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Prenatal yoga issues..
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June 17, 2005 - 6:29 pm
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I have an issue that has arisen in one of my prenatal yoga classes. One of my students refuses to refrain from lying perfectly flat, which is a no-no in the 2nd and 3rd trimester due to compression from the baby of the vena cava. All of my students sign consent forms releasing me from any responsibility should this sort of thing happen, but I would feel terrible if there was a problem as a result of her not lying flat.

How do other prenatal yoga instructors deal with a student who refuses to follow the rules?

Linda :D


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October 14, 2010 - 12:35 am
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Prenatal Yoga and Its Benefits

By Rebecca Capel

Pregnancy is a time when the female body is working overtime twenty four hours a day for 40 weeks (or just a little over nine months). It also is a time when women should not put aside their fitness goals. We are not talking about diet regimes and running miles a day, unless you were previously a runner, but about making sure that you exercise to maintain good circulation, improve your breathing, posture and to also help limit the amount you gain when "eating for two".

Prenatal yoga is an excellent choice for everybody. Even those without previous yoga experience, who were sedentary before the pregnancy and also the new moms who might be starting out a pregnancy with a few extra pounds. It is a great low impact exercise that provided you find an experienced teacher, will have great benefits to your body and health not just during the pregnancy, but also after. Prenatal yoga can motivate you to dig deeper into other teachings of yoga and to continue exercising even after baby arrives. Nowadays there are lots of "Mommy & Me" classes including some that are yoga centered.

Popular poses to try during a prenatal yoga class are the cat-cow. Start out in your hands and knees. Hips square over the knees and wrists lined up with the shoulders. Take a deep breath as you push your hips towards the ceiling and raise your head at the same time (cow) do not lift knees or hands. As you exhale, you lower your head and hips towards the center of your body while imagining you are bringing your navel into your spine (cat). This can be done for several repetitions, focusing on the breath. Oftentimes this pose can also aid in ensuring a baby can begin to rotate to an 'anterior' position and also to turn 'head down'. Both markers ideal for a natural, easy birth.

As a mom of one and with another on the way, I have experienced firsthand the amazing results of prenatal yoga. I combined a weekly class, with the best DVD I could find (and I tried dozens!) as well as walking at least once a week. No gym going, no hard workouts. I enjoyed my first pregnancy and am enjoying this second one even more since I know what works. My first son was born naturally, without any pain medication needed and in record time. While the statistics might say that this is a rare occurrence, I'd like to think that all the effort put into my research to make sure this was the outcome of my pregnancy really made a difference. After all, you can't redo a birth.

By: Rebecca Capel


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February 19, 2011 - 11:43 pm
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How Yoga Moves Can Benefit Pregnant Women
By Piper Michaels

Doing yoga during pregnancy is an excellent choice for mother-to-be and baby. There are many benefits to prenatal yoga. It's very important to do prenatal yoga and not regular yoga. There are some yoga poses that are not recommended for pregnant women. Prenatal yoga is comprises a series of gentle stretches and breathing exercises. These stretches help elongate and strengthen key muscle groups used in delivery. It also helps to increase flexibility. Prenatal yoga can relieve back pain. Yoga minimizes water retention which contributes to leg and ankle swelling. Yoga also helps with balance during those sometimes awkward latter stages of pregnancy. The routines should be modified for each trimester of pregnancy.

Yoga also helps the baby by increasing the circulation of blood and oxygen to the baby. Yoga improves posture which helps the baby enjoy optimal space in the womb.

In addition to the physical benefits of yoga there are also benefits for the mind. Learning effective breathing techniques is very beneficial. Deep breathing can calm the mind and help manage pain. By consciously practicing breathing, you will help to meet the challenges of labor. When the body is in pain or highly anxious it produces adrenaline and inhibits the production of oxytocin which, ironically is the hormone the makes labor progress. Learning breathing techniques is a big part of standard prenatal classes. If you can incorporate deep breathing learned through yoga this will be an added benefit.

Yoga props will help you get the optimum results from your sessions. Some people will choose to purchase a thicker yoga mat for extra support. Yoga bricks and bolsters are also recommended to help with balance, especially in latter trimesters. There are some very good prenatal yoga dvds to choose from

Taking a prenatal yoga class is a wonderful way to fellowship with other expectant mothers. It gives you an opportunity to share and receive support during your pregnancy.

It's important to consult your doctor before you begin any exercise program. After you've had your baby and gotten approval from your doctor, yoga is an excellent way to get back in shape. Honor your body and do as much as it tells you it can handle.

Prenatal yoga is an excellent choice that you and your baby will appreciate.


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April 29, 2011 - 2:56 am
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If you live in an urban area then you will probably have a number of places that offer prenatal yoga. Taking a yoga class and taking a prenatal yoga class are two different things, so be sure that the studio you are going to offers classes for pregnant mothers. You will want the instructor to not only be certified, but also have experience working with pregnant females. You can always ask for a trial class before signing up for a number of sessions.

The added weight and increase in blood volume that a woman gains can put a lot of strain on a body and by exercising, your body becomes more flexible and accepting of these changes. The affects of pregnancy can also be overwhelming. By performing meditation, you can help your mind and body relax.

If there are no classes offered in your area, then you can do the exercises in your own home. If you have any complications or worries during your pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor to determine a healthy exercise plan. There are certain poses that are easy to do on your own like the butterfly pose, the cat stretch and the dog pose. The butterfly pose works on your posture by sitting tall with the bottoms of your feet together and your knees as close to the floor as possible.

The cat pose has you on your hands and knees. Curl your back up like a cat by tucking in your tailbone and dropping your head forward. You do this pose while you are exhaling. When you are inhaling, the dog pose is performed by lifting your chest and chin upwards, so your back arches lifting up your tailbone. These poses help stretch the spinal muscles and decrease the pressure on the uterus.

One of the most important reasons to participate in this form of exercise while you are pregnant is to prepare you for labor. No woman knows beforehand how long and strenuous labor can be. Through the exercises and relaxation techniques that yoga offers, a woman can use these practices during labor.

Prenatal yoga is a way of helping pregnant woman maintain a healthy well-being during pregnancy. With both physical and mental benefits there is something for every female to gain. Becoming pregnant is one of the most exciting times in the life of a woman. With all the joy and preparation leading to the birth of a new baby, it is extremely important that a woman takes care of her well-being during this time. Prenatal yoga is a great form of exercise that will help keep a female healthy and ready for labor.

Your body goes through many physiological, physical, mental and emotional changes during pregnancy. Every female experiences pregnancy differently. With all the changes occurring, prenatal yoga can help your body adjust to the changes and get ready for the birth of a new baby. This form of exercise will help in many areas including strengthening your muscles, aligning your spine, enhancing your breathing and improving your circulation.


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August 6, 2014 - 10:04 am
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Yoga classes for pregnant students: Teaching the therapeutic techniques of yoga to pregnant students is an inspiring and incredible task because experiencing the process of motherhood is a major alteration in the life of a woman. The exercises of this therapy work as a positive feature throughout the parental process as practicing yoga techniques in a class provide pregnant students a chance to spend quality time with other fellow women going through similar course of action. They share their experiences and worries particularly when someone is feeling not backed up, stressed and anxious. The process of given birth to child is a task that include working of muscles, sweat, blood and tendon, these exercises help a mother to understand the miraculous moments of child birth.

According to the expert practitioners there are some rules of attempting postures of yoga during pregnancy, the instructor guides the students about standard safety precautions such as, to avoid strong exercises, twists, over stretching, inversions during first trimester, holding breath for long time and lying on belly or back after 30 weeks. In parental yoga classes specific poses and asanas are formulated or design to keep the pregnant woman safe and comfortable. The teaching of yoga poses to pregnant students in a mixed class sometimes causes difficulties for concentrating on them individually or giving them enough time and personal attention therefore it is better to opt for parental yoga session for safe, secure and hassle-free therapy.

Practice of parental yoga exercises are highly beneficial and a magnificent way to contribute optimistic effects on the life of both mother and child. It is the responsibility of a teacher for assisting these students to feel relaxed or tension free physically, mentally and emotionally because they are experiencing a process of life change. Generally it is suggested by the certified professionals in the related field that someone who is a regular practitioner of yoga exercises before pregnancy is able to continue or carry out strong postures with the help of some adjustments and modification after first trimester under the supervision of a competent teacher in special parental yoga classes. If an individual never performed the poses or asanas before or she is a beginner than it is better to practice only simple relaxing exercises during pregnancy.

Here are some basic advices for practicing yoga postures during pregnancy:

In first trimester pregnant students feel exhausted, lightheaded and nauseous, encourage them to perform child pose in place of back and forward bends also told them to eat some healthy snacks before and after class to maintain their energy level, drink plenty of water and take necessary bathroom breaks. During second trimester they feel much better and energized at this time they should practice some strong poses carefully and in third trimester due to expanded belly the students feel heavy and tired physically they need adjustments and support while attempting some postures.

It is also kept in mind that no two students are alike in their physical and psychological conditions as each one has its own body pace, flexibility and requires variable modifications or adjustments. During pregnancy many people causes hyper flexibility in tissues and muscles, avoid over stretching as it risks in tearing placenta only perform poses that provide stability and strengthening. Many poses perform traditionally become uncomfortable and restrictive to practice, use the support of props like blocks under hands during standing forward bend, also perform dandasana or staff pose in place of seated forward bend.

Avoid lying on bellies as poses like back bends (cobra or locust) especially after first trimester instead of it practice ish pose. Inversions exercises like hand stand or head stand near the end of first trimester and starting of second (week 10-13) should be avoided in place of it perform bridge pose with the help of blocks under sacrum with feet on floor. Lower back pain is a common complaint by a pregnant woman, teacher should guide the students to perform tail bone centric techniques like cat, cow pose and downward dog pose to ease the tension from pelvis and hips. Abs working exercises should not practiced, keep working on steady breathing practice. Fast inhale and exhale pose kapalbhati is not safe to perform instead of it practice Nadishodhana (alternate nostril breathing) or Bhramari (bumble bee breath) to calm mind and settle energy.

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