There are five requirements for the Restorative Yoga Teacher’s Diploma Course: 1. The foundational written exam is based upon the study of two teacher’s texts and contains a 50 question essay format test.
You can Email any completed exam in a Word document, PDF, or cut and paste your exam into the body of your Email. You can also send your exam by regular postal mail.
2. The Practical Exam is a video of you teaching Yoga for at least 60 minutes. It should contain asanas, pranayama, modifications, assisting a partner on alignment, cueing skills, and a meditation or relaxation sequence. You can send your practical exam in Video Stream, VHS/NTC, VCD, or DVD format.
3. Your Essay should be about Yoga, and its relation to any specific health topic (for example: Yoga for seniors, Yoga for chemical addictions, Yoga for diabetes, or a field you have passion for). Your essay could also be an overview of Yoga and its relationship to health. Your “Yoga and health” essay should also be at least three pages long, single spaced.
4. The Modifications and Props exam contains 25 questions. Most of them are in relation to Yogic prescriptions for ailments. The Anatomy and Physiology exam is also contains 25 questions. It is basically foundational information for any Yoga teacher who wants to know a bit more about anatomy. 5. A Yoga Teacher’s ethics agreement is also included for you to return with your exams.
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