yoga trainingBy Jenny Park

How many of your students participate in yoga training in order to age gracefully?  The first I became aware of this was during yoga instructor training, when students older than my mom looked about 10 years older than me.  In the public eye, anyone can pick a celebrity that they admire who seems as if they must have found the Fountain of Youth. I can guarantee that nine times out of ten, that celebrity practices yoga or pays huge bills for cosmetic surgery.

Many celebrities have made a point to say that yoga is a frequent practice for them. The effects of aging are many; there are the obvious signs, which include wrinkles, weakened or stiff limbs, and bad posture.  Then there are the internal issues that many develop like arthritis, and loss of body functions. Regardless, if you are in the public eye, or just the average Joe or Jane, aging is typically not much fun.  However, when students take up yoga, they keep the secret of agelessness in their pockets.  The best part of knowing, of course, is sharing.

Yoga training definitely fights the ailments of aging.  It strengthens the musculoskeletal system, improves the functions of every vital organ, and gives the body much more physical and mental strength as an added bonus to help deal with the roller coaster we call life.  No one wants to spend their later years in pain with every step they take, and by just practicing a simple yoga routine three times a week it can be avoided.

Studies Show

Studies have proven that yogic exercise can prevent or improve kyphosis or the syndrome that causes the elderly to hunch over, Rheumatoid Arthritis, menopausal symptoms and even Diabetes.  It seems the more studies that are done on yoga benefits; the more the simple practice seems like a preventative measure for almost everything that may burden you.  However, beyond the science of it there are millions of happy people who can rave the benefits of yoga training.

Advice for Beginners

Chances are if you ask around, a coworker, friend, or family member can attest to how yoga changed their life. The best part is that they will more than likely share their enthusiasm and help get you going to a better you! Support and a good yoga instructor are essential to your success. In addition, it’s long been known that being surrounded by like-minded individuals can also contribute to happiness and health.

Tips for Teachers

Here’s an idea for an introductory class: A yoga workshop with anti-aging information has potential.  I’m sure you can find one local salon or spa that would be interested in networking with you.  It’s that time of year to consider a pumpkin face mask!  Seed your studio and website with information.  Don’t forget to mention that reducing stress can add years to one’s life.

© Copyright 2012 – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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