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Chair Yoga for All Ages
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Forum Posts: 66
Member Since:
August 13, 2014
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October 7, 2014 - 10:04 am
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Let's get something clear. Today 90% of adults are physically inactive. If everyone walked or rode a bike, I'd never be able to go for a walk. It would be like a procession to a major event and we'd be talking to people on the path. Instead, I can walk a half mile on the local bike path before seeing anybody. I like it, because I have time to think, but it makes me wonder how it must be to ignore your fitness.

For this reason, let's think about the need for office yoga in chairs. Yoga teachers don't even knock on the doors of companies. Instead a proactive person who wants to take care of her spine might only be able to watch an office or chair yoga video online.


What working professionals can gain from online yoga videos? The techniques of yoga had been practiced since thousands of years for attaining enlightenment, reducing stress, increasing overall wellness, strength and flexibility. Nowadays the teaching of yoga exercises have become a skilled profession and taught at several studios, gym and health clubs under the supervision of trained instructors. The teaching certification courses are also accessible on internet easily, taking online classes or practicing via internet is a more convenient and highly popular method at present time because it can easily fits or incorporates in our daily routine. Once getting enrolled in the relevant course or program with availability of fast internet services, webcam and speakers we can get connected with our expert instructor live via webcam.

Numerous reputable, qualified and certified instructors and yoga studios are offering diversity in yoga classes with different styles for varied levels of practitioners on internet websites. For working professionals these live streaming classes and videos of yoga techniques work as an easy way out to learn and practice this physical activity wherever and whenever they want according to their convenience. The online educational courses include DVDs, CDs, written materials and video library in low budget package. These courses allow practitioners to upgrade their training session with additional charges and lots of options to select best trainer, practice level, time duration and specific style. Some of the online teaching sites offer facility of downloading videos and audios for long term training program taught by highly recognized professionals. They provide an expert question/answer forum, an online test after completing the course and additional resources for learning. Several websites that offer library section for educational videos demonstrates in detail, step by step how to perform a specific pose, correct inhalation and exhalation, guidance in meditation technique and sometimes anatomy. The programmed videos also give knowledge or awareness about definition, understanding, pronunciation and benefits of performing a specific posture or sequence.

The supports of videos are helpful in gaining instant expert advice, techniques, strategies, perfect body alignment and valuable information for enhancing teaching skills in conducting a class. These information are also provided by delivering text, PDF files and power point presentations, by the assistance of these resources anybody can acquire knowledge skillfully. They help to provide new ideas, themes and format to conduct a class by using props, physical adjustments and modifications. To refresh teaching strategies written resources, audio and visual recordings are helpful in learning how to teach peak poses or how to break down and build challenging poses by showing each posture and explaining every single detail in a logical way. The major advantage of practicing poses by the help of videos is that we can watch the pose as many times as we want.

The practice of yoga by the help of videos is easy to follow because the trainer mostly instructs each technique with detail explanation in soft and clear speech with sweet music at background. They strictly advised to do not attempt complex inversion and balancing poses like headstand and shoulder stand without complete training. There are more than 100 videos of different postures of this physical activity available on websites for three levels of practitioner beginners, intermediate and advance.


Forum Posts: 117
Member Since:
April 27, 2015
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October 12, 2014 - 6:12 am
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i totally agree i found that 15 minutes of of chair based yoga postures inside the workspace can improve many many psychological markers of stress and thus will result to a better health in the long run. The research was made in Australia called Fifteen Minutes of Chair-Based Yoga Postures or Guided Meditation Performed in the Office Can Elicit a Relaxation Response

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