coping with angerBy Faye Martins

How can yoga help children coping with anger? Children are at a stage in life where they are still trying to learn to manage and control their emotions. Any challenging situation, which frustrates them, can lead to anger; and before they, or their parents, have a chance to prevent it, they can fall into a full-blown temper tantrum. Learning to manage intense emotions, and to control their reactions, will help children face challenges, without frustration and anger. Yoga is one tool which can help them manage their lives with less emotional turmoil.

The practice of Yoga, through the union of postures, breathing practices, relaxation, and meditation, gradually teaches practitioners, children, and adults alike, how to gain control of both their body and mind. Since anger is all about loss of self-control, acquiring techniques, for maintaining control during emotional situations, allows children to constructively manage life’s many situations, without resorting to anger and negative reactions.

Since self-discipline is a strong component of kids Yoga practice, children learn to discipline themselves in many ways, which also includes their emotional energy. When practicing Yoga, children are taught to hold a specific asana, to breathe a certain way, and to harness their emotional energy flow. Through Yoga practice, children learn how to constructively release their tension and calm down.

Each child coping with anger then learns to apply all these integral parts of a Yoga practice to life, which prepares him or her to face frustrating situations, without letting anger get out of control. In this way, children learn to mindfully consider each situation, while employing breathing exercises (pranayama) to calm down and maintain emotional integrity. As a result, children learn to make rational decisions and to take time to consider the results of their actions. This Yogic self-discipline takes time to learn, but prevents emotional episodes from escalating, because children are not further stressed by an adult ordering them to calm down.

Another way that Yoga training helps children with anger management is through its peaceful, centering effects. Mental well-being and general contentment are the results of a regular Yoga practice for all practitioners of all ages. These good feelings do not end when a child leaves a session or a studio. A content, centered child learns to face tough situations, without losing emotional control.

During the practice of Yoga, children learn empathy and connection with the world around them; they learn to think about how others feels, which also helps them when reacting to any situation. Before resorting to anger, a child, who practices Yoga, will usually be able to see the situation from the other side. In some cases, he or she will be able to identify how the other person feels, and perhaps, this will help the child find ways to deal with the situation in a focused manner, which prevents emotional outbursts.


Many children will need help coping with anger. It is only a natural part of life for children to enter into a quest to find their place in life; but Yogic methodology is a non-medicated solution for maintaining emotional health, while they are on the journey.

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