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Aura Wellness Center
11 Robert F Toner Boulevard, Suite 5, #341
North Attleboro, MA 02763

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Why Contact us for Yoga Teacher Training?

Aura Wellness Center stands out as a top choice for yoga instructor training due to its reputable programs designed to cater to students of all levels. With experienced instructors and a supportive community, Aura provides a nurturing environment for aspiring yoga teachers to grow and thrive. The center’s commitment to fostering personal growth and self-discovery sets it apart, ensuring that each student receives individualized attention throughout their training journey.

By choosing to contact us at Aura Wellness Center for your yoga teacher training, you invest in quality education beyond just learning yoga poses. The comprehensive curriculum covers various styles of yoga, teaching methodologies, anatomy, philosophy, and more – equipping you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel as a confident instructor.

Don’t miss this opportunity to join a renowned institution for producing successful yoga teachers who positively impact their communities. Contact us at Aura Wellness Center today and take the first step toward fulfilling your dream of becoming a certified yoga instructor!


The Different Styles at Aura Wellness Center

When considering yoga teacher certification at Aura Wellness Center, you have a variety of styles to choose from. Hatha Yoga focuses on physical postures and breathing techniques to align and calm the body and mind. Vinyasa Yoga, on the other hand, emphasizes flowing sequences that sync movement with breath.

If you’re looking for a more specialized practice, Chair Yoga offers modifications for those with physical limitations or who prefer a seated practice. For deep relaxation and meditation, consider exploring yoga nidra—often referred to as yogic sleep—which promotes profound rest and rejuvenation.

Restorative Yoga is perfect for slowing down and restoring balance. It uses props to support gentle poses. Each style caters to different needs, so it’s essential to find what resonates with you before embarking on your yoga teacher training journey at Aura Wellness Center or contact us for more information.

A. Hatha Yoga

hatha yoga teacher trainingHatha Yoga is a foundational style that aligns the body and mind through physical poses, breathing techniques, and meditation. It is perfect for beginners who want to build a strong yoga practice from the ground up.

Hatha Yoga emphasizes holding poses to increase strength, flexibility, and balance while promoting relaxation and mindfulness. It helps calm the nervous system and reduce stress levels.

In a Hatha Yoga class, you can expect a combination of gentle movements, static poses, controlled breathing exercises, and deep relaxation techniques. This holistic approach aims to harmonize the body’s energy flow.

Through consistent practice of Hatha Yoga, practitioners can experience improved physical health, mental clarity, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. It lays down a solid foundation for exploring other yoga styles as well.

Overall, Aura Wellness Center offers comprehensive training in Hatha Yoga for aspiring teachers looking to deepen their understanding of this traditional practice.

B. Vinyasa Yoga

vinyasa yoga instructor trainingVinyasa Yoga is a dynamic practice that focuses on linking breath with movement. It’s all about seamlessly flowing from one pose to the next, creating a dance-like sequence. In Vinyasa classes, you’ll experience a variety of poses that challenge your strength, flexibility, and balance.

The continuous flow of movements in Vinyasa Yoga helps to build heat in the body and improve cardiovascular health. As you synchronize your breath with each movement, you’ll find yourself fully present in the moment, letting go of distractions and focusing on the now.

This style of yoga allows for creative sequencing, making each class unique and engaging. With its emphasis on smooth transitions and mindful breathing, Vinyasa Yoga strengthens the body and calms the mind.

Whether you want to enhance your physical strength or cultivate mental clarity, Vinyasa Yoga offers a holistic approach to wellness. Joining a Vinyasa class can help you tap into your inner power and find balance both on and off the mat.

C. Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga is a unique practice that offers accessibility to individuals with mobility issues or limitations. It involves performing yoga poses while seated or using a chair for support. This style of yoga allows practitioners to experience the benefits of traditional yoga in a safe and modified way.

Chair Yoga focuses on gentle stretches, breathing techniques, and mindfulness practices. It helps improve flexibility, strength, balance, and relaxation. Using a chair as a prop makes it suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

Whether recovering from an injury, dealing with chronic pain, or simply looking for a more gentle approach to yoga, Chair Yoga can be a great option. It provides an opportunity to connect with your body and breathe without the need to get down on the mat.

At Aura Wellness Center, we offer comprehensive training programs in Chair Yoga for aspiring teachers who want to specialize in this therapeutic practice. Explore Chair Yoga’s benefits and how it can enhance your overall well-being.

D. Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra, often referred to as yogic sleep, is a powerful practice that induces deep relaxation and rejuvenation. Unlike traditional yoga classes that focus on movement and postures, yoga nidra involves lying down in a comfortable position while being guided through a meditation-like experience.

During a yoga nidra session, the practitioner enters a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, where profound healing can occur. This practice helps reduce stress, anxiety, and insomnia and promotes overall well-being.

Yoga nidra is suitable for all levels of practitioners and can be particularly beneficial for those seeking deep relaxation or exploring meditation in a more accessible way. By incorporating this practice into your routine, you can experience increased clarity of mind and improved emotional balance.

If you are interested in delving deeper into the transformative power of yoga nidra or learning how to guide others through this practice, enrolling in a Yoga Teacher Training program that focuses on yoga nidra may be the perfect next step on your yoga journey.

E. Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga is a gentle, therapeutic practice that focuses on relaxation and rejuvenation. In this style, props such as blankets, bolsters, and blocks support the body in various poses, allowing for a deep release of tension and stress.

The slow-paced nature of Restorative Yoga encourages practitioners to unwind both physically and mentally, promoting a sense of calmness and tranquility. It is perfect for those looking to de-stress after a long day or seeking relief from chronic pain or fatigue.

Restorative Yoga helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system by holding poses for an extended period, triggering the body’s natural relaxation response. This can improve sleep quality, reduce anxiety levels, and enhance overall well-being.

Whether you’re new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner looking for a more soothing experience, incorporating Restorative Yoga into your routine can offer numerous benefits for your mind, body, and spirit.


Choosing the Right Style for You

When choosing the right yoga teacher training style, consider your personal preferences and goals. Each style offers unique benefits and caters to different individuals.

Hatha Yoga focuses on alignment, breath control, and holding poses for some time. It is excellent for beginners looking to build a strong foundation.

Vinyasa Yoga is more dynamic, linking movement with breath in a flowing sequence. This style might be perfect for you if you enjoy a more fast-paced practice.

Chair Yoga modifies traditional yoga poses for seated or using a chair for support. This gentle approach makes it accessible to individuals with limited mobility or injuries.

Yoga Nidra emphasizes deep relaxation through guided meditation techniques that promote restful sleep and reduce stress levels.

Restorative Yoga focuses on relaxation and healing through passive stretching supported by props like blankets and bolsters.

Requirements and Certifications for Yoga Teacher Training

meditation teacher trainingBefore embarking on a journey to become a certified yoga teacher, it’s essential to understand the requirements and certifications involved. Yoga instructor certification programs typically require a minimum of hours to learn various aspects of yoga philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodology, and practicum.

Most reputable yoga schools will ask for a commitment to attend classes regularly, complete homework assignments, participate in practical teaching sessions and pass assessments. Additionally, many programs require candidates to have a certain level of experience practicing yoga before enrolling in the training.

Upon successfully completing the program, students are awarded a certification allowing them to teach yoga professionally. This certification validates their knowledge and skills and demonstrates their dedication to the practice of yoga.

It’s crucial to research different programs and their specific requirements before committing to ensure that you choose one that aligns with your goals and aspirations as a future yoga instructor.

In-Person vs Online Training

When choosing between in-person and online yoga teacher training, there are a few factors to consider.

In-person training offers the benefit of face-to-face interaction with instructors and classmates, creating a sense of community and immediate feedback. You get to immerse yourself fully in the learning experience.

On the other hand, online training provides flexibility and convenience. You can study at your own pace from anywhere worldwide, fitting your practice around your schedule. It’s an excellent option for busy people who prefer learning independently.

Both formats have advantages; it ultimately depends on your preferences and learning style. Whether you thrive in a traditional classroom setting or prefer the freedom of online learning, what matters most is finding a program that aligns with your goals and needs.


Costs of Yoga Teacher Training

One crucial factor when considering yoga teacher training (YTT) is the cost involved. The expenses of yoga instructor training programs can vary depending on various factors, such as location, duration, and certification level.

Some programs may offer payment plans or scholarships to help make the training more accessible. Researching and comparing different options is essential to find a program that fits your budget and needs.

In-person training may involve additional expenses like travel, accommodation, and food, which should be factored into your overall budget. Online training might be a more cost-effective option since you can save on travel and lodging expenses.

Participating in yoga teacher training is an investment in yourself and your future career as a certified instructor. Consider the value you will gain from the program rather than just focusing solely on the upfront costs. However, an online course and an in-person course are miles apart in price.

The average online course is around $500 USD, while the average in-person course is $2000 to $7000 and that might not include travel, lodging, meals, study materials, and other fees. For students who are concerned with return on investment, online programs are an attractive option.

How to Prepare for a YTT Program

Preparing for a yoga teacher training program is an exciting and transformative journey ahead. Start by nurturing your personal practice, dedicating time to exploring different yoga styles, and deepening your understanding of asanas, pranayama, and meditation techniques.

Set intentions for why you want to become a yoga teacher and how you plan to share this ancient wisdom with others. Reflect on your strengths and areas of growth in teaching and communication skills. Cultivate patience, openness, and a willingness to learn from experienced instructors during the training.

Get familiar with the required readings or materials provided by the YTT program. Stay organized with your schedule to balance practice sessions, study time, work commitments, if applicable, and self-care routines. Remember that self-care is crucial in maintaining physical and mental well-being throughout the intensive training period.

Connect with fellow trainees or alumni of the program to gain insights into their experiences and tips for success. Approach this preparation phase with curiosity, humility, and a genuine passion for sharing the gift of yoga with others.

Why Should You Care About Yoga Alliance-Approved Courses?

restorative yoga instructor certification courseWhen considering yoga teacher training, it is crucial to consider Yoga Alliance-approved courses. These programs adhere to the industry’s high standards of quality and professionalism. Choosing a Yoga Alliance-approved course ensures that your certification will be recognized worldwide.

Attending an approved course can enhance your credibility as a yoga instructor and increase your chances of finding employment at reputable studios or gyms. Additionally, being part of the Yoga Alliance community provides ongoing support, resources, and networking opportunities for your career growth.

Yoga Alliance sets guidelines for curriculum content, teaching methodology, and ethical standards, ensuring you receive comprehensive training that meets industry requirements. This accreditation also demonstrates your commitment to upholding the values and principles of yoga in your teaching practice.

Yoga Alliance Approved Online Yoga Teacher Training

Are you looking to become a certified yoga teacher from the comfort of your own home? Aura Wellness Center offers Yoga Alliance-approved online YTT programs for those seeking flexibility in their learning journey. Our online courses allow you to study at your own pace and schedule, making them convenient for busy individuals or those living in remote areas.

Our online training provides a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of teaching yoga, including asanas, pranayama, meditation techniques, philosophy, anatomy, and physiology. You will have access to experienced instructors who guide you through the course material and provide feedback on your progress.

Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a certification recognized by Yoga Alliance, allowing you to start your career as a qualified yoga instructor confidently. Join our online YTT program today and embark on a transformative journey toward becoming a knowledgeable and skilled yoga teacher.


Continuing Education Courses for Experienced Yoga Instructors

trauma-informed yoga teacher training courseAre you an experienced yoga instructor looking to deepen your knowledge and expand your teaching skills? At Aura Wellness Center, we offer continuing education courses for seasoned yoga teachers like you. Our programs are tailored to help you enhance your expertise, refine your techniques, and stay current with the latest trends in the industry.

With a wide range of advanced courses covering anatomy, philosophy, meditation practices, and specialized teaching methods, our continuing education offerings provide valuable tools to take your teaching to the next level. Whether you’re interested in delving into specific areas of interest or broadening your overall understanding of yoga instruction, we have options that cater to your needs and aspirations.

Enrolling in our continuing education courses allows you to access exclusive resources, engage with fellow instructors for networking opportunities, and receive guidance from experienced mentors in the field. Stay inspired and motivated on your journey as a lifelong learner and dedicated yoga professional by exploring our diverse selection of continuing education programs today. Please contact us at Aura Wellness Center if you have any questions.

Enjoy our Free Resources

At Aura Wellness Center, we support our community of yoga enthusiasts by offering a variety of free resources to enhance your practice. Whether you’re just starting your yoga journey or looking to deepen your knowledge, our free resources are here to help.

Explore our collection of articles on topics ranging from the benefits of different yoga styles to tips for improving mindfulness during practice. Dive into our blog posts written by experienced instructors, which share valuable insights and practical advice for beginners and seasoned yogis.

Please take advantage of our downloadable guides and eBooks that cover everything from meditation techniques to sequences for specific goals like flexibility or stress relief. Delve into our curated videos featuring guided practices and tutorials led by skilled teachers, allowing you to bring the studio experience into your home.

Join our mailing list to stay updated on new releases and exclusive offers tailored specifically for our community members. Embrace the opportunity to expand your knowledge and passion for yoga with Aura Wellness Center’s complimentary resources.



Summarizing the key points covered in this article about understanding the differences in yoga teacher training is essential. It helps you grasp the main takeaways and decide whether Aura Wellness Center fits your yoga journey.

From exploring various styles like Hatha, Vinyasa, Chair, Yoga Nidra, and Restorative Yoga to understanding the requirements and certifications for teacher training, we’ve looked into crucial aspects of starting a YTT program.

Comparing in-person versus online training options and discussing costs gives you a clear picture of what to expect. Remember to prepare yourself mentally and physically before embarking on this transformative experience.

The importance of choosing Yoga Alliance-approved courses cannot be overlooked. This ensures high-quality training that meets industry standards. Whether you opt for online or continuing education courses, Aura Wellness Center has you covered with comprehensive resources tailored to your needs.

Essentially, this summary serves as a guidepost for navigating the intricate world of yoga teacher training at Aura Wellness Center.


With various yoga teacher training styles, flexible in-person or online learning, and the opportunity to continue your education with advanced courses, Aura Wellness Center offers a comprehensive platform for aspiring and experienced yoga instructors. Whether you are just starting to become a certified yoga teacher or looking to deepen your practice, Aura Wellness Center provides the resources and support needed to help you succeed.

Embrace the transformative power of yoga and take the next step towards realizing your dream of becoming a knowledgeable and skilled yoga instructor. Explore all that Aura Wellness Center has to offer today. Please remember to contact us if you have any questions.

Do you want to become a mindfulness meditation teacher?

Please visit the following link to see our selection of Yoga instructor courses and continuing education courses.


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See our teacher community and our selection of affordable yoga instructor certification courses.