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July 25, 2005 - 5:31 pm
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Can anyone tell me about the condition of the scratch and dent courses? How used are they and what if I have pages missing from a book? :shock:


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September 30, 2010 - 7:45 pm
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Yoga Certification - A Necessary Course for Yoga Teachers

By James Williams New

Yoga is an ancient Indian art of meditation and healing and has gained prominence in modern times as an alternative and safer method to recuperate from illness and diseases. Today, yoga classes are offered anywhere from studios and yoga centres to medical clinics. In such a scenario, it has become essential for an instructor to possess a Yoga Teacher Certification.

These days it has become possible to obtain a Yoga Teacher Training or Yoga Instructor Certification from reputed institutes. These courses increase the confidence of the teacher and enable them to transcend their limits through new practices and self discovery. An instructor who has undergone Yoga Teacher Training communicates better with their students and makes them feel comfortable with the process of learning. Regular practitioners of yoga feel stress free and there is an aura of positivity surrounding them at all times. This has led many people to consider teaching yoga to their families and friends. In this way they can reach out and educate the society about the benefits of this lifestyle.

A trained instructor can personally guide a student through every exercise and cultivate correct methods among his students. He can imbibe in his students a passion to lead a lifestyle of calmness and compassion. A trained instructor is aware of the student's difficulties and is able to guide them through the proper methods to overcome them. Yoga has been mastered over centuries of experimentation by learned sages. It teaches one to control the body through the mind. This is easier said than done. It requires mastering complex breathing exercises through regular practice. For such an exercise an instructor with Yoga Teacher Certification or Yoga Instructor Certification is a great asset.

Since Yoga Instructor Certification is available at many institutes and studios, one must be careful in choosing the appropriate one. The center must train an individual in expanding their knowledge, practice and understanding of the Yoga tradition to serve as dedicated a practitioner and as an effective teacher. Yoga is both a physical and spiritual discipline and not an easy thing to jump into. And the presence of an instructor with Yoga Instructor Certification could prove invaluable through the process.

A certified instructor knows how to identify a person's strengths and weakness, to focus on the difficult areas. The instructor must be able to inspire his students to follow the yogic way of life. Some courses also target specific groups like senior citizens, children or parents etc. They offer dedicated methodology to benefit each group specifically. An instructor must prescribe the only the correct exercise to each group, so as to get the best results.

James William is an expert author who mainly writes articles on health and fitness. James is providing his suggestion on importance of yoga certification & Yoga Teacher Training.


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December 22, 2010 - 1:23 pm
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Level 1 is 200 hours or more. Whether you want to take a yoga certification course on your own or just want to learn more about the secrets of yoga, you can benefit from taking online yoga teacher training courses. You can take them any time of the day or year!

To become a teacher, you need to take a yoga teacher training courses that are designed to give you a full understanding of yoga as an art and science. You will learn various facets to teach your students along the way, but you will also learn about the history of yoga and why it works the way it does. These lessons will prepare you in the event that someone you teach has a question, but they can also help you develop a better appreciation for yoga as a complete holistic system.

If you have a calling to teach yoga and want to help increase awareness of the benefits of this tradition going in modern life, you may consider becoming a level 1 yoga instructor. At Aura there are many yoga teacher training courses available for you to choose from. The idea behind the affordable cost of aura online courses is that yoga is too precious to be placed in an out of reach monetary situation. Anyone should be able to explore it at any time. You can look into aura's free videos they make a difference in the lives of teachers and students. Here is a look at how that process might work and why you may enjoy becoming an instructor.

Yoga teacher training courses are not hard to get into. The yoga training is made so that you can learn how to train others. That means that you have to learn everything from the teacher and student perspectives so you can help out from every angle. You must also learn how to master these techniques, rather than just how to do them.

Even if you do not plan to actually teach others about yoga, it is nice to know that you are trained to help others. Training courses like this will give you a much better understanding of yoga and a greater connection with the art as a whole. You should become a better person as a result.


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February 4, 2011 - 10:19 pm
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If you can't afford to join a retreat or an expensive teacher training, then distance learning yoga certification courses may also be apt for you. It is cheaper and allows you to work with your yoga teacher training course at home. Before you enroll for any of the certification program, make sure that the institute is recognized.

If you look around and observe people then you would see that gradually more and more people have become health conscious. They are now turning to yoga and meditation which can help them to enjoy a better health. With this, the demand for yoga teachers has increased and therefore someone with an in-depth yoga teacher certification can look forward to a fruitful career in this field. If you wish to enroll yourself for a yoga certification course then you need to consider a number of things before you choose the program.

When enrolling for a instructor certification, the first thing that you need to see is that the program is well developed. It should help you to know everything about yoga and the different levels of yoga. If you want to learn a particular kind of yoga then you should also inquire after that. Most of the good courses offer advanced programs so that once you have done the basic course you can apply for the advance courses and specialize in a particular branch.

These days the different teacher training programs offer different kinds of modules to the yoga enthusiasts. This gives you the chance to look for a certification program that is affordable and is flexible according to you. For instance, if time and money is not a constraint and you can devote your time to a regular yoga certification course then you can enroll for that. In such courses, the yoga disciplines need to visit the centre and get practical and theoretical training which helps them to earn their yoga instructor certification. This is however a costly way to get the certification.


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May 7, 2011 - 7:06 pm
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A yoga teacher training program and a lot of self educating will make you an excellent yoga teacher and a guide to your students. The more you are able to learn, the more you will be able to help your students gain the benefits of yoga. Once you learn the needs of your students, you will be well prepared to help them in many ways besides the asanas.


Forum Posts: 33
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June 10, 2011 - 10:52 pm
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After an exhaustive search, yoga teacher training online is the best bargain. The instructor you select should have breadth as well as depth of knowledge about training teachers. my guru wanted to charge me over 15,000 dollars!! This will not be necessary in the case of distance learning from Aura. You might have to talk to quite a few Yoga studios before you find one who is competent enough to give you the training you require to become a yoga teacher. The teacher trainer also needs to have excellent communication abilities so that he or she can impart knowledge to you in the best manner possible. Aura meets my needs and this price is oh so reasonable.

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