Three Yoga Tips for Self Motivation

By Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500

Three Yoga Tips for Self MotivationIn Yoga, we often talk about making changes from within. These small changes affect the world around us. To make a change from within is a difficult task. No matter how much you change, it might seem as if the world around you lacks motivation.

The truth is – Yoga is not for everyone because it requires commitment. These days, making a commitment, in any phase of life, is a rarity. Yet, everyone you know has dreams of achievement at something. Even a low achiever dreams about something better. Let’s look at three ways to raise your motivation with Yoga.

1. Surround yourself with self-motivated people. The most obvious place, to find motivated people, is in groups. If you visit a Yoga class, health club, or support group, you will find people who strongly desire to make a positive change. There is no guess work here.

On the other hand, pessimists can easily be found. It is easy to spot them. They will tell you, the weather is always bad and nothing ever works right. Whenever it is possible, find your way back to a group of optimists. This will change your attitude and life dramatically.

2. Permanently adjust your perspective. Look at the happy side of everything. Stop looking at life with a cynical viewpoint. Enjoy your life by living a Yogic lifestyle. Proper eating, breathing, exercising, praying, and sleeping, can be altered much like a prescription.

After awhile, you may feel like you need a vacation from living a healthy life. You do not have to give up everything you enjoy. For example: If you enjoy chocolate ice cream, you can still enjoy it in moderation. “Sauca” is sometimes referred to as cleanliness and moderation in diet. One of the keys to a happy life is in walking the middle path of moderation in our deeds, thoughts, and words.

3. Set realistic goals. Anyone, who thinks goals are bad, needs some professional guidance. Humankind would have achieved nothing without goals. Without goals, we would still be drawing on cave walls. Then again, our species might have become extinct because primal humans had to have goals to survive.

With that said, do you remember your first Yoga class? There had to be a number of techniques you considered to be almost impossible. Yet, you found the fortitude to move forward. This same principle applies to Yoga, in every form, and to life itself – do your personal best and keep trying.

© Copyright 2008 – Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Yoga Kriya-Jalaneti

By Dr Rita Khanna

There are six scientific Yoga Shuddhikriyas called Shat Karma Kriyas. These Kriyas are cleansing processes, which help us to purify the body and mind. One of the important ones of the six shuddhikriyas is known as Jalaneti Kriya

What Is Jalaneti

Yoga Kriya-JalanetiJalaneti is a simple, yet very powerful Yogic cleansing technique of the nasal passages. The aim of the process is to purify the breathing path right from the nostrils to the throat. It removes excess mucus and pollutants from the nasal passages and sinuses allowing air to flow without obstruction. It relieves allergies, colds, and sinusitis. Jalaneti can prevent and treat other disorders of the ears, eyes and throat, as well as respiratory tract diseases such as asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis. The practice rinses and therefore opens up the nasal passages, which can help relieve mouth breathing. In addition to this, Jalneti helps reduce muscular tension in the face, resulting a fresh and youthful appearance. It treats and alleviates anxiety, anger, depression, headaches & migraine. It also improves eyesight & arrests premature greying. Neti is excellent for those trying to give up smoking. It is extremely helpful in pregnancy & for singers. In addition, It balances the flow of the breath & very good for nervous system. It takes only a short time to master the technique and then it takes only a few minutes to perform the practice.

Why Neti

The nasal passages play a very important part in purification and cleansing the air as it enters the body through the nostrils. When we inhale, we also inhale dust particles and germs. To prevent these toxins from entering the lungs, nature has designed a filtering system. Firstly, the tough hair in the nostrils helps in filtering the gross dust particles & prevents them from entering into the lungs. Secondly, the mucous membranes are ciliated & the tiny hair called cilia removes particles & germs from the air as it passes. The dirty mucus is normally blown out, snorted and coughed out or swallowed but sometimes due to a gradual build up of dirt they can become clogged and require cleansing.

Neti removes any build up of particles and germs that isn’t blown out or swallowed, leaving the nasal cavities clean and free of foreign objects. Due to gravity and the vacuum pressure created by the flow of water, the sinus passages are also drained relieving running sinuses and sinus pressure. Neti activates all the mucus membranes in the body including the stomach and the eyes. Cleansing with salt water keeps the mucus moist, the cilia hair is stimulated and encrustations, dust and allergy-provoking substances are removed. Regular practice of Jalaneti helps to establish the correct working environment of temperature and humidity in the nose.

How To Do It


A special neti pot (which has a spout), a pot of luke warm water, a teaspoon of salt.


Yoga Kriya-JalanetiDissolve some salt in lukewarm water, fill the pot with this water and filter it. Now clean both left and right nostrils so that water can enter therein. Sit in squatting position or stand erect with legs apart, with the body weight evenly distributed between the feet, and bend forward. Now insert the spout gently into one of the nostrils. Slowly tilt the head to the other side so that water runs into one nostril and comes out through the other. Let the mouth be open. Allow the water to flow freely through the other nostril continuously. Remove any mucus from the nose by blowing gently. Repeat the process with the other nostril. (The water simply flows up one nostril to just above the bridge of the nose where the usual air flows meet, backwards into the middle cavity and then the water flows down and out the other side of the nose. In this route, it passes by the frontal and mid nasal sinuses).

Important Points

  • To do neti, first check the Swar (the sound of breath) of the nostrils and find out which side of the nostril is flowing more smoothly. Start from that side. Otherwise do deep breathing exercise a few times.
  • While the water is running in the nostril, let the mouth be open and breathe through mouth very gently.
  • During the practice, do not inhale through the nose or else the salt water will go inside the mouth.
  • Initially, when water enters the nose, there could be an itching or irritating sensation causing sneezing. However, with repeated practice these symptoms will cease.
  • The nose should be dried properly after Jalaneti. Any water left may cause cold and sneezing. Drying of nose can be done by bending in all directions and exhaling forcefully.
  • Jalaneti is practiced in the morning before asanas and pranayama. However, if necessary, it may be performed at any time except just after meals.
  • Jalaneti Kriya can be done everyday like brushing your teeth and one can get wonderful benefits by sparing just few minutes.


In chronic nosebleeds, severe cold or earache.


Neti Kriya must be learnt and practiced under an experienced instructor.

In Case Of Neti Pots Or Any Query, Contact:

Dr Rita Khanna
Mobile: 09849772485 Ph:-040-65173344

Dr. Rita Khanna

Dr. Rita Khanna is a well-known name in the field of Yoga and Naturopathy. She was initiated into his discipline over two decades ago by world famous Swami Adyatmananda of Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh.

She believes firmly that Yoga is a scientific process, which helps us to lead a healthy and disease-free life. She is also actively involved in practicing alternative medicines like Naturopathy. Over the years, she has been successfully practicing these therapies and providing succour to several chronic and terminally ill patients.

At present, Dr. Rita Khanna is teaching Yoga in Secunderabad. She has been treating and curing various diseases and disorders through Yoga, Diet and Naturopathy and has been achieving tremendous satisfaction in disseminating this virtue.