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April 27, 2015
There is research in England that shows more than 30 percent of women are not happy with their lives and they do not find the meaning of it. The lack of meaning can cause crises, conflicts, lack of understanding with others, not much qualification skills, lack of ideals, difficulties when dealing with every problem on the way to success, lack of philanthropic feelings and aspiration for beauty, egoism, avidity and greediness, limiting the freedom, sexual and intellectual degradation, destructiveness, alcoholism and drug evil. We can overcome the art of living, only on condition we understand that it is subordinate to the same laws, which are functioning in nature, but are already known from people and they are applying them. When we have an optimistic attitude for life we are turning ourselves into original and creative people. This leads to a feeling of satisfaction and makes a balance between the human being, nature and society. Once we manage to do that, we will be much calmer and happier and the nature and society will reveal its secrets and treasures.
American research shows that yoga is a great tool used to fight stress. Scientists compared yoga exercises with the usual routine walking. It was determined that people, who practice yoga exercises are in good spirits and they are not that anxious. This research was examining 19 people, that went for this program connected with yoga exercises and other 15 people, who went into the program connected with daily walking. The participants of the two groups were taking 1 hour daily in a period of 12 weeks for their own program and they have been through several tests that were examining their anxiousness and their moods. Except for this the scientists used nuclear magnetic resonance to examine the levels of the chemical substances and the gamma acids in our brains. This is a neurotransmitter which is relaxing the brain activity, decreasing the anxiety and causes the state of peace. The participants, who were doing yoga exercises, demonstrated a better temper and less anxiety in comparison with the other group, who were walking one hour a day. Yoga exercises caused the increasing of the levels of this acid, which is connecting with the higher spirits and the happiness.
Nowadays many people do yoga to control effectively the stress and to manage things such as overweight. Overweight could also be caused by stress. Actually most of the diseases (a research shows that it is 90 percents of them) are caused by stress. The idea of yoga is to do it on a regular base and to seek for perfection (even if you are unable to do the exercises correctly at first, you should strive for this perfection) and you will make it. You will see the difference in your stress levels if you practice yoga daily. Also if you want to control your weight, you can practice yoga for this purpose too. The results are unbelievable.
April 27, 2015
Paying attention to health is very important to most people nowadays. There are different types of practices people are using to keep in good shape and stay healthy not to mention battling stress. It is essential to see what is going on in terms of having lots of things developed for different parts of one's body and doing yoga can be really beneficial for many people.
Yoga is an ancient practice that has been recognized in many countries of the world recently. It is a form of physical exercise as well as a philosophy that is interesting from different points of view. People have been able to do lots of things concerning yoga today because they are essentially interested in healthy lifestyles more and more.
Yoga can be practiced by different people, even senior citizens or expecting ladies. It is essential to remember about all of those things and look at what is going on in the world of healthy living. Yoga can be taken with people on the go as it is easy to do it in a park or even at a friends' house. Also is also great if you are going on holiday as the equipment is easy to carry and take care of.
It is important to pay attention to your health and make sure yoga exercises are ok for you. So before you begin working out try to learn more about the whole thing and talk to your doctor to see if you have any underlying conditions. Yoga can be a good way to manage your weight if you eat properly and help you deal with stress.
April 27, 2015
Stress is a part of life. It can be something that motivates us to action or held within. Too often, people are so busy that they don't have time to address and resolve the stresses that come to everyday life.
If these stresses are not dealt with in a positive manner, there can be a build up of stiffness and soreness in the body. This buildup can best be released through regular exercise. There are many different types of exercise to engage in that will benefit a person and help to release stress. You should find the one that fits in with your personality and lifestyle.
Yoga is one of the best choices of exercise when it comes to stressful lifestyles. Yoga is an exercise that can really help you relax and build strength. The morning is the best time to try this exercise. Your mind will be fresh and new for the coming day. It is ideal if you begin this exercise before breakfast.
There are yoga videos and DVDs that many people like to do within the comfort of their own home. There are also classes that you can enroll in that will teach you the basics. Some people like to do yoga at the end of the day to help themselves unwind from the stresses of the day. This is a great way to have a more restful sleep.
Some people choose to do it in the morning so that they will be more able to handle the stresses of the day. They find it is strengthening and rejuvenating so that they feel more confident for the day.
If you are feeling a lot of anger, you may want to run on a treadmill or take up boxing. If you are feeling stressed from all the pressures at work, any type of exercise you choose will be beneficial. But, yoga has been proven to be one of the most effective exercises for finding peace and dealing with negative emotions.
Once you get the hang of how to do yoga, you may want to find a special environment in which to do it. Going to the beach, a mountain, or other place in nature will help you to clear your mind.
Being in the right place for you and letting go of the stressful thoughts will help you to have a better yoga workout. Make sure that the environment you choose to do it in will be one that you feel the most comfortable and renewed in.
Yoga has various poses which are important to learn. For a beginner, there are some easy poses that a person can start out with. You know what level you are at and can plan accordingly. The beginning poses will not be complicated or difficult for a beginner. However, it will still be very beneficial. It is important to learn the very basics first and get yourself a strong foundation to expand from.
Take some time to really learn each movement precisely so that you do it right and do not have as many problems advancing to the harder positions. Taking a yoga class will be a good choice so that you can be guided along. Arrive with comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in.
You won't be needing anything for your feet. Just come in ready for the class barefoot. You can leave your shoes off to the side with your other things.
Try to not have anything else with you but a yoga mat if you choose to bring one. Make sure that you don't have any chewing gum in your mouth when you begin the class. You will need to fully concentrate on the yoga positions. Being respectful is the proper way to act in a yoga class. Being at peace with yourself and others will help you get more out of the experience.
Let go of all the outside influences that may be negative. Breath deep as you start to learn some yoga poses that will strengthen your mind and body.
September 20, 2005
More About Yoga Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety Attacks
During an anxiety attack, sitting or laying down may seem like the logical thing to do and bystanders often encourage it. However, this is actually the exact opposite of what should be done. During an anxiety attack, massive amounts of adrenaline are dumped into the system, so sitting or laying down will actually serve to prolong the attack. Movement is essential for getting the adrenaline out of the system.
Moving through a few favorite yoga poses at this point could be a good idea depending on the severity of the current anxiety attack. If one is in a place where yoga cannot be comfortably performed or in a state where the mind can't focus enough to go through yoga poses safely, walking and mindful breathing is a sufficient technique for moving the adrenaline out of the body. The walk may be brisk or gentle since movement is generally enough. Performing mindful breathing at the same time allows relaxation and peace to enter and also serves to counter the hyperventilation that often accompanies anxiety attacks. Keep the mouth closed with the tongue resting on the roof of the mouth and breathe through the nose, making sure to not breathe through the mouth. Mouth breathing promotes anxious states.
When the anxiety attack has finally passed, yoga should immediately be performed to assist the parasympathetic system in calming the body down. In individuals with anxiety disorders, the parasympathetic system tends to be out of balance with the sympathetic system and this serves to promote the anxiety attacks in the first place. Anything that can assist and strengthen the parasympathetic system is beneficial for those with anxiety.
One of the most effective yoga poses to do after an anxiety attack is the corpse pose. If possible, find a quiet place to lay down; it can be helpful to keep a yoga mat in your car or at your office for just this reason. Lay down and close your eyes, keeping heels apart and palms upturned towards the sky as if preparing to receive a gift. Now pull your focused attention inward and feel the muscles of the body; after an anxiety attack there is bound to be places of coiled up tension. Consciously loosen those areas of tension while envisioning a luminous light taking its place.
Breathe, and know that everything is okay. Feel the peace and stillness deep within your body. Once all of the tension is released, focus on just being for a while. Is there any remaining disquiet within the body? If so, imagine the body being bathed in pure, white light. Breathe in the light, hold the luminous substance within your lungs for a moment and feel the stomach and chest stretch to accommodate it. Envision that light absorbing all the remaining negativity in the body and then exhale, releasing it and letting it go. Now rest in this peaceful space until you feel ready to leave.
One of the biggest obstacles for dealing with and treating anxiety attacks is the fear of the attacks themselves. Learning practical ways to cope during, and after, these attacks, loosens the grip of fear, opening the doorway to true freedom and healing.
Yoga teacher training interns: please feel free to use my posts for research. Please feel free to add your findings for the next generation of yoga teachers.
Hari Om,
April 27, 2015
My notes from an aura yoga teacher training intensive, which I attended in 2006 are below. If this helps you or your students, please feel free to use it.
Yoga - The Science of Managing Stress
Certain lifestyles take their toll on even the most lenient of people. Every single negative factor in your life slowly builds up and eventually causes stress. Being overly stressed can have a negative on your entire being - and when we feel stressed, we find it harder to go about our daily activities in a positive way. The best cure for reducing stress from your life, or at least managing it, is through yoga. In this article, we shall take a look at why yoga is such an effective tool for relieving stress.
The problem with most people, who try to eliminate stress for their life, is that they seek to solve the external problem. Solving such problems would usually mean quitting your job, leaving your partner and robbing a bank. Trying to remove the external problems isn't going to help and will only make your life feel mundane and pointless. Relieving stress is all about internal control and how you treat your autonomic nervous system. The only scientific way in which this can be achieved, is through regulating your breathing; or basic yoga techniques.
Your autonomic nervous system is made up of sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. The Parasympathetic side helps to reduce your heart-rate whereas the sympathetic side increases your heart-rate and therefore has control over your stress levels. Through regular yoga practice, your body is positioned in a way in which you will be stimulating a relaxation response from your parasympathetic system. When we take part in yoga, the exercises we do help to increase the capacity of our lungs, allowing us to more easily stimulate the parasympathetic system - thus leading to controlled breathing, slower heart rate, and less stress.
Yoga helps to bring together a combined relation between our physical and mental disciplines. This powerful combination can easily help to reduce all kinds of anxiety and stress from your life. Yoga can of course help you benefit much more than just reducing stress. It's great for toning your body, losing weight and increasing your general wellbeing.
To increase the effects of your yoga regime, you should try to engage in a healthy lifestyle, regarding diet and proper sleep. Taking action and participating in an effective regime is vital, and you will start to see the benefits of stress reduction upon your very first session. Once you begin to practice your yoga breathing techniques and poses on a daily basis, you will soon be able to take your stress reduction to a new level, and achieve greater inner peace.
April 27, 2015
Yoga Poses for Relaxation
Whether you suffer from stress or anxiety, relaxation is the solution. Even the carefree individuals of the world have days when they feel stressed, and very few people will deny feeling this frequently. Work, school, and family problems are the cause of a great amount of stress, and individual circumstances further this. The soothing nature of yoga is one of its primary benefits, and practicing yoga on a regular schedule optimizes the results. For many people, yoga provides more than the long-term effects; yoga can create an instant feeling of relaxation.
The body goes through many metabolic processes when exercised, and the body releases hormones that work against stress at the molecular level when yoga is practiced. Circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body is improved through yoga, which leads to better health overall and a better ability to respond to stressors in the environment. When yoga is coupled with the practice of meditation, the relaxing benefits are magnified. Meditation requires dedication and focus, but it can allow the student to utilize focus at other times when it is most needed.
Yoga teaches body-awareness and deep breathing techniques that can benefit stressed individuals. Breathing techniques that are used during yoga and meditation can also be used during a frustrating situation to ease the tension. It is important for students to understand how they can use their lessons in yoga to better their everyday life outside of the yoga studio. Relaxing yoga poses are capable of removing stress-inducing toxins from the body.
Passive poses can be beneficial for instilling relaxation, but facing poses with an active mind is important so that the most benefit can be garnered. Both standing and reclining poses can provide relaxing benefits. The child's pose is a relaxing one that aids in grounding the student. The corpse pose provides a similar benefit while relaxing the body entirely without any bending or stretching involved in holding the pose.
Some poses provide maximum relaxation benefits by stretching the muscles and adding flexibility to the body. Bending poses, such as the downward-facing dog pose, can accomplish this, as can poses that stretch the body, such as the mountain pose or the snake pose. More extensive stretching, such as the plough pose and the camel pose, require more skill to hold, but learning this can decrease stress by improving self-confidence. Practicing a sequence of poses that improve relaxation each day is a good method of decreasing the overall stress level of an individual.
April 27, 2015
Yoga poses for reduced anxiety: Anxiety is reported as the most commonly found mental ailment around the globe, only in US up to 44% of adults suffer from this problem. Every individual experiences feeling of stress, fears or worries at some moment in its daily life but a constant state of excess worry or fear leads to mental disorder known as anxiety.
The problem is usually treated with stress relieving medications and psychotherapy but recent clinical studies and trials have proved that the holistic therapy of yoga is highly effective for reducing excessive level of stress and anxiety. Regular practice of yoga techniques like gentle body postures, controlled paranayama breathing and meditation are beneficial for alleviating this mental disorder and lowering levels of stress. These exercises are supportive in balancing emotions, calming mind and body along with releasing tension and negative thoughts from mind.
According to a research findings available on Pub Med related to effects of yoga on stress and anxiety by ST. Elizabeth’s Medical Center Brighton USA, out of 35 trials 25 are reported promising improvements in signs, symptoms and reduction in stress levels and anxiety disorder. It is also stated that the techniques of yoga are helpful in healing entire body system naturally by dissolving stressors of daily life.
Some of the highly recommended body postures with correct inhalation and exhalation process, helpful for achieving healthy and calm mind along with releasing tension and negative thoughts from system are mentioned as follows,
Eagle pose: This asana is particularly advantageous for healing, balancing and quieting mind. The pose brings all the attention towards body balance.
Child’s pose: It is a classic resting posture which is self soothing, comforting and slow downs negative thoughts of mind.
Easy pose: It is a simple seated posture that offers numerous advantages such as provide inner calm, intensifies state of peacefulness and tranquility with effective reduction in anxiety.
Anjali Mudra or salutation seal: This technique is an ideal method to induce meditational process as it offers mental and emotional stability.
Cat and Cow pose: A complete stretch sequence of two movements that provide gentle massage to abdominal region and spinal cord, act as a powerful stress buster.
Standing, Seated and Head to knee forward bends: All of these forward folds are excellent exercises for soothing mind and calming entire nervous system. Seated forward bend is a spinal twist and a challenging posture that grants relief from stress and anxiety whereas head to knee forward bend helps to acquire respite from state of depression, anxiety, fatigue and headache.
Corpse pose: This posture is practiced at the end of every yoga session because it is an ultimate way to attain relaxation and provide nervous system a way to incorporate a short break from stresses of daily routine.
Tree pose: A basic standing posture that helps to balance body, calms racing mind and promotes mental concentration.
Legs up the wall pose: This simple and effective asana helps to bust anxiety by calming nervous system and helps to get rid from wandering thoughts.
Fish pose: According to recommendation of yoga journal fish pose is beneficial for reducing fatigue and anxiety.
Inversions: Inverted poses like headstand and shoulder headstand are challenging and require lots of practice. These are helpful for easing mind from stressors of life by reverse flow of blood and supply sufficient amount of oxygen to brain cells.
April 27, 2015
Yogic Practice for Anxiety - The Power and Peace of Relaxation
To the person suffering from stress, anxiety, or a panic attack, it may seem useless to hear advice about relaxation, but relaxation and normal sleep cycles are needed in order to live a healthy life. Anxiety work on us 24 hours a day and insomnia is a side effect of a mind suffering from angst.
The practice of yogic methodology unites body, mind, and spirit. One of the many gifts of a regular asana practice is the space to find the quiet place within; it is a guide for opening oneself to serenity and inner peace - providing an oasis in a challenging and busy world. Through executing these yogic methods, one manifests an inner illumination and clarity, a light to shine forth a serene spirit upon the world.
The Importance of Breath for Stress Relief
To begin, concentrate on your breath. The breath is always in the here and now. Let your breath become slow, oceanic; follow the gentle wave of the breathe. Inhale, hold, and exhale completely. Allow your mind to empty. Feel the joy of the complete breath.
Poses for Relaxing Your Mind
Here are four simple poses to enhance your meditation practice or improve your sleep cycles. Relax into any or all of them. (Try them for 5-15 minutes or as feels comfortable.)
Corpse Pose (Shavasana). On your yoga mat, lie on your back. Extend your legs, hip length apart. Lengthen the spine. Arms should rest against your sides, palms upwards. Scan your body for any stress, then allow it to flow away with the breath.
Easy Pose (Sukhasana). Sit on the floor, legs crossed. Feel your spine lengthen and straighten with the breath. Bring one heel towards your groin - the other heel may rest upon your leg or on the floor. Rest upturned hands upon the knees. Be with the moment; be with your breath. Relax.
Child’s Pose (Balasana). Kneel on the yoga mat with the backs of your feet flat upon the mat. Rest on your heels. Then lean forward and place your forehead upon the mat. Arms by your sides, palms up. With each breath, feel calmness flow through your form.
Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani). Find a comfortable distance from the wall. Begin on your side, knees drawn up. You may use a blanket or a bolster for support (under the lower back). In a smooth motion, lift your legs so that they are aligned straight against the wall. Open the shoulder blades; lengthen the spine. Arms are against your sides, palms up. Breathe. With each breath cycle, allow the mind to clear and peace to enter.
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