Prenatal and Kids Yoga

Children’s Yoga

Paul's childrens yoga cert is very helpful. After working with children for over 15 years I am always looking for ways to incorporate play with exercise for my clients and their families. After the class I began to look for ways to encourage this with yoga using imagination for the positions and what that might [...]

2017-04-20T12:42:09-04:00Comments Off on Children’s Yoga

Pre and Postnatal Yoga Diploma

Hi Paul, Thank you so much for sending my Pre and Postnatal Diploma so promptly. It really is a lovely certificate. I absolutely loved the course, and loved working with and getting to know Jane. I will highly recommend Aura Yoga teacher training to anybody who might be looking for a new direction. Thank you [...]

2015-05-05T16:09:48-04:00Comments Off on Pre and Postnatal Yoga Diploma

Prenatal and Postnatal Teacher Certificate with Aura Yoga

I completed the Prenatal and Postnatal Teacher Certificate with Aura Yoga this past year. I am honored to take this opportunity to extend my thoughts on this yoga instructor program. Having completed two other on-line courses also, it gave me an opportune time to reflect upon the needs of the students in this situation of [...]

2015-05-05T16:08:43-04:00Comments Off on Prenatal and Postnatal Teacher Certificate with Aura Yoga

I was trying to find a Prenatal course…

Paul, I’m sorry this has taken me so long to write with some thoughts on the Prenatal Yoga teacher training course. I live in Montana. Our studio was getting more and more pregnant women coming to class. I was trying to find a Prenatal course that would help me to be able to safely incorporate [...]

2015-05-05T16:07:45-04:00Comments Off on I was trying to find a Prenatal course…

prenatal yoga teacher training course

Paul, I just finished the prenatal yoga teacher training course. I wanted to tell you how happy I am with the course. Jane is a great instructor. She is tough but fair. She really knows what she is doing. She is compassionate and I really enjoyed working with her. I learned so much. Thank you [...]

2015-05-05T16:06:47-04:00Comments Off on prenatal yoga teacher training course

format of AURA Yoga’s Prenatal Teacher Certification Course…

I had received some prenatal training when I went through my Hatha Yoga teacher certification program. I had read the books and had been teaching prenatal yoga for a year before I decided to get this special certification through AURA Yoga. So I thought this course would be a breeze, but I was challenged in [...]

2015-05-05T16:05:41-04:00Comments Off on format of AURA Yoga’s Prenatal Teacher Certification Course…

the AURA Wellness prenatal yoga teacher certification course has changed my life

When I first decided to specialize in prenatal yoga, I was told by many people in the local studios to expect very low class numbers and a good deal of resistance from physicians. Because of the great love that I have always had for anything to do with babies, I decided to go ahead and [...]

2015-05-05T16:01:03-04:00Comments Off on the AURA Wellness prenatal yoga teacher certification course has changed my life

Aura Wellness’ Kids Yoga Certification

Namaste Dr. Paul, I wanted to take the time to send you a testimonial for my experience with Aura Wellness’ Kids Yoga Certification: The program, literature, DVD’s, and support truly made for a phenomenal experience. I have been teaching for four months, and already run my own small business, renting space at a local wellness [...]

2015-05-05T16:11:13-04:00Comments Off on Aura Wellness’ Kids Yoga Certification

Kid’s Yoga Teacher

Aura Yoga taught me to be a Kid’s Yoga Teacher. For the last couple months I studied the books and DVDs which were included in the Aura Package. The books were exciting and led my journey through yoga history, philosophy, asanas and practice. Paul was a wonderful mentor and answered all my questions immediately. Thank [...]

2015-05-05T16:12:32-04:00Comments Off on Kid’s Yoga Teacher

Aura Kids Yoga Training Program

My name is Denise Sheridan and I would like to give you a testimonial about Aura Yoga Kids Yoga Training program. I am a busy mum of two and run a preschool service for13 children aged from 2-5. I have practiced yoga myself for over 5 years and began self teaching my daughter about 2 [...]

2015-10-09T19:02:03-04:00Comments Off on Aura Kids Yoga Training Program
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