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Aura Yoga Teacher Training Practicum Advice and Tips
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November 28, 2009 - 8:41 pm
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Namaskar Holisticrn,

I hope everyone jumps in on this. Here are a few tips for your practicum.

Give a blood pressure and prenatal warning at the beginning of your class. Any other warnings about knowing your limits, no competition, listen to your breath, and awareness of pain are a big plus.

You need to work the room. You need to face them, cue, observe, and make adjustments when needed. Always avoid looking away from your students - even if you have a mirror. Correct stuctural alignment problems, when they happen.

Side Angle: To check pressure from forearm to thigh, you can gently push against the tricep from behind. In this way, no blood circulation in the leg is reduced, while the leg and the core muscles work to hold the posture.

Bridge Pose: Knees should be hip width apart. This causes the muscles in lower back and gluteal muscles to gently engage.

Lunge: Let your students know that the knee should be right above the ankle during this posture. When the knee is more forward than the ankle, this can cause premature wear of soft tissue within the knee joint.

Let your students know that no joint should lock at any time.

Students should not interlock their fingers behind their necks. There is a temptation to pull the cervical spine forward, which can cause many problems. Instead, have your students cage the ears with the fingers or have the finger tips lightly touch the side of the head behind the ears without grasping.

When transcending from Plank to Upward Dog or Cobra: Remind your students to draw their elbows in toward the torso. The elbows should not flare out.

Let your students know, that the exact placement of the hands, sets up a number of trancending postures. The hands should be directly below the shoulders in Table, Cat, Cow, Plank, Upward Dog, and Cobra. This also help when your transcend back into Downward Dog.

That's my brief brainstorm.




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November 15, 2010 - 5:22 pm
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Find out which particular Yoga technique you would like to learn and then enroll for the program. Online yoga teacher training is very affordable with prices from $197 to $997 depending on what you are planning to teach others. If you want to learn how to teach yoga to others, and become a certified yoga teacher. With that in mind you need to be qualified and trained in a professional Yoga teacher certification course. Beware of courses that don't have a studio address. I found one that was just a mail box service in Florida. She had no studio at all.

Once you have considered all the options, it is time to decide which is right yoga teaching course that you want to join. Some of the popular Yoga Teacher Training programs are Aura Yoga, Hot Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Kids Yoga, and Chair Yoga. Most of these styles train you to work with students who have different physical problems and their solutions.

If you need to improve your health, enroll in a Yoga teacher training course to learn this ancient technique and way of life. Yoga is one of the most popular form of holistic work-out that completely heals all the problems related to mind, body and soul. But before you take up Yoga seriously, it is important to learn the best techniques of Yoga so that it can give you maximum benefits.

Learning Yoga from an professional yoga instructor who has successfully completed a Yoga Teacher Training program is beneficial. Some course are run by people who don't know anything about yoga. Every yoga instructor is different in a sense that she brings her own element, style and character to a class.

It is important to consider some vital points related to an in person Yoga Instructor Certification program that will enable you to successfully learn all the poses and moves of Yoga. The following tips will help you to find an onsite Yoga Certification course that will suit your budget and requirements.

Learn about the yoga teacher trainer to know about her methods of teaching. Also try to resonate with the teacher's philosophy and energy so that eventually you can pick the style you'd like to teach.

Be sure that the Yoga teacher training course you are going to take up is carried out by real Yoga teachers. An unqualified trainer can't teach you how to become a Yoga teacher.

Do your research and collect information on the fee structure of different Yoga Certification programs from different sources. Shortlist those, which can be easily accommodated in your budget as the Yoga Teacher Certification classes are time and money consuming. The price of the whole package can range from $2500 to $15000 plus flights and accommodations.

Collecting information about the different centers and ashrams who are offering Yoga certification classes is not hard, as you can easily find all of the information with online research.


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August 5, 2014 - 5:34 pm
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How to Observe Your Yoga Students in Classes and During Your Practical Exam

As a yoga teacher, you need to evaluate your students constantly checking on their positions, movements, breathing and the use of yoga equipment. A teacher has to have certain qualities to be able to observe students and to make corrections on the spot if necessary.

Keen understanding of various yoga poses and movements

In order to effectively observe students, you must have the knowledge and the understanding of the various poses in the kind of yoga that you are teaching. Critical knowledge of how the movements, poses and breathing are done is essential in any type of yoga. An instructor will only develop good students when she herself is efficient in teaching yoga methods.

As soon as you spot an incorrect movement or position or a student having a hard time with a pose, you should personally approach the student and apply the correction. If you must touch the student to correct him, ask permission to do so before you proceed. Observe from afar and move about the room as well. Students that are encountering difficulties with the lesson should have a special take home task. Provide learning materials like videos, books and online tools to help.

Patience to teach students of different learning capabilities

Teachers need patience in observing and correcting students. Understand that people have different learning skills and it could really be a challenge to teach a class with these differences. What you can do is to carefully observe your class; this will help you find which student is having difficulties and which are able to follow effortlessly. Strategically place students in your class in a position wherein students that are encountering difficulties are positioned near you. This will help them easily observe your movements and follow you closely in every position and movement. Start every class with a review to find out how the class is able to follow you; be patient in dealing with students that may not be able to get the lesson initially. You can only be an effective teacher if you are able to successfully extend your patience to difficult students.

Knowledge of her own limitations as a teacher

As a teacher you may know a lot about yoga but accept that you are not perfect. Students usually view their teachers as yoga masters, able to flexibly move their bodies to make intricate positions but it does not always have to be like this. Admitting that you are not capable of teaching other yoga forms or doing a position perfectly is a mature way of acknowledging your limitations. There will eventually be times when a student seems to be more graceful, more flexible or more learned than you are but do not ever look at this situation as a challenge. Simply observe your students carefully and do what you are supposed to do as a teacher. But be keen in observing and correcting students at all times despite your limitations. A teacher is not merely there to teach but also to learn from her students as well.

Skills to motivate students

Observing and correcting go hand in hand if there are problems with the way students perform. But along with guiding students with learning yoga and developing skills on how to perform the activity, a teacher must also be able to know how to motivate her students. The key is to find out why your students are actually here in the first place. Some students learn yoga to stay fit, some would like yoga to lose weight and still others are looking forward to reducing pain and so on.

Motivating your students according to their goals is simple. For students that are using yoga to stay fit, healthy and lose weight, you could provide positive affirmations on how great they would look in a two piece swimsuit or how good looking they would soon become. For people using yoga for pain relief, insomnia and other medical issues, you may affirm the training with statements that allow students to imagine a pain-free life or the absence of the medical condition that drove them to learn yoga. Combine yoga with meditation so you can inject short affirmation messages to motivate your students to learn better.


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August 11, 2015 - 7:42 pm
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If you are concerned with your practicum, you should get off your mat when you cannot see your students. Additionally, verbal and physical assists will help you score higher and reinforce your ability to be safe.

What Should A Yoga Teacher Know About Assisting?

A skilled yoga instructor is well aware of all the important aspects of performing the exercises but for educating students in a class, it is essential that assistance must give to students at each and every step. This will help them in learning more and practicing yoga with more precision and perfection. Assisting can turn out to be the most memorable experience for some students as teachers are always eager to help and they can take lots of advantage just by listening properly to the guidelines. Facilitating students does not only allow putting effort at every class but it also helps to learn about the student psyche and necessary information that are required before class. If someone is assisting a professional he\she does not only have a chance to work with the more experienced colleague also gets an opportunity to mend some of their own skills and the ability to acquire perfection in every single pose which can help him/her while teaching their own class. Assisting is the most powerful tool to learn how to control and balance the energy both positively and negatively. Assisting gives people a chance of depicting a role of a student as well as a teacher i.e. one can learn better more precise techniques to perform yoga and can teach them further to his/ her students.

A yoga trainer should always keep the following things in mind while asking someone to assist:

  1. The first and foremost thing that should be kept in mind while asking for an associate is that they are hired to cover the instructor and to manage the task the instructor forgets. So being subordinate of a trained teacher it comes under the responsibility to make sure that no student is suffering from any kind of injury or any other physical issue. If so the helper should inform the teacher as soon as possible so that he/she has a clue about what they are dealing with and they make sure not to press that particular student to perform any task that might seem uncomfortable for the student’s position.
  2. Another most important thing is that a teacher should be compassionate enough, to take permission before asking someone to assist because sometimes it happens that the one selected for help does not want to do or feels uncomfortable. So asking for permission should always be among one of the most important steps rather than imposing the decision.
  3. When the teacher has finally chosen the student to assist then it should always be checked beforehand that, is the student steady enough to perform? And following the instruction or placing the feet in a proper way? If yes then there is no issue and the instructor can start off with class but if not then first it is the responsibility of the yoga teacher to guide students and get steady them.
  4. It should be made sure that the students are helping out from back side also rather than given instruction by standing in front.
  5. While assisting the teacher should stay neutral and should not take everything by the book because sometimes without knowing it is possible that the students might feel smothered and may not want our help. Hence assisting requires great deal of patience and capability, it is the duty of a teacher to be always active and should seek students in need of assistance, because if an immature performs strenuous yoga without assistance then it can lead to serious physical injury.

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September 15, 2015 - 10:55 pm
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What should a yoga teacher know about physical assists? Teaching of holistic yoga therapy is an excellent opportunity of sharing valuable and beneficial techniques to other people, making real and healthier contribution to society. In recent time teaching yoga is becoming a widely popular career prospect that grows continuously day by day due to increasing number of demands for proficient and dedicated teachers.

A skilled professional is a genuine and reliable human being that shares all knowledge or experience of practicing techniques from his/her heart and soul. A good trainer should always be passionate, courageous and devoted towards process of educating or empowering students in the class also capable of providing safe and effective physical assistance or guidelines. It is important for a teacher to make weak performing students, feel comfortable in class by avoiding discouraging behavior and try to boost up their morals by giving them different types of support.

Giving physical assistance or modification to varied types of students in a class depends greatly on individual style or method of teacher’s knowledge and abilities. Generally there are no such rules for providing adjustments or modifications to students as the assistance is given according to requirement of an individual practitioner. Sometimes there are numbers of conditions during practice in which it is essential to give bodily adjustments to students. As for example for beginners, it is easy to perform different asanas with the help of assistance given by the instructor. The reason behind this support is that the body and muscles of beginners are not so flexible and toned; they are not able to perform poses correctly with proper body balance and alignment. To avoid them from any injury or pain and for practicing asanas with proper body balance and placement physical assistance is very important.

Another main reason for teachers to have knowledge about adjustments is due to health related problems or disabilities face by students in class. Practitioners suffering from chronic diseases or mental disorders are required to perform postures, stretches or paranayama breathing with some modifications. Likewise high blood pressure or cardiac patients are recommended to avoid challenging poses in place of these they should practice their modified versions. For asthma patients breathing techniques are modified according to their convenience, arthritis patients or senior people should assist by chair yoga style. The teacher should also know about giving assistance to students those who excel in performing specific asana and develop ability to practice advancement in the pose. In this situation the guidance will grant student more energy, body balance, awareness and deep breath control.

The teacher should be well aware of student’s physical pace and needs by developing good communicating relationship; this will help in providing practitioners relaxed environment so that they can easily connect with their bodies. Verbal communication or assistance is also very important for a teacher, this quality help both student and teacher to feel more at ease, aids in practice session and serves students in a positive manner. When physical or verbal assistance is competently and correctly conducted by a teacher, it can lead to build a strong and trustworthy relationship between student and a instructor.  


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September 15, 2015 - 11:25 pm
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