How to Teach Yoga

Teaching Yoga for Student Skeletal Health

One part of the anatomy section in a Yoga teacher training program to watch closely is why the skeletal system is so important during asana practice. In short, our bodies are uniquely different and skeletons are almost as unique as finger prints. As we age, our bones naturally become stiff and brittle.

Teaching Yoga to Students Over 60

There are so many types of Yoga teacher training intensives to choose from and there are so many different groups to teach. Young teachers may think everyone over 60 should be in a chair based class. Experienced teachers know that mobility and flexibility are the factors that decide who uses a chair and who uses a mat.

Teaching Yoga for Deep Relaxation

If you teach vinyasa, hot or power Yoga classes, you might not get many requests for an expanded relaxation segment. Specific classes attract specific students. That said, if you just completed a restorative Yoga teacher training course, the end of your classes should focus on deep relaxation.

Teaching Yoga Exercise for Healthy Joints

During most Yoga teacher training courses, the health of the skeletal body and it's relationship with asana is covered. The weak links within the skeletal body are our joints. Our joints are the areas of the body in which bones are joined together, and this allows bones to glide freely and painlessly.

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