By Faye Martins
Yoga teachers work in a wide variety of settings, ranging from residential homes to urban studios. To meet the demands of students who have specific needs or interests, many instructors offer private lessons. Depending on the number of clients and the setting, teaching private lessons may also require business savvy, such as marketing and record keeping skills.
Four Reasons to Teach Private Classes
• Walking into a classroom where students are more advanced or fit can be intimidating for first-time Yoga students. Private classes give them a head start.
• The world is embracing Yoga as a tool for coping with disabilities and staying healthy, but no two students are alike. In private classes, one-on-one programs can be custom-designed to suit each student.
• Private classes provide immediate feedback for the student, assuring that students learn poses correctly in order to avoid injuries and maximize benefits. A private setting also gives instructors a chance to gain valuable information from students.
• Individual instruction allows instructors to focus on areas of Yoga training that are often neglected in the studio. Examples are pranayama, meditation, chakra theory, mudras and spirituality. In some cases, students are looking for guidance with stress management, controlling body weight or a specific aspect of fitness.
• Private instruction usually accommodates a more flexible schedule than regular classes and may increase hourly income, two important advantages for instructors.
Your research, mock classes and practice, with just one friend, during Yoga teacher training prepares you for teaching private classes. Reliable online sources also provide a goldmine of information about how to start out. Private instructors have all the qualities of any good Yoga teacher, but there are a few basics that make private sessions more successful.
Four Things Private Instructors Need to Know
• Teachers working in private homes and other meeting places need liability insurance to protect them and their students.
• Class should be well planned and geared to individual students. Good teachers know how to deal with different personalities and learning styles. They must also be familiar with human anatomy and health issues.
• Marketing is crucial to success. After teachers get established, word-of-mouth is often the best way to gain new students, but new endeavors may require more aggressive advertising in the beginning.
• To be successful, every teacher needs a business plan and a working knowledge of how to operate a small business.
As their clientele grows, Yoga instructors learn to adapt sessions and market themselves to fit the niches in which they feel most comfortable.
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Private classes provide immediate feedback for the student, assuring that students learn poses correctly in order to avoid injuries and maximize benefits. Thanks for posting this informative article.