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Why speak in Sanskrit?
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Forum Posts: 23
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February 7, 2009 - 7:20 am
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Hi Folks,

I'm fairly new to teaching Yoga and my background is fitness. But I don't get why people want to pretend their something their not. Like I'm not an indian and this isn't the 10th century BC. It seems like an exercise in futility and I just dont get why we waste so much time learning terms from a language that dsn't exist anymore.

Why all the attention to sanskrit? This language is extinct and my students will never understand it. Like it might also offend some of my born again students. Instead of going through this repetitive mind exercise I could be learning and every day language like spanish or chinese. At least they would be useful and I could call china or mexico and speak to somebody. If I call india they might not get what I say if like I speak in sanskrit.

Then like i notice some of you got the language of yoga book, which I got in the gold course. My students would never get all that stuff so i put it aside got now. How could someone devote that much time to sanskrit and still become a yoga teacher? Yoga training is way more complicated than I thought and all this extra learning is stressing me out.

And I really want to finish this soon so now it looks like I should play the Sanskrit CDs in my sleep in hopes that some of this will stick. Has anyone ever tried subliminal learning to understand a new subject? I dont want to cram but I could be teaching classes right now if I knew all this stuff and it seems like I dont have a choice.

Best regards,



Forum Posts: 65
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April 27, 2015
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March 23, 2013 - 10:07 pm
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Hi Liz,

It depends on what one is looking for in a yoga class. If someone is in a mantra yoga class, then the whole class is chanting. Some teachers use mantra to help as a meditation tool to drown out mind chatter and road noise outside the studio. Some teachers use it to spice up the class for the whole traditional experience. Some teachers feel it is complete nonsense.

With all that said, in yoga there are so many aspects that nothing is necessary. Asana is not necessary in a mantra yoga class and mantra is not necessary in a hatha class.


Forum Posts: 1
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February 7, 2013
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March 15, 2013 - 12:07 am
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I am fairly new to the yoga teaching program. Although I have taken classes at a local studio for 2 years. I never once heard chanting; once in a while they talk in Sanskrit for certain positions. Is the chanting necessary?

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