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Experiences with Aura's customer service
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Forum Posts: 6
Member Since:
April 27, 2015
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May 22, 2009 - 7:46 am
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Hi everyone,

I wanted to give you feedback not on the syllabus of the training per se, but on a very positive experience I had with Paul/Aura Studio concerning customer service.

I registered for LevelI/Restorative Course a few weeks ago, and when my course material arrived, I noticed one of the books was missing. Since I live in Europe, I thought it best to order the missing book through my local bookstore, which would save money, shipping, and CO2. 8) Then, I notified Paul (this was a bit of a test for me, because I do sometimes find it tricky to stand up for my rights, esp. when I know there was no bad intention on behalf of the other). To my great surprise, Paul answered within a few hours and sent me a complete e-course on Holistic Weight Loss, which I am looking forward to using for my re-certification.

I was amazed (I still am!) because I did have similar experiences when people were not willing to make any concessions unless I could prove my situation - needless to say that I could not have proven in any reasonable way that a book was missing in the package.
What's more!, I was actually eyeing the e-course Paul sent to me. A few future students had approached me already and asked whether it is possible to lose weight through Yoga, and I'm very thankful for the extra-information I now have.

So, thank you, Paul! This was truly a gift.

I just wanted to post this experience because I'm sure that there are people reading here wondering about the reliability of this program. Not only are the materials top quality (and you'll find many posts on that), but this episode showed me that Aura's policy is really to keep customers happy.

More and more I get the feeling that I'm in for a beautiful ride with this TT :D

I'm looking forward to reading your experiences with Aura's service...

Best regards,

P.S.: Dear admins, I searched the forum for a long time to find a suitable spot to post this - if it is confusing, feel free to move my post.

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