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So far Paul has created 454 blog entries.

How to Spot Injury Prone Yoga Students

As more and more beginners are delving into yoga, it may be time to adjust the routine. Many teachers begin the class with a vigorous sun salutation/downward dog routine. A new idea could be to start the class with gentle beginner stretches to give yourself the opportunity and the extra time to evaluate your class. Go slow and look for the following red flags.

2024-07-19T09:23:54-04:00Categories: Yoga Student Safety|1 Comment

What Can Yoga Schools do to Prevent Injuries?

Prospective teachers may wonder how facilitators will be able to add any new information into an already packed program. Most courses devote a reasonable chunk of time to anatomy and physiology, as well as teaching methodology. It would be simple to work injury prevention into these time slots or alternatively create an additional mandatory workshop into the program.

2022-04-25T21:30:51-04:00Categories: Yoga Kinesiology, Yoga Student Safety|0 Comments

Is Yoga an Art Form?

Within every art form there is beauty. As an instructor, you may have seen this beauty in the improvements in your students or at a prenatal yoga teacher training intensive. For those who teach Yogic methods, there is beauty in every part of this treasured practice.

2022-03-19T20:04:28-04:00Categories: How to Teach Yoga|2 Comments

Practicing Yoga Breathing in Daily Life

The truth is you do have control. You can control how you react to the situation. This is an ideal opportunity to use your breathing to remedy the negative emotions. Calm yourself down by taking a deep breath in through your nose and hold it for a few seconds. Spend about 8 seconds exhaling the breath. Repeat this several times and you should feel your heart and blood pressure begin to regulate, creating a sense of calm.

2021-11-23T07:04:37-05:00Categories: Breath Awareness / Pranayama|0 Comments

Proper Alignment For Good Health

With physical exercises, individuals become very strong as well. Care has to be taken because if these poses are overdone, then they may result into injuries instead. The yoga postures have been used to heal nerve impingement such as in carpal tunnel syndrome. The students are also taught on how to inhale and exhale while performing these poses. This is very important given that you also need to get enough air and expel carbon dioxide outside your body.

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