Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy – Considerations on Milking the Next ”Cash Cow”

When recommending a specific YT intervention, a comprehensive knowledge of modern disease pathologies, allopathic interventions and side effects of treatment is a must before planning and subsequent evaluation. This is incorporated into modern YT training but with a strong emphasis on time, and the content may be less or contain shorter time intervals to digest than required. Remember for many health professionals the understanding of these processes takes years to digest, first as part of a degree programme and then on the coal face. If planning does not come from a sound theoretical and practical knowledge base, then planned interventions may prove fruitless.

Intermediate Yoga Standing Poses for Trauma Survivors

The psychologically therapeutic aspect of a strong practice of vinyasa linked standing poses is to remember to be aware of the feelings and images that arise as you or your students practice the Yoga asanas. Maintaining Ujjayi breathing will help ground you and support you and/or your students in developing affect regulation. Affect regulation is the ability to allow feelings to arise without pushing them back down under conscious awareness.

Yoga… A Science of Therapy

The purpose of Hatha Yoga, Asana, and Pranayama is to create and maintain this balance, so that all the systems of the physical body are...

Yoga Therapy and Healthy Living

After years of teaching, a Yoga instructor begins to notice the needs of his or her students on many levels. With so many students that have different ailments, it becomes apparent that Yoga teacher training has to focus on the therapeutic application for the purpose of enhancing the quality of life. For this reason, continuing education is a cornerstone of what we do.

Yogic Management to Improve Eyesight

Yoga Therapy recommendations for eyesight include: Aumkar, Bhramari, Shitali, and Anulom-Vilom - Do Shitali Pranayama with opened eyes. Regular practice of these Pranayama perfuses the eyes with plenty of blood flow. Pranayamas should be practiced in the mornings, and evenings, on an empty stomach.

Control Depression Through Yamas and Niyamas

The Yamas and Niyamas are described by the great Saint Maharishi Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras. He describes the eight steps of Raja Yoga, which are known as Ashtanga Yoga.

Helping Your Yoga Students Heal with Viparita Karani

Some Yoga teacher training courses focus on asana as a physical exercise. This is a shame because asana is much more than an exercise for the body. Asana has therapeutic value and it is a means toward Samadhi as described by Patanjali.

Manage Your Allergies Naturally…

Yoga strengthens the body's natural resistance, helps the body block toxic reactions, and strengthens the liver, which boosts the immunity. An ideal life style, based on Yoga, that helps to remove stress and leads to relaxation, is extremely effective in reducing the allergy symptoms, by tempering the immune system's response to the offender.


Asanas, recommended for increasing height, are Tadasana, Trikonasana Suryanamaskara, Shavasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Paschimottanasana, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, Sethubandhasana, Vajrasana, Shashankasana, and Usthrasana.

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