Naturopathy is a science of disease elimination without using any drugs or medicines. It relies exclusively on natural elements such as earth, water, fire, air and ether. In the same way, the human body is also composed of these five elements. Hippocrates, who is called the Father of Naturopathy defined human beings as a combination of mind, spirit and body. Hence, any disturbance in the natural harmony within a human body is best treated by Naturopathy.
Why Naturopathy
In today’s modern world, a majority of other systems rely on drugs for curing diseases. People use drugs and medicines rather indiscriminately & often have to deal with many side-effects which are likely to be permanent thus making our immune system very weak. In reality it is the body that acts upon the drugs and not the drugs upon the body.
There is a regulatory agency in the body that maintains its health and it is called the Vital Force, the force that combats diseases. If the vital force gets weakened beyond repair, medicines are of no avail. Despite all this, Naturopathy does not disappoint them. A cure effected by Nature Cure methods is a sign of the vital force having been strengthened and the Patients can see significant benefits.
The Difference between Naturopathy and Conventional Medicine
“The main difference between naturopathy and conventional medicine is in philosophic approach. Naturopathic physicians treat patients by restoring overall health rather than suppressing a few key symptoms. Naturopathic physicians are more concerned with finding the underlying cause of a condition and applying treatments that work in alliance with the natural healing mechanisms of the body rather than against them.”
Naturopathic Treatment can Assist
• Women’s Health Issues
• Natural Weight loss
• Hormone Imbalances
• Insulin Resistance & Diabetes
• Fatigue & Lack of Vitality
• Sluggish Digestion
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) & Constipation
• Stress Management
Why You Struggle to Lose Weight
Some of the major obstacles that prevent long term weight loss include:
• High Blood Sugar Levels
• Insulin Resistance
• Hormonal Imbalances
• Sluggish Metabolism
• Low Appetite Control
• Perpetual Fatigue
Addressing these key health issues will assist rapid, safe weight loss. Your natural weight loss strategy includes healthy food guidelines, a nutritional supplement protocol and exercise recommendations.
Your First Visit
A Naturopathic physician will take time with you. During your first appointment, your doctor will take your health history, find out about your diet, stress levels, use of tobacco and alcohol, and discuss the patient’s health goals.
Dr. Rita Khanna
Dr. Rita Khanna is a caring practitioner who addresses your health issues based on a holistic philosophy and encourages a preventative approach to empower individuals to achieve and maintain wellness. Although she has a special interest in women’s health, including hormonal imbalances, preconception care, digestive disturbances, stress and fatigue, she can help treat all issues relating to family health. This includes childhood allergies, skin problems and infections, as well as male health issues such as prostate problems and infertility.
Providing practical nutritional and lifestyle advice combined with herbal medicine, Dr. Rita creates individual wellness programs for each patient.
Aum Shanti
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Courtesy: Dr. Rita Khanna’s Yogashaastra Studio.
A popular studio that helps you find natural solutions for complete health.
Also conducts online Yoga Courses & Naturopathy Guidance.
Mobile: + 919849772485
1. Twenty questions about naturopathic medicine. Flyer, American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Seattle, Washington, 1989.
Medicine cure the diseases but also brings some side effect but there is not bad side effect cure using Nature Cure methods.