
How To Get Certified to Teach Yoga for Kids

By Foras Aje Ask Angela Bassett, Madonna and perhaps your next door neighbor carrying her yoga mat out of the trunk with the groceries, most stay-home moms have picked Yoga up as their method of keeping fit and maintaining physical, mental and emotional balance. Needless to say, when the see the apparent results most naturally [...]

Yoga Teachers, Prepare for the New Year’s Rush – Part 3

However, not everyone will like it, especially those students who have difficulty just sitting on one of these balls. Make sure anyone who is unsteady is made aware of the hazards. It is best for some to practice near a wall, or in the corner, for stability. In this case, the wall is a secondary prop. Suzanne Deason has some interesting information on using the "Balance Ball" as a prop, in DVD format

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