Paul’s childrens yoga cert is very helpful. After working with children for over 15 years I am always looking for ways to incorporate play with exercise for my clients and their families. After the class I began to look for ways to encourage this with yoga using imagination for the positions and what that might look like. My research was on ADD and and yoga. My recertification research paper became a way to incorporate yoga with play called Froga Yoga at the Pond. I think the reading assignments for the class were helpful to know the history of Yoga, but I see the exercise of yoga with practice and the positions most interesting in the use of calming, strengthening and stretching. Those children with muscle limitations, muscle coordination and behavior challenges can also benefit. To fully understand this take a yoga class for yourself and experience the physiological effect for yourself. Parents of challanged children need this more than anyone! Offering a class for kids alongside an adult class is invaluable! Also in Ontario Canada parents of developmentally delayed children are given a waver to write off expenses for OT, PT… and even Yoga for their families needs. The practice of yoga should no longer be ignored as just another religious practice.