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Modern Yoga
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Forum Posts: 27
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April 27, 2015
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June 10, 2016 - 2:44 pm
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Let's look at the contemporary form of yoga that you see in health clubs today. I have traveled to India, UAE, Europe, North America and Australia. In each case, there are people who claim to teach traditional yoga. All forms of asana and physical yogic methodology are heavily influenced by the modern version, which barely has anything spiritual in classes. As an example of this, below is a 3D video of today's version. The reason for putting up this form of information is to give someone a quick flash of what yoga is today. Notice there is no mantra or meditation.

According to classical yogic school of thought the practice helps an individual to develop an acquaintance with God. Traditional practice of this system has profound religious roots and the major aim of performing it was to attain “Moksha” enlightenment, liberation, freedom from re-embodiment and conscious reformation of an individual’s own spirituality. The conventional method was a personal and private practice that involved a sanctified bonding between a teacher (guru) and student (shishy) for gaining self awareness. The Eastern teaching of this system considered, self realization as the highest level of consciousness any individual can achieve and those who reached that stage are able to create a union with Divine power.

The yoga sutras of Patanjali has eight limbs or eight fold path to get enlightenment which mainly includes ethical elements Yamas and Niyamas, physical postures (asanas), paranayama breathing, meditation, dharna and Samadhi. For ancient practitioners asanas were just a little and useful part of this methodology on the other hand, Modern culture practice is followed as a fitness or exercising regime and a session for maintaining physical and mental wellness. At present most of the yoga studios and retreats offer variety of sessions to practice physical postures depending upon the style you are following for increasing body fitness, flexibility and strength.

Yoga has become widely popular throughout the world for its unlimited benefits regarding to health such as relieving stress, detoxification of body, increasing flexibility, an effective alternative medicinal therapy for curing and preventing chronic diseases also valuable for curing psychological disorders. The modern forms mainly give emphasis to only one component, the physical practice of asanas with stretching, bending and twisting variations. Some of the commonly followed western styles are Hatha, Ashtanga, Kundalini, Bikram and Hot yoga. These styles are however very effectual but not often highlight meditative focus or on any type of spiritual awakening. Usually modern sessions perform Hatha yoga style which includes postural practice with paranayama breathing techniques and final relaxation pose savasana. These classes are conducted mostly in studios under the supervision of a professional trainer in a specially designed mirrored room for practice.

Nowadays the field of yoga has become so vast, which is much like a big commercial and successful industry, as reported in a latest survey statistic it grows in a multi-billion dollar per year industry and millions of people around the world practice it regularly. There are also several innovative products launched in market related to yoga gadgets or accessories like variety of mats, props, clothing line, equipments used for adjustments and support. As contrast with traditional practice, in which the highest goal is to experience unification of an individual self with universal self.

Forum Posts: 56
Member Since:
February 4, 2019
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March 18, 2019 - 12:23 am
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I am a yoga instructor and want to share my yoga knowledge here in this platform. If you want to learn yoga, then i must prefer you to join Yoga Teacher Training in India where you will learn deep aspects of yoga.

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