teaching yoga after 50By Jenny Park

Is teaching yoga after 50 realistic? If you look at the front cover of the typical yoga magazine, the model is likely to be in her 20s or 30s. These leads the population to believe that yoga is only for women around 25 years of age. This is one more good reason why the public perception of yoga is wrong. If you’re a silver fox and want to teach yoga, do not let the naysayers – even the ones in your head – try and talk you out of it; because believe it or not, yoga teachers over 50 are in high demand!  Teaching Yoga is possible at any age.  Therefore, if you’re a mature yoga practitioner who dreams of becoming a certified yoga instructor, below are three great reasons to make your dream a reality.

Teaching Yoga After 50 Benefit #1: Yoga Makes Menopause Tolerable 

As we all know, there are many different schools of yoga. Some are more intense than others, but recent reports indicate that kundalini yoga is highly beneficial when it comes to combating the effects of menopause. As a result, many women over 50 are starting yoga for the first time. For students starting yoga later in life, having a teacher that is personally aware of the limitations of an over-40 body is preferable to a “green” teacher.

Teaching Yoga After 50 Benefit #2: Affinity Starts at Understanding 

Let’s be honest, for many people, the site of a young yoga instructor with a perfectly sculpted figure is very intimidating. Many students say they prefer a teacher who is healthy and experienced because as it makes for a more comfortable class. Besides, yoga is largely about getting to know one’s body, and it stands to reason that people with more years also have more muscle awareness.

Teaching Yoga After 50 Benefit #3: The Inspiration Factor 

Who do you look up to more: Aretha Franklin or Selena Gomez? While Ms. Gomez was dating the 21st Century Tiger Beat pin-up boy, Aretha has been around for decades and has asserted her staying power. As a result, most would argue that the Queen of Soul is more inspiring than a new pop princess. The same theory sometimes applies when it comes to yoga teachers: many students like a mature instructor, as it gives them a yoga role model who has “been there, done that.”

Whether you’re teaching or simply embarking on a yoga journey as a student, don’t let age stand in your way. After all, a yoga body is a healthy body! If you practice often, with intention, you’ll be surprised by the positive transformation – no matter if you are 5 of 50. Good luck, and as always, Namaste!

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