By Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500
As the global economy shifted money to protect banks, people hoped for miracles or leadership; but it became difficult for most of the public to witness miracles. At the same time, in Yoga classes, students kept attending for stress management and relief from panic attacks. Worry and fear can damage a whole society.
Many of us hope and pray for miracles. Some of us grew up hearing slogans, in the workplace, such as: “Work Hard, Be Faithful… You’ll Get Your Just Reward.” If we believed what we heard, we waited years for our just reward. Many people still wait for a miracle to happen or a just reward to fall into their laps.
Opportunities happen every day, but the untrained eye fails to see it. The problem being: Some of us became programmed to wait through long apprenticeships. Sooner or later, the company we worked for, would realize we took pride in our work, we worked hard, and we did a good job. We were programmed to wait for recognition.
Maybe the company we worked for closed, we became unemployed, or we became disenchanted with the company, and left. To quote James Dee Richardson: “If hard work were really a virtue, then mules would be saints.” Does this mean we should endorse laziness? Absolutely not – perseverance is a great quality, but each of us should develop enhanced skills to recognize opportunities and potential miracles.
A chair Yoga teacher, who sees students gain an extra 10 to 20 years of quality life, after recovering from serious health problems, can attest to seeing miracles on a daily basis.
The same can be said for Yoga instructors, who teach children, pregnant students, athletes, or any other student. Teaching others to see beyond illusion, and to manage their lives, is also a miracle. To train a student, who learns to manage his or her own mind, creates fertile ground for our students to discover epiphanies.
It is easy to believe we are all helpless, or to become discouraged, due to past failures. On the other hand, all forms of Yoga make personal development possible. Yoga gives each of us the ability to realistically balance our lives between obstacles and opportunities. To have balance in our lives, gives us a realistic view of the ups and downs of life.
Perseverance, expectations, and passion, are all good qualities that often lead to success, but they are only separate components – if one does not have the ability to act at the right time.
© Copyright 2010 – Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
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