Yoga Student Safety

How to Spot Injury Prone Yoga Students

As more and more beginners are delving into yoga, it may be time to adjust the routine. Many teachers begin the class with a vigorous sun salutation/downward dog routine. A new idea could be to start the class with gentle beginner stretches to give yourself the opportunity and the extra time to evaluate your class. Go slow and look for the following red flags.

2024-07-19T09:23:54-04:00Categories: Yoga Student Safety|1 Comment

What Can Yoga Schools do to Prevent Injuries?

Prospective teachers may wonder how facilitators will be able to add any new information into an already packed program. Most courses devote a reasonable chunk of time to anatomy and physiology, as well as teaching methodology. It would be simple to work injury prevention into these time slots or alternatively create an additional mandatory workshop into the program.

2022-04-25T21:30:51-04:00Categories: Yoga Kinesiology, Yoga Student Safety|0 Comments

Improving Yoga Student Safety: Encouraging Communication

By: Virginia Iversen, M.Ed Are you interested in methods for improving Yoga student safety? The safety of students can be improved by encouraging open and forthright communication, between a Yoga teacher and his or her students. Whether or not a student is new to your class, encouraging open lines of communication is of paramount importance [...]

Modifying Yoga Poses – Student Safety

Supported Reclining Goddess Pose is usually practiced towards the end portion of a Yoga class, and often just prior to Shavasana. When you are ready to lead your students through the practice of Supported Reclining Goddess Pose, ask your students to place a bolster or rolled blanket near their mat, if they are using the support of a prop today. As they lie down, have them place the Yoga bolster or blanket horizontally across the top of their mat and just underneath their shoulder blades, so that the expansion of their heart is more fully supported in a comfortable fashion.

2021-10-29T18:55:36-04:00Categories: How to Teach Yoga, Yoga Student Safety|2 Comments

Improving Yoga Student Safety: Formatting a Class Wisely

Speaking with your students individually will also give you the opportunity to guide your students to other levels of Yoga classes, or other styles of Yoga, if necessary. For example, if you have a few students who are struggling to keep up with the sequence of asanas you have chosen to teach, or you have a few students who seem to far surpass the ability level of the class that your teaching, you may wish to recommended that these students go to other Yoga classes that more closely match their ability level. As you begin to ascertain the overall level of most of your students in the classes that you teach, you will more easily be able to lead them through a sequence of asanas that is both accessible and challenging, while still maintaining the safety of your students throughout the practice.

Yoga Studio Harassment Prevention

By Amruta Kulkarni, CYT 500 Like any other workplace, it is important for yoga teachers to stay up-to-date on harassment prevention, whether it is physical, sexual, verbal, or another form of harassment. With recent headlines seeming to indicate that harassment in the studio is on the rise, it's especially imperative that instructors take steps to [...]

Safety Guidelines For Physical Assists

By Gopi Rao The practice of physical assisting or adjusting during yoga tends to receive a mixed review from students and teachers. While some students welcome the idea, others are more comfortable with verbal adjustments due to personal space. There are also teachers who are more at ease with verbal assisting instead of physical. However, [...]

Preventing Accidents in the Yoga Studio

By Kimaya Singh Any owner of a business understands the need for liability insurance. Accidents happen and it is not possible to control clients although you may caution them against the dangers. Asking clients to sign a liability waiver is certainly a must, but what can you do to prevent accidents in your yoga studio [...]

How and When to Correct My Yoga Students

By Ishrattasleem Tasleem Nowadays, people are living a busy and hectic lifestyle; fatigue is a common complaint of modern life. The sense of a fragmented and displaced lifestyle is found among people of all age groups and genders. To get rid of all the worries, stale energy, and effects of stress, yoga has proven to [...]

How Can Yoga Studios Prevent Injuries?

Traditionally, yoga was practiced on a one-on-one basis. Students and teachers worked closely together and developed long-term relationships that were conducive to keeping people safe and healthy. Now that yoga has skyrocketed in popularity and become more mainstream, these one-on-one sessions have given way to classes in which a single teacher is in charge of a large group of students. In some cases, students are crammed together in small rooms, which increases the risk of injury even more.

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