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Yoga for Insomnia
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May 8, 2008 - 2:35 pm
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Yoga and Insomnia

Insomnia is one of the most common health complaints, afflicting people of all ages and backgrounds. Difficulty in falling or staying asleep can hinder all aspects of an individuals life. People with sleep problems often experience irritability, tension, helplessness, and depression as well. Unchecked, insomnia can become a debilitating and self-perpetuating cycle. While there are many causes of sleeplessness, anxiety over work or personal problems is often a strong factor.

Insomnia usually has one of two patterns: trouble falling asleep or trouble staying asleep. If you have difficulty falling asleep, try our sequence of deep relaxation and meditation in a lying-down position 30 minutes before bed to encourage a pleasant and restful sleep.

This procedure works by relaxing each part of your body and then stopping mental conversation for a few minutes, giving your mind a rest from the constant barrage of thoughts, memories, anxieties, and reactions that keep you awake. Most anxious thoughts have to do with either the past or the future; meditation teaches you how to be more aware in the present moment, which gives you a deep rest.

If you awaken during the night, practicing the Complete Breath (a gentle rhythmic breathing cycle) while lying on your back. This technique relaxes your mind and body by focusing on the sound and rhythm of the breath, leading you back to sleep before you know it. You can practice this breathing exercise any time of day to interrupt racing thoughts and give yourself a break from stress

A daily routine of Yoga can also minimize other symptoms that may cause insomnia. Physical exercises that stretch and relax the muscles help reduce fatigue and stress as well as keeping your physical systems at optimum health.

Paying attention to your diet as part of a healthy lifestyle will also help; many sources recommend, for example, avoiding caffeinated beverages for six hours before bed, and avoiding alcohol or a heavy meal right before bed. Taking a warm shower or bath as soon as you come home from work will make your evening more relaxing by removing the stresses of the day.

Daily practice of Yoga meditation will help train your mind and body to stop thinking and stop action. It trains you to turn inward to a peaceful silence which encourages sleep. Practice must be done every day for 15 to 30 minutes for best results


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September 21, 2010 - 7:20 pm
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Do Yoga for the Zzzz's - Yoga to Help You Sleep Better and Cure InsomniaBy Mallory Holm It's 2 a.m. You've read your novel to try to get sleepy. You took a warm bath. You drank your chamomile tea. For a minute, you thought maybe some wine would do the trick. You thought about Ambien or Tylenol p.m., but can't take the drowsy feeling you'll have tomorrow.

How are you ever going to get your Zzzz's? When other methods like taking a hot bath and chamomile tea, sleep drugs or alcohol won't work, try yoga. Developing a regular yoga practice can help you sleep better and cure insomnia by reducing stress, relieving muscle tension, and alleviating perceived pressures through acceptance.

Stress. You worry, obsess, ponder, ruminate, and fret over what happened yesterday and today and what will happen tomorrow. All this obsession increases stress hormones and floods your body with cortisol and adrenaline. It's no wonder you can't fall asleep. Yoga relaxes you, reducing these hormones. It gives you the ability to accept things the way they are, without worrying or fretting, and allows you to deal with everyday life and its attendant stresses with a more level attitude. With the stress chemicals not flooding your body, your nervous system and brain can relax, making it easier to nod off.

Muscle Tension. You lie there, trying to fall asleep, but realize that you are holding your arms stiff, your shoulders tensed, and your jaw tight. Doing yoga poses, or "asanas" stretches and releases muscles so that they can remain relaxed, without tension. If your muscles let go, you can let go and fall into a restful sleep.

Pressure. You stare at the clock, you change novels, you close your eyes tighter and try to will yourself to sleep. You want so desperately to go to sleep, you are trying to force it. Yoga is about not forcing, about not feeling desperate.

A yoga practice on the mat can teach you to let go of any attachment to results. Counter-intuitively, perhaps, but just as real, if you just accept that sometimes you won't be able to sleep, you will have a better chance of actually doing it. Although chronic sleep deprivation can be dangerous, a few nights of interrupted Zzzz's won't feel good but it probably won't kill you. So just try to relax, give it your best, and just let go and experience what "is;" you may be snoozing before you know it.

Use yoga to help you get your Zzzz's and cure insomnia. Try yoga to reduce stress, release tension in your muscles, and learn to practice acceptance. You may be experiencing restful sleep in no time.


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October 22, 2010 - 1:15 am
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Most people look at yoga for its many benefits. But, very few people are able to list all the benefits of yoga. They might be able to list the physical improvements that can be gained such is increased limberness and flexibility. They can also mention the mental health benefits such as reduced stress levels. However, they often are unaware of many ancillary benefits that yoga is able to provide. Case in point, yoga can actually help you reverse problems associated with insomnia. Yes, you read that correctly - yoga can actually help you improve your ability to get a good night's sleep.

How is this possible? There are a number of reasons why yoga has the potential to improve your ability to sleep. As previously mentioned, the ability for yoga to calm your mind and reduce stress levels would have a significant impact in terms of eliminating the inability to fall asleep. This really should not come as a surprise. When you are stressed out and dealing with a great deal of anxiety, it is not exactly easy to fall asleep. When you regularly perform yoga during the day, you can disperse and eliminate much of the stress that may be keeping you awake at night.

You can actually slip into a meditative state as you are lying in bed. You would not exactly be in a yoga stretching posture but you could mimic the breathing patterns associated with yoga. It is also possible to empty out the mind and calm down. This can eliminate much of the anxiety you deal with and allow you to doze off. Again, yoga greatly combats stress and when you reduce stress levels you boost your potential to get a reliable amount of sleep.

Physical pain can also reduce one's ability to get a decent night's rest. How can you doze off when you have to contend with serious aches and pains? Honestly, it is really difficult but if you are regularly performing yoga, you will find that the gentle stretching can help nullify a great many of those aches. That means you can enjoy a more blissful and peaceful night's rest.

A rapid heart rate has a tendency to keep you a little revved well into the evening. There can be many reasons why your heart rate could be a little faster than normal. Often, it has to do with the physical activities you perform during the day. That said, when you take part in yoga exercises, you will discover that you can keep your respiration under control. By keeping your heart rate under control, you will discover that it is possible to fall asleep quicker and easier.

And yoga can allow you to remain asleep. The calmness and tranquility that yoga delivers can aid in helping you sleep because you will not have to suffer any disruptions thanks to the calmness yoga delivers.

Yes, yoga does have many extra benefits that most people are unaware of. The ability to reverse problems with insomnia is one of them. If you are currently experiencing trouble sleeping, yoga may prove to be helpful.


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December 1, 2010 - 12:55 pm
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What is some useful yoga information on how a workout helps someone sleep?

- This natural remedy can help someone get a good night sleep.

- There are yoga techniques and positions that are created to help the body relax.

- Breathing properly is an important aspect of the workout.

- Those who join regular exercise at the appropriate time will often sleep better.

- Right before going to bed, try the three-part breath exercise.

- There are gentle stretches available that can help the body relax.

- Learn poses that take your mind off the present.

We all struggle with sleep at some point in life, but there are those who deal with it on a regular basis. This is why many try a natural remedy like yoga, as it helps the body relax, and it teaches you how to breathe properly. It won't necessarily cure the problem outright, but the workout can be one tool used to help the body wind down at night.

For those people always dealing with high stress levels, they would especially benefit from a yoga class. Stress can create insomnia and other health problems, which is why yoga is a useful tool in enabling relaxation. The different movements can help a person draw away from an active mind. However, you should probably stay away from a hard workout right before heading to bed.

There is certain yoga information available for someone trying to use yoga as a tool for sleeping better. One is the three-part breath, which is good for clearing away the mind's clutter and teaching the body how to relax so it will go to sleep. There are also some gentle stretches available, such as the goddess pose, happy baby and the corpse pose that are used to relieve tension in the body.


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January 25, 2011 - 9:11 pm
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Yoga Against Insomnia
By Danial Hurley

You might think that avoiding coffee during the day can help you stop insomnia; well, it's true for some cases but may not be beneficial for other individuals. As people are aware that drinking too much coffee can cause it, it may not be the solution alone for stopping this condition for all types of individuals. There are many ways to cure it and for many people, they may choose to join yoga classes. Yoga has started in India and has continuously being used up to nowadays in curing stress, anxiety and depression, too.

Yoga is such a helpful way to keep the body healthy, as it is not complicated as other activities like going to the gym. Perhaps, you can do yoga positions at home. You may also do simple breathing techniques that can be done in a few minutes. You may do this exercise for five minutes or more depending on your schedule but if you want to get serious in this method, you can go to yoga classes and attend regular sessions.

Yoga can help you develop a good posture. As you know, with a good posture your body organs will be allowed to function well because of the proper body posture that you have. Yoga is a great way to relax and to exercise that does not require a lot of tools and gear, all you need is a good yoga mat and you are ready to go. They say that yoga will help you cure insomnia for with it you will be relaxed and develop a good state of mind. They teach you to breathe well in yoga classes and because of this, you may allow a good blood circulation; thus, a healthier you. It teaches you to be calm and think peacefully. You may achieve a good relaxation habit that you can also do at home.

Yoga is very simple to do. Aside from curing insomnia, it can also help you to prevent osteoporosis. Meditation is usually practiced while listening to soothing and relaxing music.


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May 24, 2013 - 7:45 pm
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Yoga Lifestyle for Insomnia Prevention

Yogic practices have been used for thousands of years with the earliest records showing up around 2,000 years ago. To people who practice this ancient art it is no surprise to them that using the technique before bed can vastly improve sleep and even insomnia. Quieting one's mind is knowingly very difficult. We all have daily worries and needs that can make it hard for the mind to shut off when it's time for some rest, but nevertheless we all do need sleep.

Yoga training has been proven to greatly relax the mind and body enough to be able to fall into a restful slumber. Even people suffering from insomnia can benefit from doing a few quick moves before bed, calming and easing their mind into a night of deep sleep. Some of the physiological benefits include a lower pulse rate, a lower blood pressure, and respiratory rate decreases. Some psychological benefits are anxiety and depression symptoms decrease, concentration improves, and concentration, memory, and attention ability also increase. For anyone struggling with insomnia yoga can be an easy, safe, and cost free solution to the problem. Forget the sleep pills, expensive meditation tapes, and nights of no sleep. Yoga training can improve your life in so many ways and it's so simple to do. Just find a nice, quiet place with enough arm and legroom to be able to fully stretch out completely, and that's really all you need to get a nice, deep sleep tonight.

Ten minutes of your time before bed is all this requires. The best poses before bed would be the ones that use your whole body. For example child's pose, downward dog, or Viparita Karani, where you lay with your back on the bed, butt up against the wall, and legs resting on the wall at a ninety degree angle from your torso. Those are just a few simple poses even the beginner can do before bedtime that will greatly increase your likely hood of easing your mind into a place where it can finally drift off into much needed sleep. If you find yourself ever having a hard time sleeping, or suffering from insomnia do your body a favor and try some yoga poses, your body and mind will thank you!


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August 18, 2015 - 6:51 pm
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Yoga Postures You Can Practice While You Sleep

Several standard poses are effective for relaxation before, and comfort during sleep. If you need help with insomnia, apnea, anxiety, or restlessness at bedtime, there are a few Asana and similar body configurations which greatly help.

The first, is a Balasana pose sometimes known as “waking child,” “or dawning child.” It is a close cousin to the universal fetal position. With your knees tucked to your chest and one side of your head on a firm pillow, let your arms lay out near the feet, or crossed holding your shoulders beneath you.

This is a pose of comfort, anti-anxiety and security. The back should be toward the ceiling and your hips should remain higher than your head. As the muscles in your core contract they will force deep exhalation, which is vital for lowering metabolic levels and inducing sleep.

Two Asanas for Insomnia

Two other yoga poses that can be practiced on different nights, successively, or in concert are Twisting Buddha and Corpse. Modifications can be practiced if there is any physical duress.

With knees together and feet tucked to the buttocks, gently swing both legs to one side. Hold your arms flat and perpendicular to the body and relax. Instead of one palm up and the other facing down, try only to let your hands settle freely. This should create a twist and reflex in the lower back and hips. A “popping” of vertebrae may be experienced. Try the Twisting Buddha to both sides and settle on the most comfortable for sleeping.

Lastly, the Corpse should be practiced with a thin, firm pillow. Either remain completely motionless with your arms at the sides and legs together and straight, or stretch you arms above your head, parallel with the lying surface. An effective modification that is great for sleeping is to cross your legs like a Buddha sitting position. This will align your back and facilitate extremely deep, slow breathing. Whichever form of the Corpse you choose, concentrate on emptying the mind and torso of all images and busy speech from the preceding day.

Pranayama practice integrated to sleeping patterns does not happen automatically. One must resolve to want their body to experience lightness and deep sleep before these practices exert a truly positive impact. Remember pain should never be forced on a body while it is resting and repairing. Slight modifications to accompany individual physiology are perfectly acceptable, as long as, the spirit finds comfort and relaxation during the restful state.

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March 7, 2019 - 4:32 am
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I am a yoga instructor and want to share my yoga knowledge here in this platform. If you want to learn yoga, then i must prefer you to join Yoga Teacher Training in India where you will learn deep aspects of yoga.

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