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Reducing Violence With Kids Yoga
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Forum Posts: 66
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August 13, 2014
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February 27, 2016 - 10:55 am
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How to apply yoga to reduce violence in children? Unfortunately violent activities are very much pervasive in our societies currently and no one can avoid it as it is everywhere in our daily routine, media and entertainment. Our young generation is exposed to this behavior from an early age via different factors, according to a statistical survey a major increase is reported in the ratio regarding to childhood violence, stress and bullying behaviors. The childhood period now is filled with lots of obstacles, academic challenges and other stressors as this phase of life is highly intense for physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of an individual.

There are different methods or ways used nowadays by which we can control and combat aggressive or violent emotions in children however the ancient yogic methodology is recommended as the comprehensive approach that teaches children how to appropriately manage emotions and to deal with them in such a manner that nobody is hurt or harm. Yoga techniques have ability and potential to transform negative emotions, mood and thoughts in positive path. These techniques lay direct impact on stress reduction and calming disturbed mind. Yoga exercises act as lifelong support system, aid in alleviating problems of daily living and build resilience for facing future challenges.

Yoga therapy is scientifically verified as an effective physical activity, spiritual rehabilitation tool and a great treatment for reducing stress, negative emotions also the best approach helpful in curbing or decreasing child’s violent behavior. The physical postures, controlled breathing exercises and meditational process facilitate to take out angry emotions and pessimistic energies gathered within the body. Meditation is said to be an important approach in yoga system that offers complete tranquility to disturb mind by cultivating benevolence for unhappy feelings, enjoyment in virtuous and friendliness towards happiness. An ultimate sense of bliss is experienced while practicing meditation due to amputation of negative thoughts, emotions and stress. The procedure brings out best of an individual by balancing mind and encouraging self control.

These techniques offer child to develop mental focus for concentrating and directing energies into serene and positive state of mind. Practice of balancing asanas like tad asana, veerabhadrasana, kakasana, Vrksasana and tolasana help in enhancing concentration of mind and stabilizing wandering thoughts. Paranayama breathing exercises grant mental stability, the main reason behind the cause of aggressive behaviors. These exercises allow rapid flow of vital energy forces throughout the body, common breathing patterns like nadishodhana, bhramari, bhistakari and sheetali paranayama produce calming and soothing effect to work against violent or aggressive emotions.    

Incorporating yoga methodology as a regular physical activity in schools will be beneficial in minimizing the ratio of anger and violence in young people. Performing paranayama approach with bodily poses and relaxation method helpful in developing healthy and balanced life also offer a great way to reconnect body with mind. Regular yoga practice at this developmental level is beneficial to inculcate positive attributes and behaviors like Yamas and Niyamas (important limbs of yoga teachings) in children. These ethical characteristics prevent youngsters from indulging in aggressive or violent activities.


Forum Posts: 66
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August 13, 2014
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March 2, 2016 - 3:05 pm
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How to apply kids yoga to reduce violence? In this time and age the whole world is heading towards developing, inventing and improving scientific technologies, living conditions and personal health facilities. This scenario is initiated in almost every region of earth cause pooling of negative thoughts, developing mentally distractive behaviors and instability such as aggression or violence, anger, hatred, jealousy and egoistic issues. All these behaviors lead in increasing the ratio of violent activities in society.

Unfortunately the youth of this generation is very much suffering or involved in these types of behavioral disorders due to many reasons like loneliness, powerlessness, mental illness, some loss or trauma and abuse. Practicing holistic techniques of yoga is the best scientifically proven remedy for addressing and combating emotions related to violent behaviors. This physical activity offers mental focus and equipped practitioner with ability to manage levels of stress and anxiety, main factors behind this situation. Yoga exercises also provide control over negative thoughts or feelings by allowing deep peace and calmness.

The therapeutic yoga system is a science that integrates inner self with universe, establishes harmony among mind, body and soul also leads towards positive physical and mental transformation. All the limbs of Patanjali’s yoga sutra help in developing synchronization between mind, body and spirit by offering mental equipoise. Practicing ethical forms Yamas and Niyamas in daily life can inculcate positive behaviors and prevent an individual from indulging in aggressive or violent activities.

The methodology of yoga is recommended as one of the best option to deal with distractive behavioral activities by its neuro-hormonal modulating effect. During practice session the feeling good hormones “endrophins” are released in adequate amount result in channeling energies into positive behaviors, making body strong, toned and mentally stabilized. It is also proved by many clinical studies and investigations that regular performance of yoga techniques especially meditation, paranayama and bodily poses offer enormous benefits to practitioner emotionally and behaviorally by supporting to fight against negative thoughts.

Different bodily postures such as stretching, balancing and relaxing with deep breathing pattern help an individual to acquire self focus, self control and tranquility. Incorporating of paranayama control breathing exercises like Anuloma Viloma, Bhramari and Sheetali offer mental stability main cause behind different type of aggressive or violent activities. During performing paranayama exercises the nervous system naturally become soothed and calmed, it is also suggested that when any one experienced excessive heat in body with agitating, restless and impatient symptoms Sitkari and Shitali paranayama will be helpful. Meditation procedure helps in calming disturb mind and wandering negative thoughts by giving instant ecstasy to practitioner. Meditational approaches such as Omkara, Transcendental, Mindfulness, Sthula and Sukshma are said to be highly beneficial for reducing violence or aggression and making inner self serene.

Restorative poses, inverted asanas, forward and back bending help to reduce and prevent practitioner from stress and anger as these poses are referred for stabilizing mind. Bal asana, supine bound angle pose, seated forward and head to knee posture are best to practice. Twisting and hip opening asanas aid in synchronizing endocrine and nervous system, both of these systems are responsible for regulating emotional wellness.      


Forum Posts: 98
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April 27, 2015
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December 23, 2016 - 3:12 pm
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I don't entirely agree that yoga classes will create less violence. If my children are trained to be peaceful and good citizens, what will happen when they go to school with violent children who have been trained that their way is the only way? Sadly, watch the news on television and adults who are parents are violently attacking people because they are the only people who should exist on earth. There is no room for peaceful sheep.

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