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Seniors who object to Chair Yoga
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Forum Posts: 98
Member Since:
April 27, 2015
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April 19, 2010 - 3:10 pm
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And yet another possibility is to simply allow her to be what she is without trying to change her, and without allowing her to change you or the other participants and the way you teach or the way they practice yoga.

I had an annoying middle-aged man in one of my classes. He talked a lot, tried to make jokes, thought he knew more about yoga than I did, pushed himself too hard, whined, etc. I never asked him to leave, knock it off, be quiet, etc.

When he started his behaviors, I would just smile a gentle buddha smile and silently remind myself to have compassion on him. Then I would make generalized suggestions to the class as a whole that referenced whatever he was doing (monkey-mind, competing, pushing too hard, grasping for outcomes, etc.). That way he was never singled out but he got my point. I also began to teach the 8 Limbs, one concept per week, and they all loved that.

After a couple of months, I noticed this guy was taking the yoga very seriously and showing respect for me and all the patrons.

Utimately, you have to decide based on what feels right for you, because you are the teacher, and you are responsible for a whole group of people, not just one. Just be clear about your guiding principles (safety, accessability, etc.).

I wish you the best! ((()))

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