first limb of yoga

First Limb of Yoga: The Fourth Yama – Brahmacharya

This is not an excuse to over indulge in everything, either. Even good foods can be consumed to excess. For example: We often hear that olive oil is good for you because of the Omega 6 value. This is true, but if we use it to excess, you will notice our waist lines expand rapidly. Salmon is good for Omega 3 value, but have you seen how quickly bears can gain size while eating a salmon rich diet? Too much of anything is not good. It all comes back to moderation in every avenue of life.

First Limb of Yoga: Ahimsa and Satyam

In ancient times, and today, bearing false witness against a neighbor could cause serious injustice, which could possibly result in capital punishment to an innocent person. This act would magnify the actual crime. If you look at the root words in Sanskrit, Sat means "true or real," while Ya means "ness." Another way to look at Satyam is to be real. For some people, this is easy; but for some other people, their ego does not allow them to be real. Look within and avoid deceiving others, but do not intentionally hurt others with the truth. Always be compassionate - especially, if the truth is going to hurt someone. Therefore, the truth is like a sword with two blades. Always be careful and use your best judgment.

Ahimsa – First Yama, First Limb

Unfortunately, history has documented far too many holocausts for us to ignore the right to defend oneself. To be humble on the outside, but bold within, is a much safer course when you plan your day. When you put your best foot forward, most people will respect you for it, but beware of those who see your good manners and kindness as a sign of weakness.

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