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Yoga Therapy in Hospitals
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Forum Posts: 30
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April 27, 2015
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September 7, 2011 - 8:02 pm
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Yoga is becoming recognized by the western medical and scientific communities for the proven benefits it provides to the mind and body. The practice of Yoga has the ability to relieve stress - having a positive effect on the mind, as well as physically strengthening the body. Patients are able to better focus on their recovery.

The many benefits of Yoga therapy include the following: Increased flexibility, increased lubrication of joints, ligaments, and tendons, increased organ function, detoxification, increased muscle tone, promotes good mood and calmness, improves posture, improves digestion, reduces stored fat, facilitates the healing of injured back muscles, speeds healing time for injuries and helps to prevent re-injury. It is because of these benefits that forward thinking doctors in hospitals have begun to look at incorporating Yoga therapy into treatments of their patients.

The New York Times reports that 93 percent of 755 integrative medical facilities throughout the United States offer Yoga as therapy. Several doctors believe that the practice of Yoga is a complementary treatment to modern medicine. Many doctors feel that yoga should be incorporated with modern medicine in order to make the healing process easier and quicker.

From a therapeutic standpoint, Yoga is a valuable resource. Through Yoga therapy, patients are taught to slow down, breathe, and focus. As they are going through the healing process, many patients experience pain. Yoga therapy can help to alleviate some of the mental, physical, and emotional pain. The various poses and breathing techniques taught in Yoga help to strengthen different areas of the body.

It is now common for Yoga therapists to collaborate with doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and others in the medical community. This is a big step forward for advocates of Yoga therapy. It is believed that if Yoga can be taught to doctors and other medical professionals, then they will be able to see and feel the valuable benefits that come with the practice of Yoga, which will make it easier for them to prescribe Yoga treatment to their patients.

The use of yoga treatment with traditional medicine in hospitals is on the rise. As more and more people learn the benefits of Yoga, it will be viewed as a viable treatment alternative with many benefits.

My Yoga RN

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September 7, 2011
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September 8, 2011 - 2:13 am
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Excellent article!! As a holistic nurse, this is exactly what I love to see. It is true that yoga as a complementary treatment is becoming more widely accepted in modern medicine. Kudos to the docs that are realizing the healing that is possible with yoga added in as treatment! Hope this continues to rise as more docs see the benefits and amazing results that can come from yoga, pranayama practice, and meditation.


Forum Posts: 98
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April 27, 2015
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September 8, 2011 - 4:25 pm
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It will take time, but yoga will eventually be accepted by the medical and scientific fields as a legitimate form of therapy.

Benefits of Yoga Therapy

Whether you are just studying to become a certified yoga instructor or you have been teaching yoga for some time now, there are many different health benefits of practicing yoga. These are going to improve many different aspects of your daily life, all of which are going to greatly improve your ability to perform general tasks. You'll be rather surprised to find what yoga can benefit, especially if you are just starting off, considering yoga therapy as an option to teach your clients or for self-treatment.

For starters, yoga training is able to directly improve your strength. There are different kinds of yoga available for therapy, physical forms of yoga are designed to improve your strength by using your body weight for tension. Although not as strenuous as traditional weight lifting, this is able to improve your endurance and is an exceptional way to offset weight training and build long, lean muscles.

Physical yoga helps improve your posture because of the increase in flexibility and strength. This is going to help strengthen your core muscles, which in turn allows you to stand taller and not slouch. It is also going to help you sit properly and you won't feel as tense or tired when doing so. All of this is excellent for improving your daily life and you won't experience trouble from back pain or other ailments common with softer cores.

Breathing is a major benefit in yoga. Outside of the asanas of yoga therapy, it also focuses on pranayama. The control of breathing is very important when it comes to yoga training, which is why it is so necessary to continually practice it. This is going to help you slow down your breathing, no matter what you are doing and it is also going to emphasize deepening your breathes, so you are able to bring in more oxygen into your blood stream. This in turn helps improve your endurance.

Certain Yoga therapy techniques are designed to reduce the feel of stress and to help relax the body. With the slow repeated movements along with the long, drawn out breathing, it is possible for yoga to bring about a state of peace towards you or anyone else that is practicing it. By reducing the level of stress in an individual it directly affects other forms of health, as stress can cause problems with just about any other aspect in how healthy an individual is. On top of this, by cutting out the stress it allows you to become more focused and concentrate at a heightened level.

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