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Yoga for Obesity
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July 12, 2010 - 8:29 am
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Hatha Yoga wasn't created to lose weight, but obesity in computer using societies is becomeing too commonplace. Big people are at higher risk for a heart attack. Hatha yoga has some good techniques that inadvertently help students control weight. There are various yoga asan like Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana, Veerasana, and Trikonasana, which are can result in weight reduction. Following few of them regularly will surely help you. Practice under the instruction of your guru or watch Paulji's online yoga videos until you learn techniques properly.


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July 15, 2011 - 7:08 pm
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The Secrets Of Yoga For Weight Loss

By Ashmin Singh

Did you know that, with regular yoga practice, you cannot only get your body in shape but also reduce excess pounds? The gentle movements activate your metabolism and function of internal organs. Besides this, you also strengthen your muscles with yoga.

Through the dynamics of the exercises, the circulation will be enhanced. Due to the physical exertion, the muscles burn more energy, which they get from your body' own resources. You should practice yoga every day or at least several times a week. In general, the longer and more often you train, the greater the effect.

Yoga, also helps people to accept their bodies as they are, and to activate, and involve the spirit while losing weight. The optimal body weight does not equal the desired ideal weight. Yoga has an extremely positive effect on the weight of a person. With yoga exercises, it is possible to get rid of some extra pounds, or to put some weight on, depending on the body type. The yoga motions stimulate the muscles so that sugar is burned with increased speed.

You will experience a change in the way you see health, when practicing yoga. The result is that you will develop an appetite for things that are beneficial for your body and soul. Moreover, you will find it easy choosing nutritious food and eating healthier.

Some yoga exercises are building lean muscle mass, which promote the general metabolism, too. However, if you want weight control, you should select a yoga class that is physically oriented. There are yoga styles that solely concentrate on relaxation, and there are fitness yoga styles, such as Power, Vinyasa, and Hatha Yoga.

Fact is that yoga can be, both, physical and mental activity in one. Still, no matter what kind of yoga you practice, the Indian Yogic approach is in no way comparable to other activities. Yoga can aid in reducing weight, keeping it stable, and preventing over weight, as well as obesity.

In a study, chosen subjects between the ages of 45 and 55 lost 1.5 pounds every week for about half an hour of yoga per day. The group that did not exercise gained a combined 4 pounds, in the same period of time.

Yoga creates strength and understanding for your body. You will learn quickly that your body is not an enemy, which you have to defeat, but that it is your home wherein you shall live in harmony. With this insight, the first steps have been taken toward a healthier and, therefore, fitter body.

All yoga teacher training programs should have a session devoted to the subject of lowering body weight. Many new students request this training, so it would be good for the yoga teachers to meet this demand.


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September 29, 2010 - 3:02 pm
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How to Practice Yoga Asanas for Weight LossBy Heath Jackson Most people wrestle with finding sustainable weight loss solutions over their entire lives. It's an ongoing battle for many of us. And no matter how much we are looking to lose, whether it be a significant amount of weight, such as 25 lbs or more, or just to rid our waistlines of those last 5 extra pounds, it's all many of us can think about it. A long term lifestyle management approach to weight loss has emerged that integrates both the foods you eat from a dieting perspective and the exercise you undertake to burn calories. The concept of performing yoga asanas for weight loss, which incorporates both strenuous and passive yoga poses, can be an effective element for weight control combined with a diet focused on natural foods. The primary goal is to work into a lifestyle change that supports an ongoing weight management method that can be sustained over time.Generally speaking most people don't think of yoga as a type of exercise routine that burns calories and supports weight loss. But it can. Many power forms of yoga, such as Ashtanga and Vinyasa for example, work the body out by focusing on the development of large scale muscle groups such as the legs, shoulders and back. Gentler yoga routines, like Hatha, can also be just as beneficial. Whatever yoga asanas for weight loss that you practice, they must be combined with a healthy diet that incorporates natural, whole foods. This approach works together with a regular yoga routine to achieve maximum weight loss. Most importantly, this also takes into account both the physiological and psychological components of eating, exercise and motivation for successful weight loss and ongoing weight management. And it does if for the long term.Practicing Yoga Asanas for Weight LossYoga is a very easy exercise and physical fitness approach that anyone can start practicing. Aside from attending a local class or reading instruction books, there are now a wide variety of video examples you can view online. You do not need to go to a yoga studio to get started, although there is a benefit in attending an instructor lead class. It's also worth stating that yoga is a very low impact exercise so your body can get used to different yoga exercise routines at a comfortable pace. Here is some practical advice you can follow to begin incorporating yoga poses into a weight loss and exercise regimen: While practicing any yoga pose or asana focus on how you feel physically. Don't worry about having to "feel pain" to see results. Simply by starting yoga you can begin to feel positive body changes that starts you down the path of losing weight with exercise. Try as much as possible to be in the moment. Feel every movement you perform as this will get you into the process of actively listening to your body. Be aware of the places your muscles feel challenged and make sure not overly exert them. You want to push your muscles without hurting yourself. Listen to your body and rest when you are tired. Allow yourself to recover. This is often referred to as internal listening and is very beneficial in practicing yoga asanas for weight loss. The effort your are making is worthwhile so praise yourself for it. You can keep yourself motivated by acting as your own personal cheerleader. You are developing a better you. Yoga asanas can be practiced by all age groups over the long term. Regular practice also develops qualities like discipline, patience and self awareness, allowing you to develop both inside and out.Diet Plays a Role in Yoga Asanas for Weight LossThe other major component of any long term weight management approach is a diet that works in concert with exercise. Maintaining a regular workout is great but if you are not following a healthy diet and eating natural foods, no yoga asana routine will help you lose weight. On its own, a proper diet is very challenging for most people to embrace as part of their lifestyle routine. And there is so much competing advice about what makes for a good diet it complicates the goal of making weight loss more achievable. Never the less, those that focus on eating the right foods, preferably unprocessed whole foods, can dramatically increase safe and healthy weigh loss. This type of diet, when combined with a regular and consistent yoga routine, provides for long term weight management.


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October 4, 2010 - 11:12 pm
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Here's How Yoga Can Help Flatten Your Stomach

By Paul Colin Bright

Most people wanting to lose weight have the same problematic areas and among the most difficult to solve is the abdominal, stomach, abs area. Excess fat in these areas seem to be one of the toughest to reduce and flatten. With all the abs exercise devices out in the market today, various machines that promise to solve your stomach fat problems - are they really effective and worth all the dollars you will spend for them? Most of the time, these devices are not as effective as their makers claim them to be. The reason for this is that to correctly, effectively, and efficiently reduce fat in your abs, you need to know how this area of your body works. Fortunately, yoga may be of great help for these problem areas.

The stomach area has mostly two important parts that we need to learn about - the fat and the muscle parts. The difference between the two is simple: muscles are made up of fibers that contract to produce movement and provide postural support. Fat on the other hand are excess calories that are mostly stored on top of muscle tissues. Fat needs to be removed and muscles need to be tightened. Can it be done? Yes it can. With the proper diet, the right type of exercise, the right attitude and commitment, a flat stomach is attainable.

Yoga exercises that target the abs are a wonderful way to start lessening your flab while increasing muscle tone in the stomach area. Because yoga positions are able to target certain parts of your body, your stomach problems may be concentrated on if you know which yoga positions work best. And there are a lot, from beginners positions to more difficult and challenging ones. Start off easy and gradually move into the more complex ones.

Some of the more popular yoga positions that target the abdominal region are: bow pose, crow pose, sun salutations, peacock pose, one legged crane meditative pose, shoulder stand pose, the wheel, and standing forward bend. These yoga positions are great for removing excess fat in the stomach region and for toning the abdominal area.

Together with a healthy diet, these yoga positions will surely help you in your quest to lessen those excess bulges in your stomach area. No need to buy those expensive abs products in the market, no need to shell out hundreds of dollars to help firm your muscles. All you really need is commitment and a positive attitude to get those 6-packs!

Do you want to learn firming yoga positions?

If you do, visit us here at and get expert tips on how to flatten your stomach easily!


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October 13, 2010 - 12:28 am
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There are numerous types of Yoga. Some physical styles can help you lose weight, while other meditative forms of will not help you lose weight. Yoga is an acctivity where you release stress. It is the common form of exercise for professionals and mid-aged women. Yoga also aids in improving your physical and mental well-being. The increase of yoga teacher training tells you this is a popular activity. Yoga is everywhere - in churches, schools, gyms, senior center or outdoors. Yoga is the ultimate ways to train a healthy mind and body.

The following physical styles will help you burn calories.

Ashtanga Yoga

Bikram Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga

Power Yoga

These forms of Yoga are powerful exercise minded classes to become fit and healthy. You must have patience because the results will not be seen overnight. You have to be consistent in your practice.


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November 26, 2010 - 4:24 pm
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Can You Really Do Yoga To Lose Weight?

By Carly Marx

When people think of the various exercises they can do to lose weight, they often think of riding a bike or running for miles on end. They may think of jumping rope or doing crunches. But what they may not think of is using yoga to lose weight. That is sad, because yoga can be a calming, motivating way to finally get to a healthy weight without putting a lot of impact on your joints.

Yoga has been used for centuries, not only for physical exercise but as a spiritual awakening and method of grounding the body and soul to one another. As a beginner, you will learn ways to link your breathing to your movements, letting you really feel your body so that you are more attune to its needs. And while you are not moving fast, you will really feel the effects of the practice when you are done.

While you may use yoga to lose weight as an exercise program, you will also find it is a mental boost especially when it comes to reaching and attaining the goals that you set for yourself. There might be one pose that you just cannot get during your early practices but you keep at it, working until finally you do get it right. Then you move onto a more difficult pose and more and more as you grow and change. You gain strength and balance and more control over your body. Soon, you are able to make better food choices for yourself because you want to feel healthy and strong, not sluggish and bloated.

After you have learned the beginning poses, you will be able to move into more advanced yoga that will allow you to use linking movements to go from one pose to another in one fluid movement that engages and stretches muscles that have long been forgotten or overlooked. You are so busy concentrating on your balance and your breathing that you don't realize that you are sweating and when you are done, when you get to lay down in corpse pose and restore yourself, you will reflect on how energized and revitalized you suddenly feel.

The next time you come to the mat, you will find some of the poses are so much easier to hit and to hold and you will be relishing the thought of the more difficult ones. Yoga becomes more than just an exercise that you have to do, it is about a state of mind that you want to get back to.

Learn To Do Yoga Weight Loss It is possible. At Strip That Fat you will be taught about healthy eating and exercise you can do for the long-term.


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June 4, 2011 - 11:45 pm
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There are many reasons to implement a yoga routine into your weekly schedule. Many people focus on the increase of flexibility and balance that is sure to be seen by those who practice yoga regularly. While it is definitely true that avid yoga participants are more flexible and balanced than when they first begin, there are other physical benefits of yoga. There are many different methods for attempting to lose weight, but if you want to appreciate all the other spiritual, mental and physical benefits of yoga, you can choose this as your method of weight loss. The reduction of weight you experience will be based on what type of yoga you choose and the diet you adopt.

There are a couple types of yoga that are specifically geared toward helping participants lose weight. One is called hot yoga. By practicing yoga in a room that is well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit with an instructor who has hot yoga certification, you can see a quick drop in pounds. Of course, this is primarily water weight since you will sweat more performing hot yoga than other forms. Many people love this method because it loosens up your muscles and helps you relax. You cannot count on the temporary, quick loss of pounds offered by hot yoga, however.

For a more intense weight loss program, you can choose power yoga, also known as ashtanga yoga. Athletes and others who want to see a quick and permanent physical change choose this type of yoga for its increased emphasis on cardiovascular activity. This is also a great type of yoga to pursue if you want to obtain training to be a yoga teacher. The sequences of poses you learn will help you be able to practice yoga wherever you are and whenever you want.

Your diet will also be critical for you to lose weight. You may try to eat things you know are healthy, like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free, organic products, but the simple fact is that the earth's soils are not what they used to be. The combination of genetically engineered food and the depleted nutrients in the soil is leading to less and less healthy foods, even if they are organic. That is why your yoga for weight loss should be coupled with as healthy of a diet as you can muster along with the right dietary supplements to help counter the nutrient-lacking foods available today.


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June 8, 2011 - 12:18 am
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Yoga is good for helping obese students. Yoga can enhance the flexibility of the body along with agility and coordination as well as assist people get an ideal figure. Yog is becoming popular day by day among people as they are becoming more and more fitness conscious. You can browse internet to learn different yogasanas and various sequences that help people with reducing weight. If you cannot afford the regular teacher classes or a fancy retreat then distance classes for learning yoga are still there that provides yoga certification for those people who want to learn this art but they cannot afford to pay huge fees of private institutes.

The Students want to make their career as a yoga trainer. Yoga certification is necessary to get a job as a yoga trainer. This profession is becoming famous among youngsters, who love to maintain good health and are curious to know more about yoga postures. With the increasing hectic lifestyle, jet-set trends and lack of time for people, many of us are now suffering from the ill effects of such a lifestyle. From obesity to heart disease, a bad lifestyle and fast food joints have wreaked havoc on our bodies.

Due to this several people are now becoming more and more aware of their body and how they can improve their quality of life. People are now gradually getting inclined towards meditation and Yoga as it has several proven health benefits. This positive change has also brought along with an increased demand for quality yoga teachers. A health oriented individual who has Yoga certification can make the best of this opportunity.

In order to become a certified Yoga instructor, it is important to check that the program is well developed. From the basic level to the Expert level different programs are offered for different levels. If you cannot afford the high fees of these regular classes then you can go for distance learning programs of yoga training as there are institutes such as Aura that offer their teacher training services online. It's cheaper as well as allows you to get your yoga certification while training at home. Prior to enroll yourself to any online programs from any institute, make sure that the particular institute is a recognized by the Better Business Bureau (BBB). One can check with different BBB websites online and check the yoga teacher training programs and get complete information. I went online to check on yoga alliance and found they have an F rating with the BBB on yoga certification.

You just need to make a thorough search online about these websites. Online was a good option for people who have too much work and cannot attend regular yoga training programs. Yoga training at an ashram needs complete dedication of time and money.


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December 2, 2012 - 12:44 am
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When you practice yoga, you might have a specific goal in mind. Perhaps you practice to be more flexible in a certain area of your body, maybe you practice to release stress in a healthy way or maybe you want to gain strength in your arms and shoulders. As you get further along in your practice, you probably begin to see the results you were after along with some other, unexpected, results. Although weight loss isn't a typical result of yoga, it can happen under the right circumstances.

If you're over weight and looking for a way to lose extra pounds, aerobic activity is the key. In order to lose weight, the body needs to burn more calories than it is taking in. Those numbers vary depending on how much weight you want to lose, how many calories you're eating and how many you're burning. Yoga is not typically considered an aerobic activity, unless you're talking about power yoga or another more vigorous form of yogic exercise.

While yoga training certainly doesn't hinder weight loss, it is not going to be a key factor in losing large amounts of weight. It will help tighten the body's muscle and give you greater flexibility, which can contribute to weight loss when combined with heart-pumping, sweat-inducing activities.

Yoga will, however, prevent weight gain. Once you have reached a healthy weight and you want to maintain it, asana can be an effective part of an overall healthy lifestyle. When coupled with a healthy diet, a regular yoga routine can keep you feeling strong, flexible and stress-free.

If you're interested in adding yoga to your weight loss routine, give it a try, but follow some important steps. First, make sure you take in the appropriate number of calories for your body. Next, perform a heart-pumping aerobic activity several times a week so you are exerting more calories than you're taking in. Finally, add a yoga training routine as a supplement to the rest of the regime. Perform asana once or twice a week to ease sore muscles, free your mind and promote motivation. Yoga will help build strength and flexibility, which will help you during your other aerobic activities.


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November 21, 2015 - 10:26 pm
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Can yoga help obesity? Obesity is one of the harmful health condition that is often a result of stressful livelihood and unhealthy food intake. The accumulation of excess fat stored in body results in gaining weight by consuming lots of calories and utilizing or burning not enough of them. Obesity is said to be one of the major factor for increasing risk of having life threatening diseases like diabetes, heart attack, thyroid problem, physical imbalances and other mental or emotional disorders.

According to WHO website fact sheet, the problem of being obese has nearly two times increased since 1980 worldwide. In the year 2008 around 200 million men and 300 million women are reported in the category of obesity. To fight against obesity is very much important therefore it is required to cut out things or activities that are dangerous for our health and adopt behaviors, food plans and regular physical workouts beneficial for our body wellbeing.

Health experts and medical practitioners recommend ancient practice of yoga as a natural pathway for combating obesity and rebuilding healthy body. The therapeutic techniques of yoga are based on promoting holistic livelihood, improved diet plans and physical regime. They mainly focus on maintaining better function of internal organs, endocrine glands, brain and other vital organs related to health of body. It is the best physical workout routine for treating obesity because it works on aspects of gaining weight issues. The practice of various physical postures with controlled breath is an utterly harm free, natural, permanent and beneficial weight reducing therapy. The regular practice of these exercises makes a person agile, slim and fit. The exercises support in achieving control on mind and behaviors so that one can easily get control over food intake and transforming life style for weight reduction. This physical activity is suitable for people belonging to any age group.

The yoga techniques helpful for shedding excessive weight from body according to yoga magazine are stated as follows:

  1. The series of Pawanamuktasana that include utthanpadasana, chakrapadasana, and padasanchalana are suggested to be the best asanas for digestive system. These asanas help to eliminate excess fat stored in abdomen, hips and thighs and burn down fat rich tissue Omentum, a layer of peritoneum in abdomen.
  2. Practicing series of Shakti Bandha asanas (Gatyatmak meru vakrasana, chakki chalana and nauka sanchalana) are also effectual in reducing obesity. These poses massage abdominal muscles and mobilize extra fat tissues in them.
  3. Vajrasana itself and series related to it like cat stretch pose, tiger pose, camel pose, striking cobra pose and pose of moon are helpful in strengthening digestive and endocrine system.
  4. The suryanamaskara series is said to be the most essential and dynamic asanas for treating obesity. These poses help to correct metabolic imbalances that perpetuate obesity.
  5. Paranayama breathing techniques are also recommended for treating weight gain issue, the dynamic patterns bhastrika and kapal bhati, balancing paranayama ujjayi and nadi shodhana help to stimulate metabolism in body. The cooling and relaxing pattern sheetali and sheetkari practice help to influence different hypothalamic centers responsible for controlling feeling of thirst, urge and satisfaction of food.
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March 7, 2019 - 4:07 am
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I am a yoga instructor and want to share my yoga knowledge here in this platform. If you want to learn yoga, then i must prefer you to join Yoga Teacher Training in India where you will learn deep aspects of yoga.

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