What Can Yoga Schools do to Prevent Injuries?

Prospective teachers may wonder how facilitators will be able to add any new information into an already packed program. Most courses devote a reasonable chunk of time to anatomy and physiology, as well as teaching methodology. It would be simple to work injury prevention into these time slots or alternatively create an additional mandatory workshop into the program.

2022-04-25T21:30:51-04:00Categories: Yoga Kinesiology, Yoga Student Safety|0 Comments

Mindful Breath Awareness – Teaching Yoga Outside

  By Faye Martins The mindful breath awareness technique can be used to bring attention to the breath during movement while practicing yoga. We commonly see this in transitions and vinyasa. When practiced without movement, this meditation is a good way to make it through an intense focusing practice. The literal translation of pranayama is [...]

Practicing Yoga Breathing in Daily Life

The truth is you do have control. You can control how you react to the situation. This is an ideal opportunity to use your breathing to remedy the negative emotions. Calm yourself down by taking a deep breath in through your nose and hold it for a few seconds. Spend about 8 seconds exhaling the breath. Repeat this several times and you should feel your heart and blood pressure begin to regulate, creating a sense of calm.

2021-11-23T07:04:37-05:00Categories: Breath Awareness / Pranayama|0 Comments

Proper Alignment For Good Health

With physical exercises, individuals become very strong as well. Care has to be taken because if these poses are overdone, then they may result into injuries instead. The yoga postures have been used to heal nerve impingement such as in carpal tunnel syndrome. The students are also taught on how to inhale and exhale while performing these poses. This is very important given that you also need to get enough air and expel carbon dioxide outside your body.

Yoga Without The Spirituality

There is an endless spectrum of yoga schools, so you should never assume you cannot find an asana practice without spirituality. There are even gentler styles for the elderly, or people who cannot do difficult poses. Doing your research beforehand can help you to find a style that is the best for you.

2021-11-05T18:06:43-04:00Categories: Yoga Fitness|1 Comment

Yoga Practice for Positive Habits and Optimum Health

Many young people, who practice Hatha Yoga, feel they can absolutely control the quality of their lives. While this may appear to be true, there is a bit of luck involved. If you feel indestructible, you have not had a near death experience, sudden trauma, or been bed ridden with a terminal illness. Good health requires wise choices, good habits, and a bit of luck.

2021-10-21T14:30:41-04:00Categories: YOGA FOR PHYSICAL HEALTH|0 Comments

Yoga Interventions for Energetic Alignment Following an MRI

An MRI works by a strong magnetic field being created by passing an electric current through the wire loops. While this is happening, other coils in the magnet send and receive radio waves. This triggers protons in the body to align themselves. Once aligned, radio waves are absorbed by the protons, which stimulate spinning. Energy is released after "exciting" the molecules, which in turn emits energy signals that are picked up by the coil. This information is then sent to a computer, which processes all the signals and generates it into an image. The final product is a 3-D image representation of the area being examined.

Yoga Therapy – Considerations on Milking the Next ”Cash Cow”

When recommending a specific YT intervention, a comprehensive knowledge of modern disease pathologies, allopathic interventions and side effects of treatment is a must before planning and subsequent evaluation. This is incorporated into modern YT training but with a strong emphasis on time, and the content may be less or contain shorter time intervals to digest than required. Remember for many health professionals the understanding of these processes takes years to digest, first as part of a degree programme and then on the coal face. If planning does not come from a sound theoretical and practical knowledge base, then planned interventions may prove fruitless.

How to Teach Dirgha Pranayama

By the end of this breath energy practice, you will feel relaxed and focused. Your spine will feel tall, lengthened and expanded. You spread oxygen throughout your body for improved blood circulation and clarity of mind, lift shallow breathers, breaks up those with irregular breath patterns, and improves digestion.

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