How to Teach Yoga

When Students Ask About Yoga and Religion

Yoga is a form of exercise that not only benefits the body, but benefits the mind as well. It has often been used as a way to open up spiritual growth. However, that doesn't necessarily make it a religion, as it depends upon exactly what a person wants to get out of his or her practice.

Teaching Yoga in Schools: Easing Test Anxiety

As a Yoga instructor, do remember to include the practice of pranayama into your classes. These breathing exercises are fundamental to soothing and balancing the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. This balance promotes both the calming and energizing effects of a great Yoga class.

Teaching Yoga in the Office

Now more than ever, Yoga instructors can be found teaching Yogic exercise, posturing, stretching, relaxation, stress management, meditation and pranayama, within office surroundings. As humans have made advancements in technology, machines do much of the world's industrial and agricultural work.

Yoga Training Tips For Medical Professionals

You've just finished your Yoga certification course and an exciting opportunity has landed at your feet. A friend gave you a reference at a nearby medical building and you have been chosen to teach a bunch of healthy medical professionals.

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