Yoga education

Yoga Fitness in Our Schools

By Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 Ring the Bell, Pranayama is in Session How will Yoga fitness change schools? The rise of attention deficit disorder (ADD), decreasing emphasis on physical fitness, and the increasing stress levels of our children, worry us all. With this in mind, some educational programs and public schools are giving Yogic [...]

Yoga Education is an Economic Solution for World Health

Thanks to the Internet, Yoga education is now available for everyone with a computer. Online Yoga teacher training courses are helping anyone to become able to self-manage his or her health. Yoga continues to increase in mainstream popularity, as the ancient wisdom of a Yogic lifestyle becomes known to more and more people.

Yoga Certification Online or Traditional Training

There is nothing wrong with the evolution of yoga teacher training, but the traditional form of training took many years and is much less common today. There are many reasons for this. Family, work, and financial obligations, often top the list. Travel to India, to live in an ashram, may also tax one’s pocketbook and time.

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