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Children With Special Needs
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Forum Posts: 27
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April 27, 2015
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April 13, 2015 - 8:16 pm
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About yoga for children with special needs: The therapeutic system of yoga offers numerous benefits to everyone who implements this form of physical activity in daily routine. It is basically a slow paced, non competitive team workout approach that promotes synchronization between mind, body and soul also provide healthy and active life style.
The physical poses, controlled breathing and mindful meditational techniques included in yoga therapy are said to be highly beneficial for adults as well as for children of all age group and also to those kids having some developmental disorder, disabilities and special needs. Several scientific studies and clinical researches have proved enormous advantages of practicing yoga for growing children. For kids with special needs and developmental disorders like Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, ADHA or dyslexia special yoga classes are formulated and designed to improve their motor, cognitive, communication and social skills.

The regular practice of yoga exercises offer children suffering from these types of problem a safe, effective and therapeutic treatment physically and mentally to cure their health issues. Mostly other therapeutic treatments and physical activities work on a particular area of child progress but yoga works on all aspects of child development. This activity integrates whole body parts and mind to improve body balance, strength, flexibility, coordination physically and memory, awareness, concentration and self esteem mentally.

The yoga session for children having special needs is designed according to their required needs, it include a comprehensive program structured for these kids, the poses or asanas are helpful for enhancing children natural growth and promoting body awareness to kids which are suffering from disorder affecting their physical growth. The breathing and meditational processes assist in boosting memory and power to concentrate. The basic yoga class for kids having physical or mental disabilities involves series of balanced bodily postures to improve body alignment and strength, eye or sound exercises for speech and hearing therapy, specialized paranayama techniques and deep relaxation procedure for achieving calmness and reducing hyperactivity. In these classes music, art work and rhythms are used to improve their emotional, verbal, communication and expressing skills. It is important that these kids should perform yoga exercises under the complete supervision of a skilled professional related to the field, because these kids are very much sensitive and prone to injury or harm due to their health conditions.

Before starting yoga practice it is better to remember some key points to prevent special children with any mischief or health problem. The first thing parents should do is to consult and take advice of related physician or pediatric doctor also take approval for child to attend the session with appropriate safety measures. Teacher should have knowledge and be aware of all problems and health conditions related with child so that he or she should deal with them on one to one basis. The young practitioners having disorder like cerebral palsy should perform slow and gentle movements; avoid doing strenuous or challenging poses like inversions. The area or environment where these kids practice should be neat, clean and airy with leveled floor. The yoga mats used should easily stick to the floor to prevent slipping. Props, support system and other physical adjustments are provided with modified versions of poses for comfortable practice.


Forum Posts: 32
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April 27, 2015
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September 17, 2015 - 7:51 pm
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Well said, Dreamy!  With the help of a compassionate parent or teacher any child can learn and experience the benefits of yoga training.

Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

Forum Posts: 5
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August 17, 2015
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September 20, 2015 - 1:18 pm
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Amy, That was concise and accurate. Too many teachers of all kinds try to play amateur psychologist with children instead of teaching with compassion. In some matters, the heart can take a better lead. Every child can detect where the message is coming from.


Forum Posts: 117
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April 27, 2015
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September 21, 2015 - 3:33 pm
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As they say, it is easier to grow hone children than to fix broken adults. I hope more parents can realize the goodness of teaching their kinds with yoga and pranayama. For thinner children they can easily be adjusted and flexibility is can be easy. 

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