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Is Prenatal Yoga Good for Pregnancy?
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August 19, 2010 - 11:43 am
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Prenatal and postnatal yoga is a great method whether you are new to yoga or you're an experienced yogini. In a safe class for expectant mothers, you should learn how to modify poses and techniques that will ease your delivery. There is a myth that women who become pregnant should instantly begin attending yoga classes. Women who practice yoga before pregnancy are fine to continue yoga in a prenatal class. But meditation and pranayama are better for new students who are pregnant. Best to learn yoga techniques designed for pregnancy in a specialized class. During and after pregnancy, a mother wants to stay in shape. She also wants have a healthy delivery, and give her unborn child the optimum opportunity for a better life.

Yoga For Healthy Babies

Yoga is a worthwhile endeavor for literally millions of people throughout the world. Recently yoga received a new audience: that of expectant mothers. Because of yoga's stress reducing properties it can help you produce a healthy baby. There is more, however. Yoga's emphasis on stretching muscles can be a crucial practice for the expectant mother to get used to. The reason is because childbirth is all about stretching then muscles. By practicing the muscle stretches of yoga, the expectant mother is more prepared to deliver when it is time and the risk of complications to the unborn child are rare. Yoga has been shown to have many benefits for prenatal care, and the purpose of this article will be to explain why yoga should be a strong consideration of yours when you are expecting.

1. Yoga improves your upper body strength.

Pregnancy can take its toll on a variety of factors within your body, including on your lower back and upon your upper body. This upper body strength will make you healthier and in turn will allow you to have a better delivery. That upper body strength will be needed for taking of the baby after it is born as well.

2. Yoga gets your baby ready for delivery.

By focusing on the lower body, yoga exercises can get you ready for childbirth. By focusing on your lower body in the later trimesters of your pregnancy, you can assure an easier childbirth and in turn a healthier baby because your hips and other lower muscles will be better able to aid in a healthy delivery. Squats can help your body get into a better position for a problem-free delivery.

3. Yoga allows for bonding with your baby.

By doing the stretches, squats, and other exercises expectant are better able to bond with their baby. In our day-to-day bustle sometimes even expectant mothers lose their focus on what is really important. Yoga is one way for mothers to bond with their unborn babies and this can reduce the risk of postpartum depression and in turn a healthier baby who is well cared for.


There are many other reasons why yoga can be beneficial to an unborn baby and aid in keeping them happy and healthy after they are born. Building strength, resting upon command, and even meeting other mothers can all be beneficial to the expectant mother as well. Prenatal classes need the guidance of an instructor who has a minimum credential of graduating from a 200 hour yoga teacher training course and an additional prenatal yoga instructor certification.


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September 28, 2010 - 4:12 pm
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Yoga and Pregnancy
By Jackie Reyno

Stressing is the last thing a woman would like to do when pregnant. Therefore sticking to Yoga which is a low impact exercise helps them and their babies a lot and also keeps them relaxed and comfortable.

Yoga does not distress pregnant women and their babies

Guidelines are given for good breathing techniques which in tend helps the body system. Yoga's matchless breathing technique which in some practices called Ujjain breathing calms the body system.

Yoga videos do focus on breathing especially those for pregnant women. The exercise relieves pregnant women from apprehension and pressure through proper breathing exercises. The kind of breathing it teaches helps women during labour.

Yoga trains the body. It teaches you how to release tensions and stress from your body through this exercise. As your body grows, you start to experience changes in your body. Some of these changes are aches and pains in places you never expected.

Pregnant women will definitely have areas their back, legs and feet that will need extra stretching in addition to the stretching that Yoga provides which helps them to work out the kinks and relieve the tension from the stress-prone areas.

Yoga also involves relaxation techniques. This relaxation section usually comes last after the yoga classes and videos. For pregnant women this can be a wonderful time to connect to your baby and to let your body be fully relaxed.

For pregnant women when your body is undergoing so many changes that focused relaxation is always important for you. During this time you get the occasion to be on yourself and not to think about anything else apart from relaxing. When you are able to do this well and there are no problems you begin to sense a moment with your baby which is a wonderful familiarity.


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September 29, 2010 - 3:11 pm
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Should You Do Yoga When Pregnant?

By Jan Lillison

There is a lot of conflicting reports that you can find online regarding doing yoga whilst pregnant that I thought it was time to set the record straight. You may read one article that tells you that you should stay away from it and some that say you should do it everyday up until the day of birth. None of these are right, however they aren't completely wrong either. Doing Yoga whilst pregnant is fine and can be beneficial just as long as you are very careful with it.

So if you're planning to take it up or continue with a program you should consult a specialist to see what advice they can offer you. There are some postures that can be very good for you and as we all know that yoga eases stress, this can help ease stress all round regarding giving birth whether it's natural or by Cesarean.It's often advised that you don't do yoga when very close to the actual birth. This is because at this time your body can be very delicate and a lot easier to injure.

Also, remember when trying out different poses or stretches that as soon as you get any sign of pain or discomfort just stop immediately. If you weren't pregnant then it would be advised to keep pushing your body through the pain barrier however in this state it is simply not worth the risk. So it is up to you if you want to pursue this during your pregnancy however it can be just as beneficial just to have long walks as remember you will have plenty of time to practise yoga once the baby is born.


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December 22, 2012 - 10:39 pm
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Relaxation during pregnancy is an essential part of a prenatal yoga program. Most of these programs are Hatha Yoga based, which is one of the most widely recognized forms of Yoga. It can also the most gentle, depending on the form. Many of the poses are designed to stretch the body, with breathing techniques that are done in conjunction with the movements. Meditation is also a large part of Hatha Yoga, especially before and after. Many people who try it find themselves feeling more focused and calm after a session in comparison to before. It does require a certain amount of concentration, and that probably helps the body and the mind to let go of stress and instead focus on what the body really needs.

People who are new to Yoga training will often start with Hatha. Many times, this is the form that will help them ease into other forms of Yoga. It is a non-impact and healthy form of exercise and relaxation for people of almost any fitness level. It can also be used as a form of relaxation for athletes who are in rigorous training as a way to help ease the body and the mind. Quite honestly, it can be used by people of all walks of life.

There are a number of styles that fall under the category of Hatha Yoga. Some of them might be more challenging than others. One of the key things to remember is that even if the poses are gentle and may not feel as if they are having an effect on the body or mind at the time of practice, that doesn't mean benefits won't be seen later. Many people have faithfully practiced Yoga but weren't sure they were getting anything from the session until afterward, as the feelings of relaxation that were released from the mind through the stretching of the body are fully realized.

The key to feeling the benefits from Yoga is realizing that it isn't a quick fix. True benefits (physical, mental, and emotional) happen as practice is maintained. The relaxation that can be achieved will often have a beneficial effect on overall health. After all, stress is the culprit of many of the health problems that are we are faced with today. Hatha Yoga can be a natural way to strengthen the body and relax the mind so that stress can be dealt with in a healthy way.


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February 9, 2013 - 10:33 pm
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Yoga Pregnancy Precautions

Yoga has been practiced by pregnant women for thousands of years. It has been used to ready the body for labor. The health benefits include toning and strengthening of muscles and lowering blood pressure. All of that is very important, especially during pregnancy. However, there may be certain poses that are not indicated for pregnant women. It is very important, both as a practitioner and a teacher, to know your students and their limitations in order to decrease the risk of injury. This will also help people to get the most out of their particular practice.

Specific prenatal classes are often recommended to mothers to be. The instructor should be a certified graduate of a prenatal yoga teacher training program. The stretching and breathing exercises do help to prepare the body for carrying the baby as well as labor and delivery. However, that doesn't mean that pregnant women are limited to only prenatal Yoga classes. There are adaptations to most Yoga poses that can be used to suit pregnant women, whether they are barely showing or toward the end of their journey. Pregnant women should definitely tell their Yoga instructor that they are pregnant and also tell them which trimester they are in, as the instructor can then offer guidance and modifications.

One focus of Yoga is balance. A pregnant woman's center of balance shifts greatly as she progresses. Offering some type of support during standing poses is a good idea, whether it be a chair or using a wall. Another good point - do not start a new type of Yoga during pregnancy. For example, if you have been practicing Hatha Yoga, don't make the switch to Power Yoga or Hot Yoga. Stay within your practice and your comfort zone.

Keep in mind that some poses should be avoided during pregnancy. Some of these poses include headstands, handstands, and backbends. Any of those can cause unnecessary stretching or injury, especially for people who are new to Yoga. One of the most important things to remember while doing any form of exercise during pregnancy is to listen to your body. If it feels uncomfortable, stop. Keep in mind that your body is going through some monumental changes, so it is always better to act with caution and concentrate on what your body is feeling. That may mean that certain asanas are off limits, but there are still many benefits to doing Yoga through pregnancy.

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January 6, 2017 - 1:34 pm
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Yoga for the Nurturer

In the past few years, many people have discovered the benefits of prenatal yoga for expecting mothers. After all, who doesn't want to do everything that they can to make pregnancy and childbirth a little easier? Taking a "Nurturing the Nurturer" yoga class can have massive improvements on the health of expecting mother's and even on the health of the babies.

What does it do?

There has been a lot of research done on yoga for pregnant women done in the past few years, and the results have been very encouraging. It has been found by leading medical institutes that prenatal yoga can help women prepare their bodies for the arduous process of giving birth. How does this work?

Well, it has long been known that yoga can help stabilize the hip areas, encouraging flexibility and stretching, and give an overall feeling of mental calm. All of these benefits are exactly what expecting mothers need! The benefits of prenatal yoga are not limited to making giving birth easier, either.

A number of studies have found that prenatal yoga can do a lot of good for expecting mothers during pregnancy. These benefits include:

  • Easier and improved rest
  • Loss of anxiety
  • Strengthens the lower back
  • Combats nausea and headaches
  • Prevents carpal tunnel
  • Encourages stronger breathing

These results target the specific issues that expecting mothers routinely face and makes the entire process much more bearable. Many of these benefits, such as the lessening of anxiety, also offer considerable health benefits to the baby. As a bonus, there are even non-medical benefits to prenatal yoga!


Group prenatal yoga classes offer a supportive, comforting space for expecting mothers to come together. This reduces the stress of expecting a child, and builds a stronger community and sisterhood between the mothers.

There is also the potential to build lifelong friendships in these classes; not only for the mothers, but for the children as well! After all, participating in activities before birth is quite the bond! This is all left up to the individual mothers, of course, but it would certainly not be a first for a lifelong friendship to be born in these classes- prenatal yoga is quite the bonding experience!

Worth Consideration

There are certainly no downsides to prenatal yoga, provided that it is done safely and under the guidance of a competent practitioner. The worst thing that can happen is that an expecting mother gets to bond with other soon-to-be mothers about what she is going through. Not so bad!

If the research is to be believed, however, many mothers will receive more than that. Within findings of numerous health benefits for both mother and child, expecting mothers stand to gain quite a lot from prenatal yoga. At the very least any expecting mother should seriously consider it. After all, pregnancy is always hard; why not make it a little easier?

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February 4, 2019
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February 4, 2019 - 2:30 am
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I am a yoga instructor and want to share my yoga knowledge here in this platform. If you want to learn yoga, then i must prefer you to join Yoga Teacher Training in India where you will learn deep aspects of yoga.

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