
How can I know if running my own Yoga Business is right for me?

That is a very good question. Choosing to run your own Yoga business is an important, potentially exciting, and rewarding decision. You will need detailed information from teachers and managers about business planning; whether you decide to become an independent contractor or open a studio location. Obviously, starting a studio is a more complicated step. [...]

2017-12-12T11:08:56-05:00Categories: |0 Comments

Could I actually make a good living, owning a yoga studio? I work for the Post Office now, with 14 years in, so a change like this would be pretty radical!

You would want to build your business as an independent contractor first. In this course, you will find 16 ways to grow your business with little or no overhead. When you build up enough accounts, the decision to of whether or not to open your own independent Yoga studio will be clear. This has been [...]

2015-04-03T18:23:13-04:00Categories: |0 Comments
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