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Yoga Teacher Goals
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Forum Posts: 14
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January 17, 2014 - 5:08 pm
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One point I want to make is that it is considered to be less than yogic to have goals. Like don't ask for money and don't get off the ground when you fall. That kind of talk is complete garbage because to be without goals is to be lazy. Yoga was not created, built on and improved by slackers. The goals that an individual yoga instructor has for themselves and their career are quite personal, but there are a number of things that most teachers strive for with their studio, classes, or students. Having goals at the start of your career is important, but it is also vital that these goals be allowed to grow and evolve as the instructor becomes more experienced. Whatever the goals are, they should be clearly defined as to what the teacher expects from this career. New goals will always appear as old ones are accomplished.

A yoga instructor's most important goal should always be to provide the most meaningful lessons to their students, as they are capable of doing. There is nothing that should have your attention as an instructor more than your students do, and helping them learn and broaden their skills is important. A teacher should have specific goals for each class that they teach, including poses and sequences that are most important.

Helping your students create their own goals for themselves is a large part of being a successful teacher, so an understanding why students take yoga lessons and what they wish to gain from the classes is something that all teachers should have. For some students, these goals may be small and simple, such as practicing yoga alone once a week. Helping your students create and follow these goals helps you grow as a teacher.

Goals specific to your studio are important to have as well. There are many components to running a successful yoga studio, and having a running list of goals that can be crossed out as they are accomplished helps build a studio into the great vision that the teacher has for it. Some goals that enhance even the greatest yoga studios include expanding hours, offering a wide variety of classes, and reaching a certain number of regular students. An instructor should always aim to attract new clients to their studio.

Personal goals should not be forgotten in the pursuit of a wonderful studio and dedicated students. It is impossible for an instructor to effectively teach students if they are not centered and focused in their own lives. Having goals set for your own purposes, even simple ones such as practicing yoga for an extra 5 minutes a day, are a good way of creating routine and comfort in your life. It will also demonstrate to your students the importance of setting their own goals, and they will follow your lead.


Forum Posts: 117
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August 6, 2014 - 7:32 am
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In addition you can put a little note on the front cover of your planner keep you focused on goal setting and attainment.


What do you really want? Making your notes more detailed make it easier to achieve one after the other.

If you can measure failure and success it will be easier for you to achieve and analyze your future moves. The more vogue it was the harder it is for you to envisioned.

From the very start to finish, challenge yourself that you can attain whatever is written down. It will slowly make you grow and be a better person.

What are the things you want to work toward to and what has worked for you in the past.

Do you know that a company's strategic plan is almost always set in 5 years. And so do you. Make a time frame for every goal and promise yourself to be in that milestone on the very same date it is written.

Hope this will help :)


Forum Posts: 51
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August 6, 2014 - 2:38 pm
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So true. Yoga is built on goals, yet some modern yogis think that "goals" are only a capitalistic code word. As many people know, the birthplace of yoga still requires money to get around. This idea that goals are bad is complete misinformation and it is the reason why some teachers struggle to make a living.

When you teach yoga you are doing work that is meaningful, improving the quality of lives and giving back to your community. That's quite a contribution. That said, Julie brings up a great point about the five year plan. Our goals have to start now or yesterday. The reason being, you will go nowhere in five years if you don't take a step in the right direction now.

The funny part of all this is, I learned more about myself from taking a yoga course than I did in 16 years of formal education. Nobody told me to market my skills until I came into contact with Aura Wellness Center. They helped me tie all of my skills together. I know teachers who spent over 15K on yoga education and didn't learn to watch their students, the basics of assisting, yogic philosophy, practical applications, business skills, and marketing know how. I agree with the five year plan to achieve major milestones along the highway of life.


Forum Posts: 117
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August 9, 2014 - 5:10 am
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"When you teach yoga you are doing work that is meaningful, improving the quality of lives and giving back to your community."

"The funny part of all this is, I learned more about myself from taking a yoga course than I did in 16 years of formal education. Nobody told me to market my skills until I came into contact with Aura Wellness Center. "

Thumbs up for that Perdy!

Hope other fellow Yogis will also find meaning in Yoga. The holistic way :)


Forum Posts: 66
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August 13, 2014
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August 13, 2014 - 9:12 am
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To market one's skills is something we must all learn, no matter what we do. If we do anything of value, it may not be perceived as valuable unless we market it. When a mother raises a child, she should instill self-confidence within that child. The same rule applies for the teacher and the student. What you learn from practice are valuable life skills and people will not understand their value unless you explain (market) them.


Forum Posts: 40
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September 24, 2014 - 3:02 pm
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This is a good conversation and there are some interesting points here. Every yoga teacher had an initial goal to become a yoga instructor. People who say yogis should not have goals are just talking nonsense. You should have a basic goal to survive, have a roof over your head, eat meals, and have clothing. People who have no goals are lazy and do not work for a living. Sorry, but that's not Yogic. If you read the Yoga Sutras or the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, it never states that you should not have goals and laziness is never encouraged by any culture on this planet.


Forum Posts: 66
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November 18, 2014 - 3:59 pm
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Well, I agree with you Jatwilla. The Yoga Sutras and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika don't advise us to do nothing or live the lifestyle of a sloth. One Yogic principle is karma, the law of action, which has many meanings, but refers specifically to action. Karma means action. Those who expect you to have no goals are Lazy. They take no action, expect everything and have trouble giving. They drag the world down. Anyone who says goals are not yogic doesn't understand yoga.

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