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Moving Meditation Sequence
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June 8, 2010 - 8:34 am
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Namaskar! You have three simple choices for a moving meditation sequence that lasts 90 minutes.

1. 108 Surya Namaskars should get you there, but beware of the fact that your hamstrings may be screaming the next day.

2. Ashtanga Yoga vinyasa series 1, 2, or both.

3. A free flowing Vinyasa, which combines Surya Namaskar and other series like standing, table, prone, supine, kneeling, and seated vinyasa flows.

Last of all, this isn't Yoga, but you could also do a mindful 90-minute walking or Tai Chi meditation.


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June 4, 2011 - 11:51 pm
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Surya Namaskar

1. Starting in Mountain pose, with your feet slightly apart, palms together, thumbs against your chest.

2. Inhale deeply while slowly raising your hands over your head, and bend back as far as possible, while tightening your buttocks. Hold for three seconds.

3. Exhale and bend forward, keeping your back straight, until your fingers touch the floor outside your feet. (If you can't touch the floor, go as close as you can.) Relaxing your head in toward your knees in forward fold.

4. Inhale, bend your knees, and if your fingertips aren't outside your feet on the floor, place them there. Slide your right foot back into a lunge position. Extending arms above your head, looking up as high as possible, arching your back in Crescent lunge.

5. Exhaling again, slide your left foot back until it is beside the right one, Lifting the hips and with your weight supported on your fingers and toes, in downward facing dog

6. On the inhale, Extending the head and chest out over the hands for plank position.

7. Exhaling, lower the body into a hover with elbows tucked to the sides of the body for crocodile.

8. Inhaling and pressing into the hands lifting through the crown of the head for upward facing dog.

9. Exhaling and lifting the hips for downward facing dog, placing the weight of the body into the fingers and the toes.

10. Inhaling, slide your left foot forward into a lunge position. Extending arms above your head, looking up as high as possible, arching your back in Crescent lunge.

11. Exhaling, slide your right foot forward until it is beside the left one, lifting the hips for forward fold.

12. Inhaling, sweeping the hands wide, lifting the body with a flat back and exhaling hands to the chest with palms together. Repeat the series as many times as wanted.

Focusing on the breath, allows our mind and heart to relax and de-stress. In yoga, we don't move without breathing or breathe without moving. The breathing technique most often used is called diaphragmic breathing. It is a very deep breathing technique that allows us to calm our mind and body and allow us to balance better and get deeper into the stretch. 75% of the toxins in our body are excreted through the lungs so shallow type breathing keeps toxins in our lungs never fully cleaning them from the body. So get moving, keep breathing and be healthy!

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August 12, 2015 - 9:30 pm
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The Pros and Cons of Sun Salutations

The sun is a sacred healing star; it provides numerous benefits to the world and living creatures. The sun salutation sequence, known as Surya Namaskar in Sanskrit, is a set of 12 yoga poses that are performed to honor the sun. The speed and duration of these poses can vary based on the objective of the sequence of poses. As with any yoga sequence, there are positive and some minor negative associations.

The Pros of Sun Salutations

The sun salutation sequence affects every organ in the body, providing many physiological benefits to the organs and tissues. This sequence helps to ensure that the body remains free of disease and metabolic waste. Circulation and respiration improve, allowing for better blood flow and oxygen transport to organs, muscles, and tissues.

When performed in rapid succession, the sun salutations work to increase the body's metabolic rate, which results in less fat storage and more weight loss. It becomes a great cardiovascular workout with the addition of speed, and the whole-body increase to muscle tone helps slim the body in a healthy manner.

Outdoors and under the influence of the sun is the most ideal way to perform the sun salutations, although they can also be practiced indoors and at night. The most benefit will be gained, however, from the sun. The sun provides energy and nourishment in the form of Vitamin D, and it helps ensure skin health, eye and vision health, and internal balance.

The Cons of Sun Salutations

While the sun salutation sequence is a whole-body exercise, it is not sufficient as a complete yoga routine on its own. Balancing this sequence with more vigorous or intense postures gives the body and mind a more thorough workout, which increases the benefits of the sun salutation sequence.

These poses have been shown to make chronic back pain worse instead of relieving the pain associated with swelling of the spine or joints. Yoga that is being performed for therapeutic reasons can be hindered by the addition of the sun salutation sequence due to the low pain relief provided.

The sun salutation sequence is a fairly time-consuming one, requiring a minimum of 30 minutes each day. For some dedicated yoga followers, this may seem like a small commitment, and this may not be a downfall for some. Others may find that the time required and the memorization makes the sun salutation sequence less than ideal.

Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500
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August 12, 2015 - 9:46 pm
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Thank you for the above answers. The original question is missing, which was about a good sequence for moving meditation.

One point to mention is that walking meditation is also worth trying in the right environment.

Also there is a form (kata) in some Okinawa karate styles, which is also perfect for meditation in motion. The kata is called "Sanchin." It is repetitive and not flashy, but you use the body equally in terms of left and right. It does not have to be practiced dynamically if one wants to practice for the purpose of meditation.


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September 8, 2015 - 5:26 am
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Vinyasa is the best for me in terms of moving meditation. It is fluid and synchronized. It can make you feel both at ease at working out at same time...  


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September 11, 2015 - 4:51 pm
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I agree Julie. Vinyasa helps my mind settle down because of the synchronized movement and breath.


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October 22, 2015 - 5:09 am
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Aside from that many researches had proven its effect on resolving depression even on people who suffered from it for a long time. 

Open Trial of Vinyasa Yoga for Persistently Depressed Individuals: Evidence of Feasibility and Acceptability. 

Knowing this, yoga teachers who are able to teach Vinyasa, can help more people by offering their service to medical facilities. It can be an adjunct treatment to the medical treatment they are giving. 

I also made some readings regarding Kata for i was not that familiar with it. And what i found it pretty interesting. 

It was discovered that practicing martial arts with Kata reduces aggressive tendencies and other violence related behaviors among youths. 

Karate and mental health: Can the practice of a martial art reduce aggressive tendencies? 

I think it is about time to rethink physical education and recreational activities among our youth today. 

I wonder if there are other more practices that uses moving meditation. 

Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500
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October 24, 2015 - 11:00 pm
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Dear Julie,

From what I have seen, martial arts and/or yoga helped children and adults to channel anger constructively. Kata training is one good method and traditional kumite from Okinawan Karate, which is a two person set. is another good way to rid one's self of anxiety, stress, and anger.

Yoga has Vinyasa and Kundalini, which both take advantage of movement. Children in my classes actually performed better in school from a combination of martial arts and yoga training.




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October 31, 2015 - 3:21 pm
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These are the days when moving meditation sequences are gaining popularity again. Vinyasa doesn't look like Tai Chi, but both have a common objective for training the mind and body. Excellent information here and many thanks to those who share their thoughts.


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January 7, 2016 - 3:18 pm
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cobalt said
These are the days when moving meditation sequences are gaining popularity again. Vinyasa doesn't look like Tai Chi, but both have a common objective for training the mind and body. Excellent information here and many thanks to those who share their thoughts.

Never tried Tai Chi, and i do not know it well. I thought it was martial arts. 


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January 15, 2016 - 2:08 pm
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Tai Chi is a healing martial art. Much like Vinyasa Yoga and Qi Gong, it is a movement based form of health maintenance that nourishes the body and mind.


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February 2, 2016 - 5:19 pm
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In my opinion Qi Gong is somewhat similar to yoga in that it feels like a movement based form of meditation.

Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

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March 8, 2016 - 1:16 pm
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Love motion and it does help me focus on breathing and keeping bad thoughts out.


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April 29, 2016 - 2:10 pm
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Thank you Yogavini!

A video or short video is worth thousands of words.


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December 16, 2016 - 3:32 pm
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It really depends on the way you learn. Some people will get a lot out of a video, while someone else may have to view it 10 times to get the same result.


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August 20, 2017 - 6:58 am
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I love yoga, I like collecting yoga mats & yoga clothes

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