Yoga Business FAQs

Could I actually make a good living, owning a yoga studio? I work for the Post Office now, with 14 years in, so a change like this would be pretty radical!

You would want to build your business as an independent contractor first. In this course, you will find 16 ways to grow your business with little or no overhead. When you build up enough accounts, the decision to of whether or not to open your own independent Yoga studio will be clear. This has been [...]

I already have a yoga studio, purchased your Yoga business pack, and am making great progress with the Yoga materials you sent me. Do you have Yoga marketing and business coaching services available?

Yes, we do have Yoga marketing and business coaching services, but due to demand, Paul has only a few openings available to work with Yoga teachers or Yoga studios. Paul will work with you for one hour a month by phone and you will receive unlimited Email support. Space is definitely limited. You may want [...]

2010-06-17T08:01:32-04:00Categories: Yoga Business FAQs, YOGA TEACHER FAQs|0 Comments

I have an opportunity to teach Yoga at a local health club. What is the best way for me to go about negotiating an agreement? I just want a mutually beneficial agreement with the health club management.

A flat, hourly rate is nice; and rates do depend on the location where you live. However, the best way to work with a fitness center is to get a percentage of the class fees. Generally speaking, health clubs try to get 50%, so they want a 50/50 split. Some Yoga teachers are getting 60% [...]

Once I am a Certified Yoga Teacher, how should I start opening my business?

Learn to Market Yourself: Learn everything you can about marketing and take charge of it. This will be one of your most expensive overhead costs, especially when you do any paid advertising. In a small “mom and pop” type business, you can’t afford to ignore marketing and advertising costs. If you already have the money, [...]

2010-06-17T08:01:32-04:00Categories: Yoga Business FAQs, YOGA TEACHER FAQs|0 Comments

I graduated from a Yoga Teacher Training School in India. What will I need to start a Yoga business in New York?

You will do well, in New York, as a graduate of a Yoga teacher training school from India. This is an excellent opportunity and a valuable point you will want to make in all of your marketing materials. The first questions an ashram or health club, in the States, will ask is: Did your Yoga [...]

If you truly love teaching, you should teach for free. How can you justify charging for Yoga instructor training?

My friend, I want to thank you for the opportunity to answer your sincere question. Firstly, I have had the experience of teaching free yoga classes in parks and holding down a full time job, at the same time. Many of those students really didn't see a value in free Yoga. It was just something [...]

I am from South Africa and teach Yoga to my best friend once a week. Do I really need to be registered to teach Yoga?

In answer to your question, " No, you don't have to be registered. The type of 'unofficial' Yoga practice you mention exists, even in strictly regulated countries." One of the main reasons Yoga teachers go through a certification process and later another registration process, is to cover themselves from potential malpractice or negligence lawsuits. A [...]

Teaching Hatha Yoga – When Should You Teach Free Yoga Classes?

By Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 Sometimes, Yoga instructors are asked to teach classes for free; there is nothing wrong with giving your time for free, but this brings up many more underlying issues. Are “true Yogis” obligated to teach for free because anyone who would accept payment is violating the fifth Yama: Aparigraha? What is [...]

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