on, and you can develop your own canned response.

Can I Become a Certified Yoga Teacher – if I was a Competitive Ice Skater?

Yes, being a Yoga teacher and a coach of ice skating would be a nice compliment toward the benefit of the young skaters you train, and...

Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Vocal Problem Student

The completely silent student does benefit from silence, and newfound awareness, during Yoga practice. Yet, questions allow more than...

Teaching Yoga as a Profession – Consultants and Mentors

Yoga became something that teachers could devote their whole day to. As a result, some part-time Yoga teachers became full-time teachers.

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